Peeks of the Past
109 years ago
Sept. 12, 1901
Died: Mr. DeLa Green died at his home in Muncy on Tuesday morning, Sept. 10, at seven o’clock, after an illness of several months.
George Anderson, a farmer living in Muncy Creek township, was badly kicked in the mouth by a horse on Monday morning. He was brought to the office of Dr. James R. Ranking, where his wounds were dressed and several stitches put in.
The Reeder Lime Kiln near this place was destroyed by an explosion of dynamite Saturday. A small quantity of dynamite was stored in a shed and it exploded, blowing the shed to atoms.
Buffalo, N.Y. President McKinley, while holding a reception in the temple of music at the Pan American Exposition at 4 o’clock Friday afternoon, was shot and twice wounded by Leon Czolgosz, an anarchist who lives in Cleveland.
103 years ago
Sept. 12, 1907
One of the saddest accidents that ever occurred in this vicinity happened Friday afternoon at 2:00 o’clock, a short distance from the Reading railroad bridge, when Helen Lloyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,Charles Lloyd, was struck by the train known as the Cannon Ball, and instantly killed, her brother Lamonte who was with her, laid down between the tacks and escaped injury.
On last Tuesday evening a delightful smoker was given George H. Rogers in honor of his fifty-sixth birthday anniversary.
Miss Edna Downing who soon leaves for Ann Arbor University, gave a novel and fancy dress party at her home on Market Street, Monday evening.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Sept. 12, 1935
3 cents
The five-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilnett, of Watsontown, R.D. was instantly killed early yesterday morning as she fell from a truck which had crashed into a bank, and was hit by a wheel when the truck overturned.
The Management of the Muncy-Muncy Creek High School Athletic Association has opened negotiations with the John B. Rogers Company of Ohio, with a view to staging a large-scale musical comedy show in the auditorium of the new school building on Oct. 17 and 18.
Birth: Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hill, at their home on Schuyler Ave., last Friday, a daughter, who has been named Doris Joan.
Ad: Firestone Tires-$7.95
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Sept. 8, 1960
5 cents
A. Kenneth Dunlap, of Muncy, will be the only area person receiving the 33d Degree, one of Masonry’s highest honors, in Boston,m Mass. on Sept. 28.
G. Warren Peterman, of Muncy, president of the Lycoming County Sabbath School association, will convene the 67th annual convention of the Lycoming County Sunday School on Sept. 9.
An enrollment of 1,382 pupils was the unofficial total of student registered in the Muncy Joint Schools on the first day of the 1960-61 school term.
The Muncy Methodist Church will be setting for the late summer wedding on Sept. 10 of Nancy Elaine Snyder, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arwood Snyder, of near Muncy, and Ronald Elden Springman, also of near Muncy.
Lois M. Rosica, of Skippack, PA, became the bride of John R. Ebner, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ebner, of Muncy.
Deaths: Levina Wertz, 56, of Montgomery, died Aug. 31 in Williamsport hospital; Henry M. Fessler, of Picture Rocks, died Aug. 30, in Jefferson hospital, Philadelphia; Eva Mae Rissel Weidenhamer, of Montgomery, died Aug. 30, at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Paul Schrey; William R. Elliott, of Pennsdale, 78, of Pennsdale, died Sept. 5.
Ad: This Area’s Finest Theatre LAURA-Now Playing “Psycho”
25 Years Ago
Sept. 26, 1985
25 cents
A Blue Grass review is among the features of the Indian Summer Festival sponsored by the Muncy Area Chamber of Commerce on Oct. 4 and 5.
Miss Laura Rohm and Mr. Craig Johnson were united in marriage in the Grace Baptist Church, Muncy, on Sept. 21. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Rohm, Muncy. The groom is the son of Alice Confer and Francis Johnson, Hughesville.
Miss Hannah Payne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Leithead of New York, formerly of Muncy, was married on Sept. 21 to Mr. Timothy Martin Walsh.
