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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Jan 19, 2010

109 years ago

Jan 24, 1901

Dr. W.L. King, of Hughesville, who will become a resident of Muncy after April 1st, is taking a special course of lectures at John Hopkins University, Baltimore.

On Tuesday, gas was struck at the oil well of John Bender, two miles south of this place, and when a match was applied to it the gas burned for some time. The gas was struck at a depth of about 1600 feet.

Thomas Bitler, of Clarkstown, who some weeks ago arrived home from the Philippines, where he was a member of Co. L, 37th Regt, left Monday for Williamsport, where he reenlisted in the service.

103 years ago

Jan. 24, 1907

Miss Hattie Robbins and George Angle were united in marriage by the Rev. R.W. Runyan, at the Methodist Parsonage, on Thursday.

William L. Vredenburg died at the home of his son, Newton L. Vredenburg, on West Penn street, Monday morning at 5 o’clock, after a short illness of pneumonia, aged 88 years, 6 months and 3 days.

Walter Santee has purchased from James Coulter one of the building lots on East Penn street, and will erect a house there in the spring.

Born: To MR. and Mrs. Clyde Hester, on Tuesday night, a son.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary Jan. 21, 1935

3 cents

Muncy shivered last night in one of the coldest spells of the winter, when a cold wave front he west settled over the entire state, with snow fall ranging from a few inches or more in the southeastern part of the state.

Edward Gautsch, aged 21 years, of Muncy, R.D. was injured, when his car, which he was repairing on the road near Elimsport, was struck by another car, alleged to have been driving on the wrong side of the road.

A fancy antique rifle was found by workmen on Dr. James Spalding residence. The relic found in the walls was made in 1851.

Announcements have been received here of the marriage of John D. Petrikin, nephew of Mrs. T.B. Painter and Miss M.M. Petrikin, to Miss Agnes Leonard, which occurred last Thursday at the Ascension Episcopal Church at Denver, Colo.

Deaths: Mrs. Louisa Baumgartner, age 85 years, died last Thursday evening; Twain Boyd Zettie, 16-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. George Zettie, died at the Williamsport Hospital on Monday morning, of spinal meningitis.

Clarkstown lost one of its oldest resident early Tuesday morning, in the death of MRs. Christiana Barbour Ritter, aged 85 years.

Birth: A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. Maurice McKee, at the Williamsport Hospital on Monday morning.

At the Ritz: “Forsaking All Others” with Joan Crawford, Clark Gable, Robert Montgomery

Ad: Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin

50 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 14, 1960

5 cents

A recent visitor in Muncy was Lt. Ho-Dang-Sang from Saigon, Vietnam, and an officer in the Vietnamese army. He was visiting Sp/5 Richard Allen, who was visiting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Miller.

Dr. J. Donald Wentzler, of Pennsdale, gave an illustrated address on “Antique Silver” to a capacity crown at the Muncy Historical Society.

Miss Elaine Smith, a senior in the Muncy-Muncy Creek high school and Miss Harriet Wenzel, a senior in the Hughesville high school, have been named “Girls of the Month” by their faculties.

Birth: A son, Shawn Kevin, born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCoy, of near Hughesville, Jan. 13. Mother is former Patty Kelley. A daughter, Lorrie Anne, born to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schultz, of Hughesville, Jan. 14. Mother is former Patricia Mae Kilcoyne. A daughter, Judy Lou, born to Mr. and Mrs. George Page, of near Montgomery, Jan. 16. Mother is former Sandra Elaine. LaForme. A son, born to MR. and Mrs. Earl Stackhouse, of Muncy, Jan. 17. Mrs Stackhouse is the former Ruth Mendenhall. A son, born to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Poust, of Hughesville, Jan. 17. Mother is the former Leona Diltz.

Deaths: Mrs. Millie G. Confer, age 78, of Muncy, died Tuesday, Jan. 19, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Sylvester Ritter; Mrs. Eva Karschner, Muncy, died at Geisinger hospital on Monday, Jan. 18.

