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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Dec 22, 2009

109 years ago

Jan 3, 1901

Bowman and Coulter, the liverymen, on Sunday, Dec. 23, hired a saddle horse to Edward McGay for the day, but as yet he has not put in an appearance. The last heard of him he was seen in Lairdsville.

Charles Gortner is confined to his bed by an attack of pneumonia. Samuel Cohn, of Hughesville, is taking his place in Jacob Per’s store until he recovers.

Boyd Edwards, oldest son of Rankin Edwards, died Tuesday night at one of the New York City hospitals. from the effects of a fall he had last summer. The remains will be brought to the home of his parents in Muncy.

103 years ago

Jan. 3, 1907

A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hess Bailey Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock when their daughter Clara A. was united in marriage to Dr. T.K. Wood, of this place.

Mrs. C.C. Worthington and son, Max, have returned home from a visit to the former’s parents, Rev. and Mrs. H.N. Schneck, at Howard.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary Jan. 4, 1935

3 cents

Miss Helen Goodenow, and Mr. L. Clyde Smith, both of this place, were married Saturday evening at 8:00 o’clock in St. James Church, by the Rector, the Rev. Squire B. Schofield.

Miss Mary Frye and Harold Pysher, of MOntgomery, were married Christmas afternoon.

Miss Elizabeth Schneck, of Strawberry Ridge and Benton Smith of Muncy were quietly married Christmas Eve.

Harry P. Rogers painfully injured his left leg Saturday morning while walking through the alley in the rear of the Frey Hotel.

Deaths: Peter Houseknecht, 81-year old resident of Hughesville, died at his home on E. Water Street on Sunday morning after several week’s illness.

Miss Martha Jane Buck died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Hazen, at Sonestown on Wednesday. She was 787 years of age.

Mrs. William Ritchey, died at her home in Jamaica. N.Y., Dec. 27th, shortly after midnight.

At the Ritz: “The White Parade” with John Boles and Loretta Young

Ad: “Blanket Coat” by Cherrie Nicholas

50 Years Ago

The Luminary-Dec. 31, 1959

5 cents

Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin Gautsch announced this week that they have purchased from the Mrs. Kathryn Geiling estate the brick residence at the corner of Main and Penn streets in Muncy.

Winners were named in the Decoration Contest: First place: Nelson Heincelman; second, Dr. C.M. Stutzman; third, Wallace and Warren Maurer; honorable mention, Mrs. Marie Phillips.

Births: A daughter, Julie Kay, born to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Yates, of Montgomery, Dec. 23. Mrs. Yates is the former Marian Myers; a daughter,, Carol Erna, born to Mr. and Mrs. George VanHorn, of Hughesville, Dec. 23. Mrs. VanHorn is the former Erna Lair; a son, Mark Edward, born to Mr. and Mrs. John Gast, of Muncy, Dec. 27. Mrs. Gast is the former Beth Welch; a son, Thomas Christopher, born to Mr. an Mrs. Melvin Bird, of Muncy, Dec. 27. Mrs. Bird is the former Ingeborg Pabst; A daughter, Sadi Kathryn, born to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Reynolds, of Unityville, Dec. 27. Mrs. Reynolds is the former Pauline Phillips.

Personals: The engagement of Ronnie Houseknecht, Muncy, and Ernestine C. Hurr, Jersey Shore; Miss J. Anne Purpuri, Muncy, wed Frank Webster in Indianapolis on Dec. 26; Mr. and Mrs. Grant Whipple, of Hughesville, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Doris, to Lynn Poust, son of Mr. and Mrs. DeLa Poust, of Muncy; Announcement has been made by Mr. and Mrs. Karl S. Morrow, of Dunmore, of the engagement of their daughter, Miss Barbara Lyle Morrow, to Kenneth G. Bryfogle, Jr.; Miss Patricia Ann Blume, South Carolina, became the bride of Ronald E. Taylor, Muncy, on Dec. 17.

Miss Elaine Feigles, Hughesville, was crowned the 1959 Holly Queen.

Deaths: Edward H. Rothfuss, 79, lifelong resident of Muncy, died Dec. 28.

Ad: Yes Sir! These Car Buys are Big! Muncy Motor Co., Inc.

25 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 10, 1985

25 cents

Picture Rocks Council takes another look at Route 220. In the time span between 1979 through 1983, there have been a total of 108 accidents including three deaths and 109 injured person on the stretch of road from Hughesville to Sullivan County.

The winner of the Victorian dollhouse at the Muncy Church of the Resurrection was Kelly Bradburn, of RD 4 Muncy.

Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ralls, of Middlebury Center, celebrated their 36th anniversary on Dec. 28. Mrs. Rall is the former Ruth Baysore of Muncy.

Lenore A. Firsching, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Firsching of Montgomery, is the producer of the new weekly talk/variety program, “The Eddie Bracken Show.

Deaths: Joseph W. Smith, 89, of Eagles Mere, died Jan. 8; Mrs. Hattie M. Whipple, 95, formerly of Hugheville, died Jan. 6.

Muncy Matmen back on winning track defeating BEN and the Spartans.

Deaths: Lawrence M. VanBuskirk, former resident of Hugheville, died Dec. 10; Amos C. Williams, Sr., 52, of Muncy died Dec. 31; Wilbur R. McCarty, 72, of Montoursviille, died Jan. 1, 1985; Ralph C. Beamer, Sr., 74, of Williamsport, died Jan. 7, 1985; Lester C. Fry, Montoursville, died Jan. 6; Mary M. Robey, 54, Montoursville, died Jan. 6, 1985; Robert M. Lindstrom, 62, Montoursville, died Jan. 6, 1985.

Ad: Great Skate

10 Years Ago

The Luminary Jan. 12, 2000

35 cents

A premeditated rumble between Muncy and Hughesville teenagers last Monday evening in a park in Picture Rocks resulted in state police intervention and citations, including one for underage drinking.

Following the Muncy borough meeting, 101 North Market in Muncy will be demolished as part of the ongoing mitigation project.

A direct descendant of Muncy area landowner Samuel Wallis, David Wallis and wife Joannie of Muncy, recently donated an original indenture (deed) dated Nov. 27, 1796 to the Muncy Historical Society and Museum.

Kate Ramsey, a senior at Muncy, was the recipient of the December Pride Award.

Deaths: Oly L. Arthur, 73, of Hughesville, died Jan. 6; Ruth E. (Sissy) Taylor, 78, Wolf Township, died Jan. 8; Jean L. Musser, of Muncy, 79, died Jan. 4; Richard W. LaForme, 73, of Montgomery, died Jan. 9.