Shelley A. Miller, daughter of James L. Miller and Edna J. Miller, Muncy, has been promoted to Airman.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hess, Hughesville, celebrated their 25th anniversary on Sept. 17.
Darla Mabel Winder and Douglas Alan Painter were united in married on Sept. 21 in the United Methodist Church, Picture Rocks. The bride is the daughter of Ivan M. (Butch) and Shirley M. Winder, Hughesville.
Births: A daughter, Juliana Amanda, born to Mr. and Mrs. James Temple, Muncy, on Sept. 9. The mother is the former Nancy Eschenbach. A daughter, Michelle Renee, born to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taliesesky, Elysburg on Sept. 15. The mother is the former Donna Bay, Muncy. A son, Jason Andrew, to MR. and Mrs. Gerald Brown, Muncy, on Sept. 17. The mother is the former Faith Fry; A daughter, Katie Sue, born to Mr. and Mrs. David Vandine, Muncy, on Sept. 18. The mother is the former Pamela Davis; A daughter, Alyson Rebecca, born to Mr. and Mrs. David Derk of Muncy on Sept. 20. The mother is the former Wanda McCormick.
Deaths: Roy C. Corson, 63, of Lairdsville, died Sept. 20 in the intensive care unit of Muncy Valley Hospital; Mary E. Worthington, 66, of Hughesville, died Sept. 19 in Muncy Valley Hospital; Junior F. Miller, 75, of Watsontown, died Sept. 20 at Muncy Valley Hospital; Glenn Weber, 89, Lock Haven, father of Muncy man, died Sept. 21; Charles A. Newman, 80, of Hughesville, died Sept. 22 in Muncy Valley Hospital; Adda M. Bartlow, 79, sister of two east Lycoming County residents, died Sept. 22 in Aultman Hospital,Canton, Ohio.
At the Ritz: “E.T.” with Drew Barrymore
Ad: Fort Brady Hotel-Beef Stroganoff $4.95
10 Years Ago
The Luminary
Sept. 20, 2000
35 cents
Muncy High School senior and soccer standout, Ivonne Rojas, has made Muncy history by becoming the first female member of the football team.
Participants from throughout Lycoming County, including many from area businesses, Kelloggs, Springs Window Fashions, Sovereign Bank and The Luminary, participated in last Saturday’s United Way Day of Caring.
Muncy residents Ralph and Florence Knopp were among 20 couples in the running to be named the one millionth member of the Good Sam Club, the world’s largest RV owners’ group.
Lori Burkholder of Cape Charles, VA, daughter of Eugene and Suzanne Burkholder of Muncy, became the bride of Robert W. Strieby of State College, formerly of Loyalsock Township, son of the late Roy and Cynthia Strieby, on July 29.
The Rev. Timothy W. Spring, pastor of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Virginia, spent two weeks in July in Wittenberg, Germany on behalf of the Wittenberg English Ministry.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Ty Hall of Montgomery, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 7, The mother is the former Erin Knarr; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Smith, of Muncy, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 6 in The Williamsport Hospital. The mother is the former Jamie L. Galetz. Cynthia Shoemaker and James Champaign Jr., of Muncy, announce the birth of a son on Sept. 5 in the Williamsport Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Ranck, Muncy, announce the birth of a daughter on Sept. 10 in Evangelical Community Hospital, Lewisburg. The mother is the former Kimberly Semic. Christie Sullivan and Shannon Lyons of Hughesville, announce the birth of a daughter on Sept. 10 in The Willaimsport Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Mark C. Miller of Picture Rocks announce the birth of a son on Sept. 11 in The Williamsport Hospital. The mother is the former Diane Dolan.
Deaths: Ellis E. Davis, formerly of Muncy, died Sept. 17 in the Muncy Valley Hospital Skilled Nursing Unit; Betty Jane Hill, 62, of Muncy, died Sept. 11 at the home of her granddaughter in Williamsport; Paul G. “Mick” Burgard, 84, of Pennsdale, died Sept. 12 at Sycamore Manor; Carl S. “Butch” Woodside Jr., 45, of Unityville, died Sept. 13 at home.