At the Ritz: “They Came To Cordura”

Ad: See the Split Levels-Modern Home Builders, Muncy

25 Years Ago

The Luminary-Jan. 31, 1985

25 cents

Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lorimer Jr of Montoursville will observe their 50th anniversary on Feb. 14.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy Baldwin, formerly of Watsontown, announce the engagement of their daughter, Paula L. Bieber to S.F.C. Charles A. Eckroth, son of MR. and MRs. Alvin C. Eckroth, of Montgomery.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Ferrell JR. of Picture Rocks, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Susan Rae, to David Edward Troller, son of Dr. and MRs. John A. Troller of Ohio.

Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Seid of Muncy celebrated their 48th wedding anniversary on Jan. 21.

Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Heberling of Muncy have announced the engagement of their daughter, Luann Heberling to William P. Bartlow, M.D., son of MR. and MRs. Kenneth E. Bartlow of Muncy.

Births: A son, Jeremy Lynn, born to Mr. and Mrs. James Gray of Hughesville, on Jan. 17. Mrs. Gray is the former Lori Gotchall. A son, Joel Michael, born to Mr. and Mrs. Steven Shaner of Muncy on Jan. 18. Mrs. Shaner is the former Beatrice Gresh. A daughter, Ashley Ann, born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Henne Jr. of Hughesville on Jan. 21. Mrs. Henne is the former Gail Smith. A son, Matthew Philip, born to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Rader Jr. of Muncy on Jan. 22. Mrs. Rader is the former Robin Renn. A son, Lewis John, born to MR. and Mrs. Lewis Gaydon of Muncy on Jan. 26. Mrs. Gaydon is the former Marie Ghezzi. A son, Brian James, born to Mr. and Mrs. James McGee of Muncy on Jan. 26. Mother is the former Deborah Phillips. A son, on Dec. 12, was born to Sgt. and Mrs. Douglas R. Probasco of Texas. The mother is the former Christina C. Eckroth of Montgomery.

Deaths: Carl E. Way, 26, of Montoursville died Jan. 23; Harvey Bennett, 82, formerly of Montgomery, died Jan. 23; Daniel J. Reese Sr., 91, Hughesville, died on Jan. 25; Earl DeLay Fuller, 73, of Muncy, died Jan. 26; J. Harold Nunn, 84, of Muncy, died Jan. 26; Ilda M. Plotts, 80 of Watsontown, died Jan. 27; Kathryn E. Minnier, 74, of Hughesville, died Jan. 29; Wilbur M. Hall, 83, of Montgomery, died Jan. 29.

Ad: La Grande Subs and Pizzas, Montgomery

10 Years Ago

The Luminary Feb. 2, 2000

35 cents

Muncy gunsmith, William Kennedy, makes props for new movie, “The Patriot” to be released this summer.

Announcement has been made of the engagement of Elizabeth Kipp, Newark, DE and Patrick Stauffer of Newark DE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stauffer of Muncy.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Jeremie Snyder, of Muncy, announce the birth of a son on Jan. 21. The mother is the former Melissa Umstead. Mr. and Mrs. Sean Jamison of Montgomery, announce the birth of a daughter on Jan. 11. Mother is former Holly A. Reid. Jolene D. Woodcock and Richard Reynolds Jr. of Montgomery announce the birth of a son on Jan. 20. Mr. and Mrs. Drew Dickey, Cogan Station, announce the birth of twin sons on Jan. 25.

Deaths: Paul R. Johnson, 76, of Hughesville, died Jan. 28; Velma K. Brown, 94, of Hughesville, died Jan. 28; Daisy M. Schmidt, 85, of Muncy, died Jan. 25; Netta M. Kisner, of Hughesville, died Jan. 29; Albert L. Gruver, 85, formerly of Pennsdale, died Jan. 27; Myra M. Secules, 97, of Muncy, died Jan. 28; Harry W. Boatman, 77, of Picture Rocks, died Jan. 27; Melvin E. “Gene” Kessler, Hughesville, died Jan. 28.