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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Oct 6, 2009

109 years ago

Oct. 18, 1900

In the parlor of the Baptist parsonage, Oct. 13, Rev. Rock pronounced words that made a couple of our very thrifty and respectable young man and wife. The contracting parties were Daniel F. Taggart and Miss Harriet V. Miller, and was strictly private.

James Coulter is having a barn erected in the rear of his residence on Washington street.

103 years ago

Oct. 18, 1906

At half past nine o’clock on last Thursday evening, Oct. 11, 1906, the Great Silent Reaper came, though not without weeks of warning to the bereaved family and friends, and took away from his home on S. Main street, on of Muncy’s best known citizens, the Hon. Isaac Bruner, who born, Nov. 21, 1821, had reached 84 years, 10 months and 20 days.

George B. Gowers has resigned as manager of Housel and Baker’s music store, and in a few days will leave for Bloomsburg Normal, to take a course of pipe organ lessons.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary Oct. 18, 1934

3 cents

The colorful burlesque of a circus will arrive this afternoon with A “Comedy Circus” parade starting from the Muncy High school going through the business section.

Birth: To Mr. and Mrs. Ezurah Kelley,of Muncy,on Oct. 14, twin daughters who have been named Sherry Lou and Patty Ann.

Hymenal: Miss Barbara Allbeck, of Jerseytown, and Merle Page, of near Montgomery, were married at Stone Church, Oct. 10.

Deaths:John Hill Artley died at his home at No. 9 Bruner street at 3:30 a.m. Saturday, aged 87 years; Phillip Dewald, one of the oldest citizens of Muncy borough, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Hannah Zarr, aged 91 years; Charles Fry, died Monday morning, at the age of 73 years; Mrs. Alice Miller, aged 39, wife of Raymond Miller, died Thursday night after a long illness.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary-Oct. 15, 1959

5 cents

Mrs. Vivian Larson of Moneton, New Brunswick, Canada, and her 14-year old daughter, Sandra, passed through this area this week traveling by a horse-drawn wagon enroute to Hollywood, California. She claims to have a secret which is worth considerable money and she intends to impart it to Walt Disney when she reaches Hollywood.

Clarence H. (Bill) Gowers Muncy’s 69-year old unofficial ambassador for many years, died at Geisinger hospital, Danville, Oct. 14.

Clarkstown-Mrs. Harold Bitler and daughter Debbie and Mrs. Max Bitler and son Richard visited Friday and Saturday with Mrs Ida Mealow, of Lancaster.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Stevens Jr., near Hughesville, a son, Marlin Ober III, Oct. 7. Mother formerly Barbara McCarty; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robb, of Turbotville, a daughter, Marcia Elaine, Oct. 8. Mother formerly Elaine Persun; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Myers, of Muncy, a daughter, Marcia Elaine, Oct. 9. Mother formerly Shirley Sharrow; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hessler, of near Muncy, a son James Clayton, Oct. 9. Mother formerly Bernice Houseknecht; Mr. and MRs. Ronald Temple, of near Montoursville, a daughter, Rhonda Lynn, Oct. 10. Mother formerly Norma Waldman; Mr. and MRs. Arlow Kiehl, of near Montoursville, a son, Curtis Andrew, Oct. 10. Mother formerly Virginia Springman; Mr. and Mrs. Diomaine Aunkst, of Hughesville, a son, David William, Oct. 10. Mother formerly Nancy McKee; Mr. and Mrs. John Persun, of Montgomery, a son, Oct. 13. Mother formerly Bonnie Keeler; A daughter, to Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Hall, of Muncy, Oct. 13. Mother is former Doris Brown.

Deaths: Russell B. Berry, 64, of Montgomery; Mrs. Bertha May Bordy, 69, of Hughesville, Oct, 12; Ella J. Hess, 79, Hughesville, died Saturday at her home; Mrs. Jessie M. Clark, 48, a native of Lycoming County.

At the Ritz: A Private’s Affair

Ad: Muncy Merchants Sidewalk Sales

25 Years Ago

The Luminary-Oct. 18, 1984

25 cents

Mr. and Mrs. Emil Westberg of RD 1 Montgomery, were honored at an open house at their home on Oct. 14 in celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Knopp,Muncy, RD 3, observed their 35th wedding anniversary on Oct. 8, 1984.

Young Industries, Inc., of Muncy, has recently obtained exclusive rights to the Entecon Aero-mechanical Conveyor, manufactured in England and marketed throughout Europe for the past 15 years.

Miss Gale Marie Fry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry F. Fry, Muncy RD 1, became the bride of Mr. Kevin John O’Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. O’Brien of Chester Springs, PA,

Deaths: Ellis M. (Hun) Hall, 65, of Williamsport, formerly of Picture Rocks, died Oct. 9, 1984; Naomi B. Day, 77, of Lysock View, Montoursville, died Oct. 11, 1984; Doris A. Pickering, 68, of Montoursville, died Oct. 11, 1984; Cyril F. (Jerp) Ransdorf, 69, of Hammersley Fork, died Oct. 11, 1984; Mildred C. (Mid) Neufer, 66, of Muncy RD 3, died Oct. 9, 1984.

Ad: Winter’s Orchard

10 Years Ago

The Luminary Oct. 20, 1999

35 cents

School Board President Tom Kubinsky announced that Interim Superintendent Lawrence Potash had been selected as Superintendent of Schools at an annual salary of $85,000, and was unanimously approved by all nine board members.

On June 6, New Covenant Assembly of God, 1270 Pinchtown Road, Montgomery broke ground for the construction of an addition to its current facility.

According to Pennsdale Volunteer Fire Department Chief Ed Palmatier, the fire at the home of Harold Drick, 387 Drick Road, Pennsdale, was started by an electrical malfunction and no investigation will be pursued.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. William P. Wright, of Muncy, announce the the birth of a son, Oct. 9, 1999 at The Williamsport Hospital. The mother is the former Beth Ann Farnsworth; Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Bryson,of Muncy, daughter, Oct. 10, 1999, at The Williamsport Hospital. The mother is the former Danielle M. Klees.

Deaths: Gordon W. Chase, 86, of Montgomery, died Oct. 16, 1999; James H. Waldron, 78, formerly of Hughesville, died Oct. 18, 1999; Henry O. Hess, 85, of Muncy, died Monday, Oct. 11, 1999; Gladys E. Coleman, 74, formerly of Picture Rocks, died Oct. 6, 1999; Zachary Michael Ledford, infant son of Michael L. and Elsie Ledford, died Oct. 10; Carole J. McQuay, 59, of Williamsport, died Oct. 8, 1999.

Ad: Halloween time at Styer Farm