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By Staff | Jan 14, 2009

123 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Feb. 2, 1886

Mrs. Alexander Smith died at her home in Port Penn, on Saturday, January 30th, after a long and tedious illness.

Mrs. Catherine Peterman, wife of Mr. Frank F. Peterman, a prominent and well-known citizen of this Borough, died early Thursday morning, January 28, aged 71 years..

103 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Jan. 25, 1906

Cards have been issued by Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Graff, announcing the marriage of their daughter, Ida Kathryn, to Howard Waldron, on Monday, October 5th.

E. Robb Swenk, son of t. G. Swenk, of this place, and Miss Stella Shuman, of Beaver Valley, were married at the latter place on Saturday evening at 8 o’clock.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary-Jan. 25, 1934

3 cents

Two young women, and a child died early last Sunday as flames swept the home of Donald Ritter, son of C. L. Ritter a Huntington, West Va., capitalist and business man, formerly of this place. Mrs. Ritter, age 26, her daughter, Jeanne, age 10 months and Mrs. Ritter’s sister, Miss Gwendolyn Keifer, age 24, were suffocated by fumes as they lay in bed.

The various committees under Mr. Thomas Wood, general chairman, have completed all arrangements for the Birthday Ball in honor of President Theodore Roosevelt, to be held in the High School Gymnasium on Tuesday night, from 8:30 to 1:00 o’clock.

Rays-Miss Sarah Anderson daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Anderson, and Mr. Murray Laurenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd Laurenson, both of Muncy, were quietly united in marriage on Tuesday morning, January 23.

A marriage license was issued on Tuesday, January 23, at Hagerstown, Maryland, to Lester H. Lyons, age 21, of Opp, and Sylvia Lowe, age 19, of Muncy.

Births-None reported.

Deaths-Corson M. McClintock, age 41, son of Ellis McClintock, 14 North Market street of this place, died as the result of injuries sustained Saturday evening when the car in which he was riding crashed into a parked coupe, at the eastern end of Montoursville; Joseph D. Shick 4-year-old twin son of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Shick of Port Penn, died Tuesday following a brief illness; Ira Houseknecht, one of the oldest and best known citizens of his community, died at his home six miles east of Hughesville, Sunday morning; Millville lost one of its leading residents Friday afternoon in the Bloomsburg Hospital, in the death of C. LaRue Eves, active for years in that borough and widely known throughout this entire section of the state.

Ad-The Magic Cigarette Case Co. new smoking sensation hands you a lighted cigarette by touching a button Special price $3.98 cash of C.O.D. plus postage.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 15, 1959

5 cents

Dr. Sara A. Hall, a Muncy physician for nearly 30 years, is listed in the first edition of “Who’s Who of American Women,” recebntly published for the first time as a biographical reference dictionary of outstanding American women.

Personals-A surprise baby shower washeld last week at the home of Mrs. Gordon Wertman in honor of Mrs. Donald Berninger. Co-hostesses were Mrs. George Dietz and Mrs. John Dennen.

Thomas Springman, of Pennsdale, has been elected president of the Muncy township Volunter fire company. Other new officers are G. Robert Hofer, fire chief; Donald Gortner, vice president and first assistant chief; and Harold Drick, second assistant chief.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gresh, Muncy, daughter Cheryl Kay, Jan. 8; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peterman, Muncy son Kash, Jan. 9; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bower, Allenwood, daughter Jacqueline Anette, Jan. 9; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Propst, Montgomery, son John Irvin, jan. 10; Mr. and Mrs. Victor Robbins, Stillwater, son Jeffrey Wayde, Jan. 11; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferrell, Picture Rocks, daughter, Jan. 13; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kisinger, Eagles Mere, daughter, Jan. 14; Mr. and Mrs. John Gautsch, Muncy, daughter, Linda Sue, Jan. 14; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Darragh, Philadelphia, daughter, Jan. 12.

Deaths-Capt Benjamin H. Renn, retired U. S. army captain and be-ribboned hero of two World Wars, died at the Walter Reed hospital in Washington Jan. 10; Mrs. Mary Burchfield, wife of William R. Burchfield, died Jan. 8 at her home in Montgomery; Miss Helen Pearl Metzger, Montgomery, Jan. 8.

At the Ritz-Onionhead, starring Andy Griffith.

Ad-Legs of lamb, whole or half, 59 cents per pound; Jane Parker white bread, 17 cents per pound loaf.

25 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 19, 1984

25 cents

Jeanne Louise Little who worked as a typesetter at the Luminary, died last Friday, Jan. 13, after her car slid into a utility pole about a mile away from her home.

Lewis Bogart in just a few days is retiring from the postal service after a career spanning 30 years. It was back in December 1953, when Lew began his postal career, which except for a few brief detours has all been spent at the Muncy postal station.

Ad-Paul Wertman, attorney at law, Muncy.

10 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 20, 1999

35 cents

During the meeting of the Muncy School District Board of Education held Jan. 18, the contract of school superintendent, Dr. Priscilla Feir was renewed and extended for five years, beginning Jan. 2, 2000 through Jan. 1, 2005, at a salary of $90,000 plus benefits effective July 1, 1999.

Administration also aproved the retirements of four elementary teachers: Elaine Hacker, Leon McCaslin, Mary Ellen Rosebaum, and Ann Cole.

Christopher J. Ebner of Muncy Creek Township will seek nomination for the office of District Magistrate 29-3-03.

Births-Vicky Acor of Montgomery and Steve Shreck of Unityville, son, Dec. 10; Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hessert, Muncy, son, Jan. 6.

Deaths-John R. “Jack” Deppen, Hughesville, Jan. 13; Roy D. Bubb, Muncy, Jan. 15; Elizabeth H. Brittain, formerly of Bryn Mawr, Dec. 20; Claren W. J. Wheal, Hughesville, Jan. 13; Annadel C. Stine, Muncy, Jan. 17;Carl T. Keefer, Pennsdale, Dec. 15.