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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Jan 11, 2011

109 years ago

Jan. 2, 1902

F. H. Heilman, of the Muncy Lodge I.O.O. F., attended the annual banquet of Hughesville Lodge No. 331 Saturday evening. A very elaborate supper was served, about ninety-seven guests being present.

A very delightful progressive novelty party was given by Miss Lizzie Miexell on Monday evening at her home on East Water street. Avery pleasant evening was spent by all.

The Sheffer family held a reunion in Williamsport on Christmas day, and those who attended from this place were Charles Sheffer and wife, David Gundrum and wife, and Daniel Wonders.

John Mulligan, who is a carver at the furniture factory, met with a very painful accident on Friday. A piece of carving slipped, and the end of his right thumb was cut off.

103 years ago

75 Years Ago

Wednesday afternoon while Mrs. R. R. Montgomery was walking to the Reading Station, she slipped and fell just after passing the office of the Muncy Manufacturing Company, breaking one of the bones of her right wrist. Dr. J.W. Albright reduced the fracture.

Thos. Lockard, one of Muncy’s best known and highly respected business men, died at his home on West Penn street. Monday night, after s serious illness of several weeks, aged 42 years, 9 months and 13 days.

Esther Noble and Mary Brittain attended the fourth annual dance of the Lycoming County Club of the University of Pennsylvania in Williamsport, Friday evening.

With the preceding issue of the Luminary, the paper was changed from a “blanket” or 8-column paper to the then modern six-column paper.

The Muncy Luminary

Jan. 2, 1936

3 cents

D. L. Baker, well known and respected citizen of Muncy, died at the Williaimsport Hospital Saturday night at 6:30 o’clock where he had been taken following a sudden attack of illness at the home of his brother, dr. B.H. Baker, of Williamsport.

Miss Jean Schneider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schneider, of West Penn Street, who is recognized by leading music critics as one of the finest cellists in the country, will return to New York City to appear in a concert on that Friday, after spending the holidays with her parents.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tocum, of Muncy R.D. on Christmas eve, announced the engagement of their daughter, Naomi, to Carl E. Houseknecht, son of Mt. and Mts. Harry E. Houseknecht, of Muncy R. D.

Foster T. Hall, who suffered a fractured leg and fractured arm in an automobile accident Christmas night returned home Saturday from the Williamsport Hospital and is improving as well as can be expected.

Deaths: Bessie Elsie Harris, died at the Williamsport Hospital on Monday, Dec. 30; John Reading Allen, age 28, died early Tuesday morning in the South Nassau Communities Hospital at Rockville Center, L.I; Harvey B. Elliott, 77, of Oak Run, died Tuesday morning.

Ad: The large two-story frame building on Carpenter St., known as the Pants Factory, with about one-half acre of ground will be sold for $3,000 Cash.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

Dec. 29, 1960

5 cents

the A & P food stores company this week announced plans for enlargement of its supermarket in Muncy with construction to begin in February, 1961.

Miss Roberta (Bobbi) Cook, daughter of Mrs. Helen Cook, of near Pennsdale, has been selected May Queen for Muncy high school for 1961. She will reign at the Muncy Day festivities later in the spring.

Walter Bieber was reelected present and Paul Geringer was named to serve his 18th year as fire chief when the Keystone Hook and Ladder company, Muncy, held its election meeting.

As he left his home about 4 a.m. last Thursday, a daily ritual for Ray App in his job on the Stroehmann bread truck, he glanced at the thermometer on his back porch. What he saw gave him an extra chill. It was 21 degrees below zero.

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Koedderich, of NJ, announce the engagement of their daughter, Wanda, to Homer Hilner of Del, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hilner of near Hugehsville and former Muncy resident.

The wedding of Miss Marjorie Ann Ginnick, of South Williamsport, and Thomas E. Stover, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn Stover, of Picture Rocks, took place on Dec. 28.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Glarner, of Upper Darby, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Ardeth Ann, to Richard C. Merrell, son of Mr.a nd Mrs. W. Cletus Merrell, fo Hugehsville.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gardner, of Muncy, a son,m Mark Lee, Dec. 20. Mother is the former Sandra Frick; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher, of Muncy, a daughter, Donna Jean, Dec. 21. Mother is the former Dorothy Bieber; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Murray, of near Montgomery,, a son Donald Lee, Dec. 25. Mother is the former JoAnn Page; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gardner, of Unityville, a son, Dec. 26. Mother is the former Dorothy Diltz; Mr and Mrs. Dean Campbell, of near Muncy, a son, Dec. 27. Mother is the former Jean Ager.

