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Peeks (2/18/09)

By Staff | Feb 18, 2009

123 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-March 5, 1886

The Kramer House, known as the “House of Eight Gables,” was burned Saturday evening about 6:30 o’clock. The Hook and Ladder Company did fine work in keeping the fire under control, thus saving nearby properties.

Miss Anna Gibson, who is studying music in Boston, sang at the Hancock Church, Boston, last Sunday morning, and charmed all by her rendering of the selections for the service.

103 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary and Lycoming County Advertiser-March 8, 1906

Marie, wife of A. P. Taylor, died at her home on North Market street Sunday morning, aged 64 years, following a long illness. She is survived by her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Benton Eaker, of town.

Mrs. Brit Beiber, of Clarkstown, who recently underwent an operation, is rapidly recovering.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary-March 1, 1934

3 cents

Approximately 80,000 fingerling brook trout for stocking tributary streams have been assured this county by O. M. Deibler, state fish commissioner.

Rays-Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Dimm are quietly celebrating their 46th wedding anniversary today at their home on North Washington street.

Mrs. Stella Lauchle is spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Lauchle at Huntersville. Mr. Lauchle has been very ill with pneumonia.

Joseph Acor, one of Lycoming county’s oldest living Civil War veterans, celebrated his 93rd birthday anniversary on Monday, at the home of his son, Lawrence Acor, on North Market street.

Births-A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bryfogle, at the Muncy Valley Hospital Monday morning; a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eaker at their home on Wester Penn street, on Saturday.

Deaths-Thomas Houseknecht died suddenly at 11:30 Monday morning at his home in Sonestown, aged 73 years; Mrs. Emma Kahler, died yesterday afternoon at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George Stover in South Williamsport at the age of 82 years; W. L. Mann, managing editor of The Luminary, was called to Maistee, Michigan to attend the funeral of his father, Robert J. Mann, who died Friday noon, February 23rd.

Ad-Chapped Rough Skin: use Resinol.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary-Feb. 19, 1959

5 cents

Full approval of plans for an ice rink-tennis court combination recreational area at the Muncy Elementary school has been given to the elementary P-TA by the building and grounds committee of the Muncy Joint School board.

A special disaster committee, to cooperate with the civil defense in any type of emergency was announced this week by Mrs. Charles Sprout, chairman of the Muncy Branch of the American Red Cross. John Reuther, Muncy postmaster, is chairman of the disaster committee; and vice chairman is Clarence R. Lockard.

Personals-A Muncy area native, W. Herbert Foust, quietly joined the nation’s rank of centenarians on Saturday, Feb. 7. Mr. Foust, still recovering from a slight stroke suffered five years ago, marked his 100th birthday with as much festivity as could be permitted at a nursing home in Greer, Idaho, where he has been a guest in recent years.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Ackerman, of Benton, announce the marriage of their daughter, Sandra Louise, to Stewart Frederick Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Hill, of near Hughesville, performed on St. Valentine’s day.

Births-Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sabol, Muncy, son Terance Robert, Feb. 1; Mr. and Mrs. William Fritz, Muncy, son Steven Allen, Feb. 12; Mr. and Mrs. Kent Ebbs, Muncy, daughter Joni Kim, Feb. 14; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pidcoe, Watsontown, son Alen John, Feb. 15; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Eichelaub, Muncy, daughter Melinda Jane, Feb. 15; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stroup, Muncy, son Feb. 18; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reibsome, Montgomery, son, Feb. 18.

Deaths-Mrs. Dorothy M. Friant, Hughesville, Feb. 16; Mrs. Hattie E. Houseknecht, Muncy, Feb. 15; E. Roy Kilgus, Pennsdale resident, Feb. 11; Mrs. Carrie L. Kahler, Hughesville, Feb. 16.

At the Ritz-The Buccaneer, starring Yul Brynner.

Ad-Hoffman Seed & Grain Co., Muncy.

25 Years Ago

The Luminary-Feb. 23, 1984

25 cents

An estimated $1 million damage was caused last week by high water in Muncy, Montgomery and Clinton Twp. The volume of water in a nine or 10-hour period was called incredible by John E. Rupert, Lycoming County Director of Emergency Services. The combination of more than three inches of rain coupled with warm temperatures and frozen ground caused the water to run off.

Personals-Thirty-three years of public service as a professional nurse, primarily in the patient care sector, will come to a close on Friday Feb. 24, for Sybil Harriman.

Births-Daughter Shallon Mae to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Statts, Hughesville, Feb. 11; son Kevin Eugene to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rooker, Unityville, Feb. 11; son Shawn Easton, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lively, Hughesville, Feb. 17; son Travis John, to John IV and Audrey Fry Schupp, Feb. 21; son Justin David, to Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Pick, Harrisburg, Feb. 4; son Justin Travis, to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ranck, Norfolk VA, Feb. 12.

Deaths-William R. Reibsame, formerly of Picture Rocks, Feb. 13; Mrs. Claire E. Ostro, Muncy, Feb. 15; Mrs. Donna Lee Fry Austin, Muncy native, Feb. 13.

Ad-Bucky Miller’s Pizza.

10 Years Ago

The Luminary-Feb. 24, 1999

35 cents

Unleashing a wellspring of community caring and ministry, Volunteer Caregivers, located in Williamsport, is a program committed to the needs of under-served people throughout northern and southern Lycoming County. Spearheaded by Sister Celine Marie Smith and Marie Nogle, the program strives to meet the emotional, spiritual and personal needs of individuals in the community who are elderly, disabled or isolated because of mental or physical illness.

Personals-Wilson and Gloria Felix Faus of Corona, CA, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary with family and friends at Shady Lane RV Park at Quartzsite, AZ in January. The couple was married in Montgomery on Jan. 28, 1949.

Births-Daughter Katie Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Greg Andrade, Tracy,Ca, Feb. 18; Mr. and Mrs. Craig A. Dudek, Muncy, son, Feb. 11; Mr. and Mrs. Lancer C. thomas, Muncy, daughter, Feb. 9; Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Miller, Hughesville, son, Feb. 10; Mr. and Mrs. Adam Gabriel Hess, son, Feb. 17.

Deaths-Wanda A. Stout, Montgomery, Feb. 19; Nicholas Scott Sampsell, Montgomery, Feb. 19; Clara Ellen Smith, Muncy, Feb. 17; Mary Margaret Lovelace, Hughesville, Feb. 19.

Ad-Winner Automotive Center.