Peeks of the Past
109 years ago
Aug. 29, 1901
William E. Frey and Miss Bertha Love, both of MOntgomery, who are well know here, were married at Hughesivlle last Thursday evening, by Rev. Crist.
Mr. Jacob Egli met with a horrible death by suffocation and burning between 8 and 9 o’clock on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Egli was 24 years old, and a daughter of MR. and MRs. William App of this place.
Daniel McCarty left on Monday morning with a team of horses and a big wagon to drive to Clearfield county, a drive of more than a hundred miles.
103 years ago
Aug. 29, 1907
Died: Allen C. Trumbower, one of the best known citizens of the lower end of the County died early Friday morning after a lingering illness. The deceased was engaged in the laundry business on E. Water St. for an umber of years.
Those from here who attended the Bower and Page reunion at Montoursville, were Mrs. James Fahrenbach and son, John; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schoch, Mrs. J.C. Schoch and daughter, Edna, Mrs. Elvira Shoemaker and son Carl, and Mrs. Parvin Keller.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Aug. 29, 1935
3 cents
George Douglas Forney, age 23, of Gettysburg, was almost instantly killed and his body burned beyond recognition at 4:15 o’clock Sunday afternoon, at the Williamsport Airport, when his plane crashed into the ground and burst into flames before hundreds of spectators.
Of much interest to friends and relatives in Muncy is the coming marriage of Clarissa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Painter, of Pittsburgh, to Mr. Joseph Richard Urschel, of Chicago.
A resident of Muncy on Sunday had a brief one-round one-punch bout with a bear, which, to his way of thinking was equal if not greater than a bout would have been with the Baer of pugilistic fame.
Ad: Minute Make-up-New modes in nail polish is to use red liquid enamel only on the tip of the nail, leaving the rest of the nail its natural color.
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
August 25, 1960
5 cents
Nearing completion this week is an addition to the building housing Hoffman Trailers and Truck Equipment Co., Inc., on West Water street, Muncy.
Cadet James E. DeWire, son of MR. and Mrs. Russell A. DeWire, of Hughesville, is participating with other members of the U.S. Military Academy’s class of 1963 in two months of summer training at Camp Buckner, the academy’s combat training area in West Point, N.Y.
This week marked the completion of extensive modernization at Muncy Fabrics, Inc. which is enjoying one of its best years in the fabrication of materials for the nations weavers.
The resignation of its pastor, the Rev. Leon Wardell, was officially accepted by the congregation of the Muncy Presbyterian church on Aug. 21.
When they return from a wedding trip through the New England states, Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Daugherty will be at home in Muncy. The former Maryemma McCarty of Picture Rocks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. McCarty and Mr. Daugherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos E. Daugherty E. Daugherty, of Muncy, were married in a pretty summer wedding, Aug. 20.
Miss Rosalie Stroup, who will be married to Robert Lee Menges on Aug. 26, was honored at variety shower given recently by Mrs. Paul Conard of Bloomsburg.
Deaths: John F. Taylor, 88, of Muncy, died Aug. 18 after a lingering illness; Julia Rolph, 77, of Montgomery, died Aug. 18 at Muncy Valley Hospital; Estella Glidewell, 89 born on a farm near the Newman school in Wolf township, died Aug. 18; Eva McCowan, 80, Hughesville, died Aug. 18; Margaret McCarty, onetime Hughesville resident, died Aug. 17.
At the Ritz: The Lost World
Ad: A & P- Iceberg Lettuce- 2 heads 25 cents
25 Years Ago
Sept. 12, 1985
25 cents
Picture Rocks Troop 70 observed their 40th anniversary reunion on Saturday evening in the Van Rensselaer Park Pavilion. Highlighting the celebration was eagle scout award presentation to Michael Hutson, age 16, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Hutson of Muncy R.D. 2.
Muncy school officials are to be commended for their quick action to help out the Shamokin football program which last week lost most of its equipment to a burglar-arsonist. Muncy loaned Shamokin 10 surplus helmets and 20 surplus shoulder pads.
Miss Jane Ellen Miller and Randy David Whitehouse were married Sept. 7 in Cotton Chapel in Easton. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude J. Miller of Muncy.
Donna E. Houseknecht, daughter of Mrs. Arlene Blackwell, Hughesville and the late Collins M. Houseknecht, and Paul D. Neiswender were united in marriage on June 29 at Tulpehocken United Church of Christ.
Miss Luann Heberling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Heberline, Muncy RD 3, became the bride of Dr. William P. Bartlow,s on of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Bartlow, Muncy on Sept. 7.
Births: A daughter, Rebecca Rose, born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Worthington Jr, of Unityville on Sept. 2. The mother is the former Rosalie Poust. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Kimon Digenakis of Muncy on Sept. 6. Mother is the former Carol Ulrich. A daughter, Schawnne Kaitlin, born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kilgus, of Picture Rocks, on Sept. 7. Mother is the former Mary Schmeltzer.
Deaths: Richard Lynn Kemrer, 48, of Muncy, died Sept. 5 in Kramm Nursing HOme, Watsontown; Lauretta N. Moyer, 77, Lewisburg, mother of Laru Rudy Moyer of Muncy, died Sept. 6 in Evangelical Community Hospital; Donald C. Galligher, 63, of Montgomery, died Sept. 4, at his home; Martha M. Smyers, 82, of Montgomery, died Sept. 7, in Muncy Valley Hospital.
At the Ritz: Rambo
Ad: Try one of our Pineburgers-Pine Cafe
10 Years Ago
The Luminary
Sept. 7, 2000
35 cents
Muncy School District Board of Education member, Jeannie Hill, 47 years old, of Pennsdale, died suddenly, Sept. 3. Having suffered with asthma for nearly 30 years, this final attack in the early hours of last Sunday was severe enough to take her life.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Van Buskirk, Muncy, observed their forty-fifth wedding anniversary on Sept. 2.
Erin Marie Smith, daughter of Patricia and Richard Smith of Hughesville, became the bride of Brian Richard Langer, son of Janet and Richard Langer, of Muncy, on Saturday, June 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman L. Eiswerths of Muncy, will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Sept. 9.
Births: Amy M. Pennycoff and Hughy Woodring, Jr., of Muncy announce the birth of a son on Aug. 24; Mr. and Mrs. Victor L. Marquardt, Unityville, announce the birth of a daughter on Aug. 22; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bitler, of Muncy, announce the birth of a son on Aug. 19. The mother is the former Tina M. Swales.
Deaths: Beatrice V. Hunter, 89, of Picture Rocks, died Sept. 3 at Valley View Nursing Center, Montoursville; Jennie A. Meckley, 75, of Muncy, died Sept. 5 at Muncy Valley Hospital.