Ad: A&P-Bananas 10 cents lb.

Jan 16, 1986

25 cents

The tedious job of sorting through records removed from the fire-damaged office of Dist. Justice C. Roger McRae is under way.

The living is easier for senior citizens who are residents of the Park Place apartment complex off New Street in Muncy. The complex opened Dec. 1 and already 16 of 20 available apartments are occupied.

Paula Montgomery Rothaus, MD, a Hughesville native and 1970 graduate of Hughesville High School, has been selected, along with nine other young women, by Glamour Magazine, as on one of the ten outstanding working women in 1986.

Mr. and Mrs. Lionel E. Shadduck, Muncy, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Jo Dee, to Thomas H. Koontz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Koontz, of Littletown.

Mrs. John Leech of Muncy announce the engagement of their daughter, Ann Marie Leech to John G. Rimley, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rimley of Tobyhanna.

Births: A daughter, Ashley Kaylynn, born to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Strassner of Muncy on Jan. 11. The mother is the former Linda Pfleegor; a daughter, Krystle, Lynn, born to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Aunkst of Watsontown on Jan. 11. The mother is the former Kara Caster; A son, Jason Cody, born to Mr. and Mrs. Mark Magargle, Muncy, on Jan. 12.

Deaths: Alberta Mae Zarr, 64, of Muncy, died Jan. 9 in Muncy Valley Hospital; Helen M. Pentz, 56, Montgomery, died Jan. 13 at her home following a lengthy illness; Kelly L. Shultz Fry, 21, Hughesville, died Jan. 7 in the emergency room of the Muncy Valley Hospital following a motor vehicle accident near Muncy; Edwin E. Kitzmiller, 88, of Unityville, died Jan. 10, in Bloomsburg Health Care Center.

Ad: Alison Wonderband-Dance at Hughesville Fire Hall

Jan. 17, 2001

35 cents

A total of 80 years of service is shared by three recent retirees, familiar faces to customers of the Muncy Bank and Trust Company are Bill Ritter, Patricia Dennis and Naomi Wertman.

A large pine tree fell in the Muncy Cemetery during a windy December day. The tree covered seven plot rows and is 20 feet northeast of the Civil War Memorial.

The Keystone Hook & Ladder Company of Muncy recently announced their 2001 officers. Named are Craig Johnson-fire chief, Randy McCauley-first assistant chief, Chris Blass-second assistant chief, Dana Bertin-captain 1-30; Richard Stroup-captain 2-30; Robert O’Connor-lieutenant 30.

Loretta and John Shimko of Montoursville are proud to announce the engagement of their son, John Christopher to Melissa Rose of Gallitzin, PA.

Paul E. Heise, P.E., the district engineer for PennDot’s Engineering District 3-0 for nearly five years, is announcing his plans to retire.

Births: Mr. and MRs. Allan S. Cahill of Muncy, announce the birth of a son on Dec. 25. The mother is the former Julie R. Robbins; Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hess of Hughesville, announce the birth of a daughter on Jan. 1. The mother is the former Lacy A. Callahan; Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Weigle, of Muncy, announce the birth of a daughter on Jan. 12. The mother is the former Tammy Anspach.

Deaths: George VanDine, 90, of Hughesville, formerly of Unityville, died Jan. 11; Daniel L. Bartlow, 51, of Milton , died Jan. 13 at home; Elisie P. Wertman, 63, of Hughesville, died Jan. 14 after an extended illness; H. Charlotte Levy, Montgomery, 57, died at home on Jan. 8; Ova H. Bartlett, 86, formerly of Montgomery, died Jan. 14; Sandra J. Bower, 57, Hughesville, died Jan. 12; Robert Bruce Armstrong, 78, of Malvern, died Dec. 24; William E. Reese, 73, of Montgomery, died Jan. 3.