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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Apr 13, 2010

109 years ago

April 18, 1901

Dr. W.I. King is making preparations to build a barn in the rear of his property on Washington street,t on the site of the one destroyed by fire last May.

James D. Hawley, a young man well known in this, his native place has written a play that was put upon the boards for the first time in Association Hall, at Williamsport, on last Monday evening.

Edward K. Ayres, of this place, died at the Williamsport hospital on Tuesday afternoon, at 4 o’clock, aged 56 years.

103 years ago

April 18, 1907

On Tuesday, Nobel and Petrikin bought the coal yard property of Mrs. John Staufer, and will embark into the coal business in connection with their large general store.

Monday the trout fishing season opened and Messrs. Heebner and Wintersteen, of Philadelphia, were on had at midnight on Sunday, ready to cast their lines in the Loyalsock Creek at break of day on Monday.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

April 18, 1935

3 cents

Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Brock, on a motor trip to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and the Grand Canyon of Colorado, have been enjoying some thrilling adventures, as recorded in a recent letter to friends in Muncy.

Ward Houseknecht, aged 50, was found dead on the floor of his home in East Muncy Sunday morning, with a shotgun lying beside him, and is believed to be a suicide. The body was discovered by Carl Rishel who called to discuss a fishing trip.

Representing the Muncy-Muncy Creek School last week at the Inter-County Speaking Contest at Lock Haven, were Miss Margaret Sedam and Miss Mary Louise Krimm.

Word has been received here by friends of the death of Mrs. Emma Teachout, at her home in Lyons, N.Y. last Wednesday, April 10; Gilbert R. Sheesley, of Muncy, died at his home Saturday morning, at the age of 75 years, after an illness of two weeks.

Ad: Loeb Fever Machine-This machine uses short radio waves to produce fever in the body of a patient, a treatment that has met with considerable success in treating certain diseases.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary-April 14, 1960

5 cents

Miss Elaine K. Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith, of Muncy, was named county winner in the annual essay contest by the LCC for employment of the handicapped.

An agreement to review its recent 190-day school term edict for all teachers in 1960-61 was granted by the Muncy Joint School board.

Lester B. Grange, whose barbering in Muncy began 55 years ago and who has been in business on Main street longer than anyone still active, this week sold his barber shop and plans to retired after June 30.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lawson and daughter Pamela, have moved into their new home on Quarry Road they purchased from Mr. and Mrs. William Seig.

Mr. and Mrs. William S. Anderson will observe their 50th wedding anniversary with an open house to be held at their home on April 16.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Rosica, of Skippack, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Lois Marie, to John P. Ebner, of of Mr. and Mrs. George Ebner, of Muncy.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huff, of near Montgomery, daughter, Lou Ann, April 5. Mother former Beatrice LaForme; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hartranft, of Montgomery, son, Keith Robert, April 5. Mother former Carolyn Fry; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Miller, of near Montoursville, daughter, Karen Christine, april 5. Mother former Joyce Schaeffer; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Heberling, of near Muncy, daughter, Betty Luann, April 5. Mother former Betty Musser; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Koch, of near muncy, son, Edward Lawrence, April 6. Mother former Nancy Delsite; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Yearick, of Muncy, daughter, April 7. Mother former Dolores Myers; Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Barto, of Muncy Valley, daughter, Barbara Ann, April 7. Mother former Joyce Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bogart, of near Muncy, daughter, Donna Louise, April 8. Mother former Mildred McMichael; Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Backhus, of Muncy, son, Brent Michael, April 8. MOther former Herma Martens; Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cramer, of Muncy, daughter, Cynthia Gail, April 8. Mother former Reta Kuntz; Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Stepp, of Muncy, son Russell Eugene, April 10. Mother former Lena Arthur; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Bartlett, of near Danville, son April 10. Mother former Norma Day; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harris, of Turbotville, son, April 12. Mother former Bertha Narber; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Murray, of near Watsontown, son, April 13. Mother former Kathleen George; Dr. and Mrs. C.V. Bologna, of Hughesville, daughter, April 6, Divine Providence hospital. Mother former Jane Pengel; a daughter, Terrie Eunice, was born to Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Max Whipple, of Montgomery, Ala., on March 31. Grandparents are Police Chief and Mrs. D. Edward Grenoble, and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Whipple, of Muncy.

Deaths: Cora Watson Starr, 69, died at her home in East Muncy on April 8; Daniel Gatz, lifelong resident of Pennsdale, died in the Muncy Valley hospital on April 9; Clarence J. Fowler, 77, of near Montgomery, died April 11 after a prolonged illness; Howard Siegfried, 75, of Hughesville died April 11 in Williamsport hospital.

At the Ritz: Tommy Nonan and Pete Marshall in “The Rookie”

Ad: Ritz- 6 Live Rabbits – Free- to some lucky boys and girls

25 Years Ago

The Luminary-April 25, 1985

25 cents

Monuments and tombstones in Muncy Cemetery were vandalized last month. Jim Ritter, cemetery caretaker, estimates the damage at more than $1,000.

Miss Paula Louise Bieber, Rock Hall, Maryland, became the bride of Sgt. 1st Class Charles Alvin Eckroth, Montgomery on Saturday April 20, 1985.

Birth: A son, Trevor Jonas, was born Tuesday, April 16, 1985, to Dr. and Mrs. Dan Egli at the Lewisburg Evangelical Hospital. Dr. Egli is the son of Harold (Cork) Egli. a former Muncy native.

Deaths: Harold E. Kirkner, 71, of Muncy, died April 17, 1985; Dr. Eugene P. Bertin, 89, former of Muncy, a noted county historian, died April 22, 1985; Dr. Jasper E. Bontomase, 75, of N.J., who practice medicine in Muncy for 50 years before his retirement last year, died April 17, 1985; Madelyn R. Bricks, 67, of Muncy, died April 19, 1985; Marion R. Young, 57, Hughesville, died April 20 at her home; Elmer Leroy Curley, 71, formerly of Muncy, died April 16, 1985.

At the Ritz: “Baby”- Secret of the Lost Legend

10 Years Ago

The Luminary

April 26, 2000

35 cents

Another local business has come to the end of an era with the closing of Simmons Radio and TV Service in Hughesville.

John Fry of Pennsdale and helpers Greg Verrico of Lairdsville and Neil Dietrich of Hughesville moved a windmill after cutting the legs that were cemented in the ground and chaining it to a skidster. The towering relic will be erected closer to the Antique Barn Center along Rt. 220 north of Pennsdale.

Hannah Jaquith, a freshman at Muncy High School, will be performing with the Williamsport Civic Balliet Company in their spring performance at Lycoming College’s Arena Theatre.

Shawn Richards of Muncy, received a first place prize in the Business Decision Making team event and will compete at Nationals in California.

Deaths: Barry N. Crouse, 57, of Pennsdale, died April 24; Gertude E. Michael, 68, of Hughesville, died April 23; Robert R. “Boots” Wertz, 79, of Montgomery, died April 20; Richard L. Yoder, 62, of Watsontown, died April 20; Myron Elwood “Dutch” Bressler, 87, formerly of Lewistown, died April 23; Ronald A. Houck, 97,of Hughesville, died April 20.

Birth: Tiffany Roeder and John Wodrig Sr., of Unityville, announce the birth of a son on April 15, 2000 at the Williamsport Hospital.