Peeks of the Past
109 years ago
Sept. 5, 1901
John Stauffer has rented his coal yard to Harry S. Worthington, the ice man, who will conduct the business. Mr. Stauffer sold out his stock of coal recently on account of his health not permitting him to attend to the business.
Russel Angle, the pigeon fancier of this place, is making a commodious and handsome coop to the exhibit his fancy pigeons at the Hughesville Fair. He has some fine pigeons in his display.
Misses Emily and Jessie Shoemaker entertained a number of their friends very delightfully at a melon party on Saturday evening at their home on South Market street.
103 years ago
Sept. 5, 1907
Mr. and Mrs. H.D. Bird and son of Dubois, have moved their household goods here, and will go to housekeeping in half of Dr. Miller’s home on N. Main Street. Mr. Bird has accepted a position in the office of Sprout, Waldron & Company.
Mrs. William Bruner has returned home from Danville where she visited relatives. She was accompanied home by her niece., Mrs. Alice Stead, who will pend some time as her guest.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Sept. 5, 1935
3 cents
Three Muncy students have been accepted for admission this Fall to Bucknell University, Robert Ellis, John Gundrum and Harry P. Wood.
Chester Michael, of Muncy, will be given a hearing on Saturday afternoon before Alderman Harry C. Coleman, as the result of a fatal crash in which Mr. Michaels car was involved. Michael was charged with assault and batter by means of an automobile.
Donald Zarr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn, suffered a fractured arm while trying to emulate “Tarzan of the Apes.” On one or two tries he had successfully leaped from an abutment of a bridge and swung onto a branch. The last time he fell-resulting in a fractured arm.
Ad: Fireman’s Big Street Carnival-Big Midway-High St., Muncy
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Sept. 1, 1960
5 cents
The entire West Branch Valley was stunned last Wednesday evening by the drowning of 13-year old Cynthia Laidacker and her 11-year old brother Richard, whose bodies were found in Little Muncy Creek just east of Clarkstown about dusk, shortly after they had left their home for an evening swim.
Harold M. Soars, president and general manager of Sprout, Waldron and Co., Muncy, has been named Lycoming County chairman of the “Nixon for President Committee”.
Two phases of a long-range improvement and better service program of West Branch Bell Telephone company were announced this week by Robert Rishel, general manager of the firm which supplies telephone service throughout the West Branch Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, of near Muncy, announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Yvonne Allen, to Earl L. Poust, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Poust, also of near Muncy.
The former Rosalie Ann Stroup, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stroup, Sr., and MR. Menges, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee Menges, of Turbotville, were united by Rev. Richard Pelham, uncle of the bride, on Aug. 26.
Miss Venetta Gardner, daughter of Mrs. Rinda Gardner and the late Myron Gardner, of Muncy, was united in marriage with Don Akers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rov Akers, Montoursville, on Aug. 20.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stahl, of near Danville, a son, Dale Allen, Aug. 25. Mother former Pauline Hagerman; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Snyder, of near Turbotville, a son, Steven Lawrence, Aug. 25. Mother former Pauline Hall; Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Decker, of near Montgomery, a son, Steven Allen, Aug. 26. Mother former Joselyn Fritz; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Snyder, of Montgomery, a son , Douglas Elwood, Aug. 30. Mother former June Younger; Mr. and Mrs. C. Frederick Worthington, of near Muncy, a daughter, Aug. 30. Mother former Beverly Phillips; Mr. and Mrs. John Morgan, of near Winfield, a son, Aug. 31. Mother former Doris Fusselman.
Deaths: Samuel S. Buffington, died at his home in Muncy on Aug. 27. He was 84; Louise Patrizio, 83, mother of Dr. R. J. Patrizio, died Aug. 24 at Muncy Valley hospital; Laura M. Poust, 76, Hughesville, died Aug. 26 in the Muncy Valley Hospital; Ada J. Felix, 64, of near Montgomery, died Aug. 26 in the Muncy Valley hospital; Myron E. Milheim, well known resident of this area, died at his home near Turbotville, on Aug. 23; Oliver Snyder, of near Muncy, died Aug. 25 at Lysock View where he had been a guest.
At the Ritz: Jerry Lewis in “The Bellboy”
Ad: A&P-Sirloin and Porterhouse 85 cents lb.
25 Years Ago
Sept. 19, 1985
25 cents
The Clinton Twp. Fire Company disagrees with the owners of the Candlestick Lounge over whose negligence resulted in the building being destroyed by fire last March 22. The owners, Merle and June Hively, filed a civil suit seeking in excess of $10,000 in damages, claiming firefighters were negligent by not responding quick enough with a sufficient water supply and because they did not take the necessary steps to prevent substantial damage to the Route 1 building.
As part of the Indian Festival in Muncy, a 3.1 mile race, “The Great Runaway” will be held Oct. 5.
In his decision of Sept. 3, Judge Robert Wollett denied the appeal of Muncy Creek Township and township supervisors from an auditors report surcharging two supervisors for costs of insurance coverage.
Births: A daughter, Tesse Mae, born to MR. and Mrs. Larry Michael of Muncy on Sept. 14. The mother is the former Sabrina Miller. A son, Daryl Lee, born to Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Sullivan, Muncy, on Sept. 14. Mrs. Sullivan is the former Kathleen Chilson.
Deaths: Wanda Mae Lupold, 77, of Muncy, died Sept. 15 in Muncy Valley Hospital; Geraldine K. McCollum, 73, sister of Helen Bieber, Montgomery, died Sept. 13, in Divine Providence; Edith V. Benfer, 72, of Muncy, died Sept. 12, in her home following a lengthy illness; Grant O. Whipple, 81, of Hughesville, died Sept. 15 in Laporte; Carroll E. (Pop) Murray, 80, of Elimsport, died Sept. 13 at United Methodist Nursing Home; Horace G. Swope, 66, of Turbotville, died Sept. 14 at home; Edward C. Watson, 90, formerly of Hughesville, died Sept. 10, in Williamsport Hospital.
At the Ritz: Rambo
Ad: Vito’s Pizza Shop Italian Restaurant
10 Years Ago
The Luminary
Sept. 13, 2000
35 cents
Ethel Cruse of Picture Rocks not only suggested that the Muncy Historical Society have a program and display of antique quilts, but also lent several from her own collection.
Specimens from natures abundance were the backdrop fro the seventh annual hymn sing at the Old Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church along Lime Bluff Road in Muncy Creek Township.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dilcher of Muncy are please to announce the engagement of their daughter,Jennifer Michelle, to Derrick Brent Garber, son of Pastor and Mrs. Fred Garber of Elizabethtown.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Heckel of Hughesville announce the birth of a son on July 18, 2000 at Centre Community Hospital, State College. The mother is the former Carole E. Stewart.
Deaths: Calvin O. Diltz, 71, of the Hughesville area, died Sept. 10 at his home in Berlin, MD, after an extended illness; Raymond a. Houseknecht, 86, of Hughesville, died Sept. 6 in Valley View Nursing Center; Charles Brady Oden, 72, of Muncy, died Sept. 8 at home.