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Peeks at the Past (posted 1/21/09)

By Staff | Jan 21, 2009

123 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Feb. 12, 1886

The Union Rink which has just been converted into the “Muncy Opera House,” by the addition of a commodious stage and other improvements, will be formally opened by the Boston Dramatic company in the ever-popular play of Uncle Toms’s Cabin.

The Town Council passed a resolution, at their last meeting, to macadamize Water street between Main and Washington, and between Main and Market streets.

Married: At the residence of the bride’s parents in Clarkstown, on Thursday afternoon, February 4th, 1886, by Rev. J. R. Sample, Mr. John P. Michael and Miss Anna R. Beeber.

103 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Feb. 1, 1906

E. C. Willitts has purchased the hardware store of C. Brady Vandine, and has taken possession of the same. Ed is very well known here and his many friends wish him success in his new business.

W. G. Hartwick gave a special public exhibition of the merits of his superior washer to a large crowd in front of Tallman & McCarty’s store on Saturday.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary-Feb. 1, 1934

3 cents

The Izaak Walton Trout Pond Nursery is offered for sale. The directors, at the annual meeting recently held, were given the authority to sell if a purchaser can be found.

A very good crowd turned out at the Muncy High School Auditorium on Tuesday night for the President’s birthday Ball, and everyone present voted it about the nicest affair held in Muncy for some time.

C. Raymond (“Chippy”) Renn, of this place, escaped with minor injuries, early Friday morning when his car left the highway about a mile north of Muncy, struck a bank, and was overturned. Although the machine was badly wrecked Mr. Renn’s injuries were slight.

Rays-Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frey quietly celebrated their thirty-fist wedding anniversary, Sunday, January 28.

Doris Taylor, 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Taylor, of this place, was taken to the Williamsport Hospital Saturday morning to have X-ray pictures taken of an injured leg which she suffered while roller skating on Friday. The X-ray revealed that the leg was fractured.

Miss Dorothy Irene Feigles, daughter of Mrs. Stephen Feigles, and Wm. Breneisen, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Breneisen, both of Muncy, were united in married Monday evening at 7:00 o’clock.

Births-To Mr. and Mrs. William R. Pegg, at the Muncy Valley Private Hospital, on Monday, a daughter named Nancy Jessica.

Deaths-Nelson Edmonds died at the home of his son, Alson Edmonds, at Clarkstown, yesterday morning, aged 81 years, 1 month and 9 days.

Ad-Wanted-Bicycle, in good condition. Moderate in price. Grover Heilman, 100 New St., Muncy.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 22, 1959

5 cents

Capture of a lion’s share of the poultry awards, plus a first place for the Muncy area trio in 4-H potato judging marked the local winnings for the final two days of the State Farm Show in Harrisburg. Paul Seibert Jr., showing bantams with the same prowess of his father in previous years, really copped honors, but he also shared some winnings in the poultry division with Clifton Smith, of Hughesville, and Gary Womelsdorf, Muncy area youngster.

Ashurst Manor Inn has received national recognition in the new (1959) edition of “Duncan Hines Adventures in Good Eating” just off the press. It is the only restaurant in the Muncy area included among the 3,500 selected restaurants recommended out of total one-third million eating places in North America.

The Golden Rule Grocery, operated independently in Muncy by Elmer and Elsie Barbour since 1936 will be closed permanently after Feb. 7. The grocery business has been the life of Mr. Barbour for nearly 40 years.

Personals-George M. Brelsford has returned to his home from the Muncy Valley Hospital, following injuries sustained in an automobile collision last week-end. He suffered head and chest injuries.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sasso, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Yurchak and Mrs. K. O. Searfoss attended the graduation exercises Monday at Bloom Teachers when Matthew Sasso was among those receiving a degree.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. George Weaver, Muncy, daughter Betsy Jane, Jan. 14; Mr. and Mrs. VanDorn Wertman Jr., Muncy, daughter Julie Audrey, Jan. 15; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Stugart, Hughesville, son Dale Eugene Jan. 16; Mr. and Mrs. James Fenstermaker, Muncy, son James Blaine, Jan. 17; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Widell Jr., Picture Rocks, son ARthur Oakland, Jan. 17; Mr. and Mrs. Marlan Bennett, Montgomery, son, Jan. 20; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robbins, Watsontown, daughter, Jan. 20; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Booth, Eagles Mere, son, Jan. 19; Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Bennett, Montgomery, son, Jan. 20; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rorick, Danville, daughter, Jan. 20; Mr. and Mrs. William F. Reynolds, Montgomery, daughter, Jan. 14.

