Peeks at the Past (Jan. 28)

Muncy Basketball 1938-1939 Left to right: Don Johnson, Jim Gulliver, John Nixon, Bob Armstrong, Jack Whalen, Jay Long, Nelson Heincelman, Jim Egli, Ken Maust, Bill Hill.
123 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Feb. 19, 1886
Died-In Muncy Creek Township, on Monday, February 15, 1886, Joshua Taggart, in the 77th year of his life.
The Messrs. Burrows, of Picture Rocks, are building a large hotel at Eagles Mere, which will be three stories high and be crowned by a cupola.
The Muncy Station school, after being closed for three weeks on account of measles which broke out among the pupils, was re-opened last Monday. The teacher, Mr. I. N. Smith and most of the scholars caught the disease.
103 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-Feb. 8, 1906
Heyman Herr, who recently purchased the Per store here, has proven himself a progressive and wide-awake merchant.
J. H. Stackhouse, of Muncy Valley, has purchased the Exchange Hotel in East Muncy, and will take charge in the near future.
Miss Clara Smith, of Winstead, Conn., has invented an auger that will bore a square hole. Miss Smith a few years ago was a teacher of mechanical drawing at Bloomsburg State Normal School.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary-Feb. 8, 1934
3 cents
Ice skating on the frozen surface of Muncy Creek is the popular sport of the day during the cold snap now prevailing. The favorite spot of the fancy cutters of figure eights, et cetera, seems to be at the curve in the road east of town, near the Robert Gautsch residence.
Romain C. Hassrick, chairman of the Registration Commission, will be a candidate for the Republican nomination to Congress from the Sixth District, embracing the 34th, 40th and 46th Wards of Philadelphia.
Rays-Miss Georgine Bitler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DeLos Bitler, of Clarkstown was united in a very pretty wedding to Mr. Charles Moyer, also of Clarkstown, on Saturday evening at 5 o’clock.
Delrae Rager, of this place, formerly with the Dewart Milk Products Company, has accepted a position at the Banzhaf ice cream plant, where he will have charge of the ice cream plant.
Mrs. B. C. Hill celebrated her birthday anniversary last Thursday with an afternoon tea, guests being Mrs. Jane Sheridan, Mrs. Maude Banghart, who poured tea; Mrs. Mahala Bower, Mrs. Elnora Confer, Mrs. Helen Long and Mrs. Bertha Hill.
Births-None reported.
Deaths-Mrs. Mary Jane Sherwood, oldest woman resident of Clarkstown, died Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock, at the age of 88 years; Mrs. James. P. Miller, aged 78, died Monday morning at 1 o’clock at her home in Hughesville.
Ad-One 85 cent bottle of Kruschen Salts is worth one hundred dollars of any fat person’s money.
50 Years Ago
The Luminary-Jan. 29, 1959
5 cents
In anticipation of its long-range expansion program, members of St. Andrew Lutheran church on Sunday approved the purchase of additional property owned by Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Shaner at 211 South Main Street, Muncy.
Fire of undetermined origin virtually destroyed the home of John P. Narber, of the Oak Run Section near Pennsdale, Tuesday evening.
Births-Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, Muncy Valley, daughter, Jan. 25; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Michael, Muncy Valley, daughter, Jan. 25; Mr. and Mrs. David Barnes, Muncy, daughter, Jan. 26; Mr. and Mrs. William Broam, Hughesville, daughter, Jan. 28; Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Opp, South Williamsport, son Charles Howard, Jan. 23.
Deaths-Jerry R. Angle, longtime Muncy resident, Jan. 21; Ernest S. Shaner, Hughesville, Jan. 24; Mrs. Esther Michael Gundrum, formerly of Muncy, Jan. 22.
At the Ritz-The Tunnel of Love, starring Doris Day and Richard Widmark.
Ad-George M. Sherwood, your M-M dealer on Muncy-Montgomery Road.
25 Years Ago
The Luminary-Feb. 2, 1984
25 cents
Former Lycoming County Sheriff Charles E. Green, 70, of Montgomery, was charged by state police with receiving stolen goods following a two-month investigation and a sting operation.
A number of improvements, beside the on-going renovations of rooms, are on the drawing board for Muncy Valley Hospital. D. Duane Oswald, administrator, said a project would be a new operating room to extend the second floor over the emergency room. Another project Oswald said is under consideration is a change to the main entrance to eliminate the steps.
Grumman Olson has announced that its Montgomery plant will be the exclusive production center for the diesel-powered version of its new Kubvan, the first all-aluminum minivan produced in the U.S.
Personals-Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Rager Sr. of Meadow Brook Park celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Jan. 26.
Births-A son, Russell James, to Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Corderman, Turbotville, Jan. 23; daughter Michelle Anne, to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tarquinio, Muncy, Jan. 28; son Wesley Travis, to Mr. and Mrs. Jay Minier, Hughesville, Jan. 27.
Deaths-Mrs. Camela Starr, Montoursville, Jan. 25; Mrs. Doris Maxine Robb, Muncy, Jan. 26; Michael James Bower, Montoursville, Jan. 28; Eugene E. (Ebbie) Lundy, Montoursville, Jan. 25; John B. Burgard, Williamsport, Jan. 28; Ronald L. Hively, formerly of Montgomery, Jan. 28; John C. (Jack) Hamburger, Muncy, Jan. 25.
Ad-Coming soon-The Executive Fitness and Nutrition Center, owners Steve and Jerry Winters.
10 Years Ago
The Luminary-Feb. 3, 1999
35 cents
A time frame has been set for a grand jury to investigate the July, 1997 disappearance and homicide of 10-year-old Joline Witt. The girl was discovered missing from her mother’s Muncy home on July 27. Approximately 100 grand jurors from all over Lycoming County will be questioned and interviewed beginning March 2.
Muncy Councilman, former Fire Chief and Mayor, Paul W. Geringer, 88, of 400 South Market St., Muncy, died Monday, Feb. 1, 1999 in the Skilled Nursing Unit of Muncy Valley Hospital.
Another week, another record for Muncy’s Patti Hatches as she topples a record set in 1993 by Jamie DeJesus. Jamie had scored 1506 points during her four-year career with the Lady Indians, set six years ago.
Patti needed 11 points to break the record, and once achieving that goal, went on to 22 points in the game and added another 28 points in a later game to take the new high to 1546-and climbing.
Personals-Rita Spangler has been named Administrator at the Muncy Valley Hospital campus of the Susquehanna Health System.
Births-Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shorter, Lancaster, daughter, Jan. 27; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Cale, Hughesville, daughter, Jan. 26; April A. Biblehimer and David E. Updegrove Jr., Muncy, daughter, Dec. 29.
Deaths-Helen L. Montague, Hughesville, Jan. 29; Arlene R. Shaner, Hughesville, Jan. 24; Celia J. Holmes Hughesville, Jan. 27.
Ad-Action Abstract Associates.