Peeks of the Past
109 years ago
Dec. 12, 1901
John Waldron and wife returned home last week from Clifton Springs Sanitarium, where they had been for some time for the benefit of Mr. Waldron’s health.
Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss Carrie M. Baker of Hughesville, and Henry Stiger, of this place, which will take place at the home of the bride’s parents in Hughesville on Dec. 19.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Brass, of Port Penn, on Saturday, a son.
103 years ago
Dec. 12, 1907
75 Years Ago
ON Monday evening the town thrown into state of excitement and great sorrow overwhelmed our community when the announcement was made that Daniel B. Dykins had dropped dead on the street, a victim of apoplexy.
Miss Mary Fiester, daughter of MRs. Barbara Fiester of this place was united in marriage to J.M. Weigle of Longmont, Col, at her home on Wednesday evening.
R.F. D. No. 5 Muncy which started this week with J. K. McDaniel as carrier, is turning out good and now has twenty eight families.
The Muncy Luminary
Dec. 12, 1935
3 cents
Four army air corps men leaped from a plane over North Mountain, in Sullivan County, yesterday, about noon, and made safe landings, when it appeared that the fog-bound plane in which they were traveling had developed engine trouble.
Under the Lycoming County Crippled Children’s Society, a posture clinic will be held in the Muncy-Muncy Creek School. Dr. Simon, the orthopedic specialist from the Society will examine the pupils.
Miss Mildred C. Andrews, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews, and Maldan T. Neufer were united in marriage Saturday evening at the Methodist parsonage by the pastor, Rev. Collins E. Hazen.
While hunting at a camp near Nordmont, Mrs. Laura Bartlow, wife of Rollie Bartlow brought down a 7-point buck.
Deaths: After a long and complicated illness, five months in duration, Doctor John Ellis Jennings died in Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, Mo., Wednesday evening, Dec. 5; Roscoe s. Blaine, aged 66, prominent hardware dealer of Turbotville, died on Sunday afternoon at his home, following a stroke suffered nine days previous.
Ad: Terraplane for 1936-$595, Eaker’s Garage, Muncy
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Dec. 8, 1960
5 cents
John F. Smith, an official of Weldon Manufacturing company, stated Wednesday noon that its Muncy plant will be closed down sometime after Jan. 1, 1951.
The changeover to a seven digit dialing system in the Williaimsport area on Sunday has not changed the local method of dialing, it was pointed out this week by Robert Rishel, present of the West Branch Bell Telephone company.
Richard Eugene Akers, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jake T. Akers, of Muncy, has enlisted in the U.S. Air Force for a period of four years.
Miss Nancy Corson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F. Corson, of near Muncy, is one of the winners of a full four year tuition scholarship offer by Susquehanna University at Selinsgrove.
The Methodist Church of Muncy will be setting for the holiday wedding of Miss Yvonne Allen, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, of near Muncy, and Earl L. Poust, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Poust, also of near Muncy, on Friday, Dec. 23 at 7:30 p.m.
Miss Kathryn Pauline Brook, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brooke, of Muncy, became the bride of Darrell George Colonga, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cologna, of St. Paul, Minn. in a double ring ceremony in the Hughesville Methodist Church on Dec. 2.
Deaths: Funeral service were conducted on Monday for Stella I. Fuller, of near Muncy, She died Dec. 1 at Geisinger hospital, where she had been a patient since suffering a stroke in October. Her age was 66. Funeral services were conducted Saturday for three-year old Rickey C. Rice, Muncy, who died suddenly en route to the Muncy Valley hospital on Nov. 30. Funeral services will be conducted on Saturday for Elizabeth S. Opp, who died Dec. 7 at Muncy Valley hospital.
At the Ritz: High Time with Bing Crosby, Fabian, Tuesday Weld and Nicole Maurey
Ad: All Fall Hats and Wollen Dresses 1/3
Dec. 19, 1985
25 cents
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Webster, Muncy, will be observing their 50th anniversary on Dec. 26. They were married at the Muncy Methodist parsonage by Rev. Collins E. Hazen.
A dedication program was held on Nov. 27 at the Carl G. Renn school to present the school with a picture which was donated by the PTO.
Coast Guard Petty Officer 2nd Class Edward L. McCarty, son of Edward L. and Nancy L. McCarty of Hughesville recently reported for duty with Coast Guard Group in New Jersey.
On the evening of Dec. 31, LaRue Seid of Muncy will embark on a trip to Freeport , Sierre Leone, Africa as one of a group of volunteers of the Wesleyan Church, a work team composed of many skills.
Jenni Demko of Muncy is a member of the 1985 James Madison University swimming and diving team. She holds the school records in the 50-yard freestyle, the 100 yard freestyle; and the 200 yard freestyle.
Births: A son, William Jason, born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Robbins of Unityville on Dec. 14, 1985. The mother is the former Kathryn Ault; A daughter, Nicole Elizabeth, born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown of Unityville on Dec. 14. Mother is the former Elizabeth Berry.
Deaths: Kurt Muellerstein, 88, of Muncy, died Dec. 11 in Kramm Nursing Home; Gordner W. Meehan, 68, formerly of Montgomery, died on Dec. 11 in the Muncy Valley Hospital; Walter W. Deitrick, 65, of Hughesivlle, died Dec. 14 in Muncy Valley Hospital; Robert F. Zinck, Allenwood, died Dec. 17 at Divine Providence Hospital.
Ad: Season’s Best from Ciraulo’s Freez
Dec. 20, 2000
35 cents
Births: Tracy Buck and Randy Gingery of Montgomery, announce the birth of a son on Dec. 10, 2000, in The Williamsport Hospital; MR. and MR.s Robert Gearhart of Montgomery, announce the birth of a son on Dec. 2, 2000 in The Williamsport Hospital. The mother is the former Denise Mondell.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester M. Neitz, Muncy, will observe their 55th wedding anniversary on Dec. 24.
Marie Bane, of Arizona, the former Marie Bird of Muncy, was one of 21 scholarship participants to obtain a Graduate Certificate from Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in Louisiana on Oct. 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Wilk of Montoursville is pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Tammy Jo of Lynchburn VA to William Sam Arthurs Jr. son of Williams Arthurs Sr. and Leah Poore of Lynchburg.
Deaths: LaRue E. Richart, 77, of Muncy, died Dec. 17 at his home; Robert E. Solomon, 73, of Montgomery, died Dec. 15 in the Muncy Valley Hospital after being stricken at home; Ruth G. Smith, 91, formerly of Hughesville, died Dec. 13 at the Skilled Nursing Unit in Muncy Valley Hospital; Nancy M. Koch, 66, of Muncy, died Dec. 18 at Muncy Valley Hospital Emergency Room; Jesse L. Magargle, 68, died Dec. 17 at home; Charles B. Stutzman, Hugehsville died Dec. 13 at The Williamsport Hospital; Donald E. Reece 88, of Moreland Twp., died Dec. 13, at the Skilled Nursing Unit of the Muncy Valley Hospital.
Ad: Ring in the New!-Curves for Women, Muncy/