Deaths-Mrs. Mary Grange, wife of local barber Lester Grange, Jan. 14; Mrs. Laura Harding, county native, Jan. 14; Cliford A. Morgan, formerly of Hughesville, Jan. 15.

At the Ritz-Houseboat, starring Cary Grant and Sophia Loren.

Ad-Campbell’s tomato soup, 6 cans, 67 cents; pork loins, 39 cents per pound.

25 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 25, 1984

25 cents

Muncy borough council approved a proposed ordinance on the curbing project for Main Street which provides that curbing will be done from Hugh Street to the borough line. Property owners must either provide curbing or sign a waiver permitting the borough to recurb the property at the owner’s expense.

It isn’t likely that the name of Garrett Brown is a household word for area readers, yet this Muncian by adoption is the hottest technical wizard in the field of electronic journalism and seems destined for even greater things in the years ahead.

Garry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Brown, of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., and his mother is the former Fannie Wood, a native Muncian whose affinity to Muncy seems unaffected by time.

In 1978, Garry developed Steadicam and won an Academy Award for technical achievement, since it created a camera suspension system which virtually eliminated hand-held cameras and thus eliminated the contact higgle caused by human imperfection. Now his latest invention-a camera which soars like an eagle to film the impossible dreams, is a highly sophisticated, flying, remote-controlled motion picture camera system which has the industry buzzing with anticipation.

Personals-Miss Misty Lynn Schoch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay H. Schoch, Muncy, became the bride of Ronald Keith Balliet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Balliet, Jan. 14.

Births-Son Edward Lee II, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Widell, Muncy, Jan. 4; son Dustin Wesley, to Mr. and Mrs. Irving Wilson II, Muncy, Jan. 6; son Matthew Kline, to Mr. and Mrs. George Kline, Hughesville, Jan. 10; son Brandon Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. Lehman Hakes, Jr., Montgomery, Jan. 17; son Steven Lynn, Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pentz, Montgomery, Jan. 18; daughter Jodi Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Poust, Hughesville, Jan. 19; daughter Amanda Sue, to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Gable, Hughesville, Jan. 20; daughter Shena Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Philips, Turbotville, Jan. 22; daughter Ashlee Lyn, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Youmans, Hughesville, Jan. 23.

Deaths-Dr. Daniel L. Finucane, Annapolis, MD., Jan. 5; Mrs. Marguerite D. Crisman, Montgomery, Jan. 9; Mrs. Helen D. Compton, Montoursville, Jan. 9; Donald S. Price, Hughesville, Jan. 20; Robert Elwood Mull Sr., Montoursville, Jan. 22; John H. Whitcomb, Muncy, Jan. 15; Hermon J. Brown, retired Sullivan County Schools administrator, Jan. 18; Elmer W. (Jack) Artley, Hughesville, Jan. 16.

Ad-G & R Garage, Hughesville.

10 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 27, 1999

35 cents

A storm system carrying heavy rains and high winds bore down on Lycoming county this past weekend. Temperatures increased as well, causing significant melting of accumulated snow and ice.

Friday night as the Lady Indians played host to the Lady Griffins of Sullivan county, Muncy senior Patti Hatches achieved a remarkable first for Muncy athletics. She is the first Lady Indian to score over 1,000 points and also pull down 1,000 rebounds, marking a new era in girls basketball for Muncy and setting a new standard which will only rise as the season continues.

Personals-Rusty and Elizabeth Corson of Muncy, announce the engagement of their daughter, Josie L. Corson, to Jason J. Counsil, son of Lee and Karen Fry of RR #5 Muncy.

The engagement of Amber Marie Higens of Escondido, CA, daughter of Jess and Debbie Lloyd of Escondido and Michael Higens of Arlington, TX to Stephen Richard Secules of Escondido, has been announced.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stahlnecker, Hughesville, son, Jan. 13; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Wagner, Muncy, daughter, Jan. 13; Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Zinck Jr., Muncy, daughter, Jan. 12.

Deaths-Meribel Smith, Muncy, Jan. 18; Helen M. Vial, formerly of Muncy, Jan. 20; Fred L. “Bubby” Simmons, formerly of Hughesville, Jan. 22; Edward J. Mitchell, Montgomery, Jan. 21; Jacob Andrew Williams, Jan. 19; Joyce M. Oberdorf, Muncy, Jan. 18; Glenn Ivan Watts, Muncy, Jan. 20; Louis G. Blank, Muncy, Jan. 20.

Ad-Central Pennsylvania Bank.