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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Jan 21, 2011

109 years ago

Jan. 9, 1902

E. P. Hall of this place who was recently appointed assistant clerk by the county commissioners entered upon his duties on Monday,

Dr. J.W. Albright and family attended the Golden Wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James Albright, at Laurelton yesterday.

Married: At Turbotville, Dec. 24, 1901 by A.S. Wagner, J.P. Thomas Benton Rupert of this place and Miss Rebecca Shook, of Lewis Township, Northumberland County.

103 years ago

Jan. 9, 1911

75 Years Ago

The old Lutheran Church building on N. Main Street, has been leased by James Eaker, who will move his corrugating works into it from their present location on E. Water street.

Oliver Brass, H.C. Gruver, John Michael, William A. Ellis, and W.S. Montgomery attended the Jackson Day Banquet in Williamsport, Monday evening.

The Muncy Luminary

Jan. 9, 1936

3 cents

Miss Sara Fahrenbach, of Moreland Township, and Chester Hartman, of Exchange, were united in marriage December 31st at the Muncy Baptist Church.

Passersby on West Penn Street these past few days, have been amazed at the remarkable talent displayed in a Santa Claus which has been constructed of snow in the yard adjoining the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Atherton. This excellent piece of work was done by Miss Mary Taylor.

Deaths: Peter Womelsdorf, 80-year old retired farmer of Muncy died Sunday at the home of his son, Russell; Robert H. Calehuff, aged 70 years, a retired painter, died at this home, Wednesday, January 1st.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Pursell of Scranton, Dec. 31, a daughter. Both mother and daughter doing fine. Mrs. Pursell was formerly Helen Kunz, of this place.

Ad: Pennsylvania Railroad – $3.25 Philadelphia and return.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

Jan 5, 1961

5 cents

As the Weldon Manufacturing company activities officially were closed in Muncy last Friday, there was evidence that local citizens are now busily engaged in securing a replacement industry.

Domer Balliet, manager of the meat department of the Muncy A & P supermarket, will be off duty for the n ext four to six weeks recuperating from a broken arm.

William R. Barlow, of Muncy, and Morris C. Smith, of Montoursville, were the recipients on Dec. 20, 1960, of U.S. patent entitled “Article Inserting Apparatus.”

Emergence of the Highland Ski Area, created within one of nature;’s beauty spots near Huntersville, as a special new winter wonderland for outdoors enthusiasts, was one of the bright spots of the local holiday season.

The engagement of Miss Carolyn Marcey to A/2C Thomas L. Swisher has been announced by her parents, Mr. and MRs. Harley Marcey, of Hughesville.

The engagement of Miss Barbara Griggs has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Phillip Griggs, of near Muncy, to John Kepner, son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Kepner, of near Hughesville.

Miss Jo Ann Kirby and Miss Donna Stiger, seniors in the Hughesville high school were named “Girl of the MOnth” for November and December by the Hughesville Business and Professional Women’s Club.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haywood won first prize $15 in the Lions Club outdoor Christmas decorating contest.

Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Hall, of near Hughesville, are announcement the engage of their daughter, Jeannette to Cecil H. Casner.

No deaths reported.

At the Ritz: Elvis Presley in G.I. Blues

Ad: Temple oranges-59 cents a doz.-A&P

Jan 23, 1986

25 cents

For nostalgia huffs, a baseball card show will be on tap at the Lycoming Mall in the Community Room.

Beth D. Tallman, daughter of Paul E. and Donna J. Tallman of Hughesville, has been promoted in the U.S. Army to the rank of first lieutenant; Marine Pfc. Donald S. Kim, son of Ilgon Kim of Hughesville, has completed 11-week recruit training at Marine Corps Recruit Dept, Parris Island.

Ken Swisher of Hughesville and a senior communications major at King’s College, recently completed a semester long internship with the Greater Wilkes-Barre Committee for Economic Growth.

Deaths: William D. Mundrick, Jr., 77, of Muncy, died Jan. 13 in Lysock View; Amy M. Feaster, Montgomery, died Jan. 14 in Divine Providence; Howard L. Balker, 60, of Muncy, died Jan. 15 in Williamsport Hospital; Earl S. Bastian, 84, formerly of Montgomery died Jan. 14; Frances W. Bussler, 75, died Jan. 15, at home following a lengthy illness; Daisy Irene Murphy, 69, of Montgomery, died Jan. 17 in Divine Providence; Norman J. Hummel, 80, of Hughesville, died Jan. 16 in Divine Providence; Ruth E. DeGreen, 79, of Montgomery, died Jan. 15 following a lengthy illness.

Ad: D-W Sanitary Disposal

Jan. 24, 2001

35 cents

The first baby from our area to be born in the new year, new year and new millennium arrived Jan. 10 at the Williamsport Hospital. She is Jannelle Elizabeth, daughter of Michael J. And Lacy A. Callahan Hess of Hughesville.

Wesley Egli of Muncy and a member on the board of the Lycoming County Chapter of the Audubon Society, and Jerry Fought, proprietor of Fought’s MIll in Hughesivlle, discussed the types of bird seed and feeders available to help our feathered friends through the winter.

On Jan. 1 Kelly Norton of Dushore became engaged to Jason Knight, Muncy, during a surprise Christmas gift vacation to visit with friends in Florida.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Jay Maris of Hugehsville announce the birth of a son on Jan. 11. The mother is the former Jennifer Hill; Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Philips of Muncy announce the birth of a son on Jan. 13. The mother is the former Adrienne Betzer; Melissa Sites and Matthew Snyder of Muncy, announce the birth of a son on Nov. 17.

Brenda Charles, Postermaster of Montgomery Post Office recently announced the retirement of mail carrier Beverly Canada of Montgomery.

Deaths: Mary Elsie Lyons, 96, of Unityville, died Jan. 20, at her home; Amanda E. Chestnut, 89, of Montgomery, died Jan. 19 at Sycamore Manor; J. Harold Hill, 87, of Hughesville, died Jan. 18 at the Williamsport Hospital emergency room; Lois Marie Houseknecht, 54, of Muncy, died Jan. 22 at Geisinger Medical Center.

Ad: See us for all your Super Bowl needs- Lowe’s Great Valu