Peeks of the Past
109 years ago
Jan. 16, 1902
The engagement of Mabel, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Rogers, to MR. Harry J. Little, of Bloomsburg, has been announced.
The boiler for the power house of the Robinson Manufacturing Company has arrived from the Keeler Boiler Works at Williamsport and is being placed in position.
Misses Olive Martin and Anna Tillman, and Messrs. Walter Cupp and William Hughes, of Newberry, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L.G. Watts.
103 years ago
Jan. 19, 1911
75 Years Ago
Mrs. John Frey took her son, Henry, to Williamsport, Tuesday morning, where Dr. S.S. Koser removed a growth from the nose of the young man. This is the second operation Master Henry has undergone for the same trouble.
A jolly sleighing party of the Ladies Aid Society of the Stone Church, near Montgomery, spent Thursday at the home of MR. Ida Shaffer and family on North Market street. About forty guests were present.
Married: Tuesday evening at the Methodist parsonage, Rev. A. S. Williams united in marriage Elwood Laidacker and Grace E. Murry, of Muncy R.D.7.
Mrs. Hannah Madison recently cut her hand severely on a broken pane of glass. She attempted to lower the window and id not know the glass was broken, jamming her hand on the sharp edge.
The Muncy Luminary
Jan. 16, 1936
3 cents
According to information received by Postmaster Lester Sedam this wee, there will be no delay in the construction of the new postoffice building at Muncy.
Sauer Kraut was a popular item on the menu in many Muncy homes MOnday, as the result of an accident about 4:00 a.m. Sunday morning, when a large truck loaded with 55 barrels of the delectable food, spilled over the embankment of Mile Hill.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. William Merrill, of Port Penn, on January 6, a daughter who has been named Dawn Louise; to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wallis, a son, on January 9th, who has been named William; to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eaker on Saturday, January 11, a daughter; to Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Abbott, Wednesday, January 14, a son.
Deaths: Glenn Bull, 43, of Milton R.D. died in the Geisinger Hospital at 6:30 o’clock Sunday evening; Martha G. Berriman, aged 88, former resident of this place, died Saturday morning at her home at Thornhurst; Abraham Moyer, aged 85 years, died Monday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Robert Williamson, Philadelphia. Death was caused by pneumonia; Dr. Boyd Harvey Baker, of Wilmington, Del., brother of the late D. Lloyd Baker of this place, died Thursday morning at 9:30 o’clock at the home of his niece, Mrs. B.B. Sprout, South Williamsport; Olive Hart Hess, aged 47, former resident of this place, died at the Williamsport hospital Saturday following an operation for appendicitis.
Ad: Stop that Cough with Kemp’s Balsam
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Jan 12, 1961
5 cents
Harold M. Soars, president and general manager, Sprout, Waldron and Company, Inc., has announced purchase of the animal feed machinery business of Fort Worth, Texas.
Elementary School Absenteeism Abates After Measles Seize-Absences at the Muncy Elementary school caused by near epidemic proportions of illnesses to youngsters in the community abated somewhat this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn A. Waltz, of Hughesville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Connie to Robert L. King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. King, Picture Rocks.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Lorimer Jr., of near Muncy, are telling the engagement of their daughter, Mary Ann, to Ronald L. Ott, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Howard N. Ott, of Muncy.
The announcement was made of the engagement of Matilda Mae Gabbard, of Muncy, to Terry Ray Schwenk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray E. Schwenk, also of Muncy.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. robert Hievely, of near Montgomery, a daughter Barbara Ann, Jan. 3. Mother is the former Jean Kepner; Mr. and Mrs. Amos Houseknecht, of Muncy, a daughter, Nancy Ann, Jan. 4. Mother former June Woodling; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Swope, of Turbotville, a son, Jay Arthur, Jan. 65. Mother former Grace Krum; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bardo, Jr., of near Muncy, a daughter, Holli Jo, Jan., 7. Mother former Beverly Bair; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bomboy, of Bloomsburg, a daughter, Gemmi Ann, Jan. 8. Mother former Donna Pegg; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beiber, of near Watsontown, a daughter, Beth Ann, Jan. 9. Mother former Alma Schick; Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kilgus, of Picture Rocks, a son, Gerald Wayne, Jan. 9. Mother former Patricia Kelly; Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Fulmer of near Unityville, a daughter, Carol Sue, Jan. 9. Mother former Frances Snyder.
Deaths: Lela Gardner, 60, of Muncy, died on Jan. 8 at the Muncy Valley Hospital; Beula B. Felcher, 77 passed away on Jan. 3 in the Muncy Valley hospital following an extended illness;George E. Hoover, 78, of Picture Rocks, died Thursday.
At the Ritz: North to Alaska with John Wayne
Ad: The ’61 Chevy Brings Jet-Smooth Travel Down to Earth-Gilbert Bros. Chevrolet, Muncy
Jan 30, 1986
25 cents
Montgomery-Police Chief Richard M. Knaur and Cpl. Timothy Quigley along with part-time Patrolmen Mark Ranck and Edward Ferguson resigned last Friday in protest of guidelines issued them by Mayor John R. Taylor and council’s police committee. Virginia R. Decker, borough secretary for the pst four years, resigned Monday, citing “political instability” as the reason.
The resignation of Evelyn Kampmeyer, Hughesivlle High School principal, was accepted by the East Lycoming School district Monday night.
Ken “Digger” Thomas, son of Rich Thomas, Hughesville, and Doris Thomas, of state College, is a student manager for the University of Miami football team.
The engagement of Jennifer Diane Watts to Chad Revell Simpson, has been announced by the bride-elect’s parents, Mrs. Carol H. Hill, Muncy, and Rodney L. Watts, Muncy.
Births: A daughter, Alaire Nicole, born Jan. 22 at Geisinger Medical Center. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Steven Pittenger. Muncy. The mother is the former Pamela Jill Creasy; A daughter, Ashley, born Jan. 25 at Muncy Valley Hospital. Parents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Grimm of White Deer. Mother is the former Ruth Rhoades.
Deaths: Kathryn Jean McKinnon, former Muncy resident, died Jan. 19, at her home following an extended illness; Raymond L. Taylor, 90, of Muncy, a died Jan. 25 in Muncy Valley Hospital; Howard Homer Hill, age 75, former Muncy resident, died Jan. 13; Evelyn S. Simmons, 92, formerly of Montgomery, died Jan. 27 in Muncy Valley Hospital; Emery M. Phillips, 83, former of Picture Rocks, died Jan. 22 in Bloomsburg HOspital; Kenneth M. Snyder, 80, of Muncy, died Jan. 21 in Muncy Valley Hospital; Eleanor J. Snyder, 63, formerly of Watsontown, died Jan. 24 at Kramm Health Care Center.
Ad: Peterman’s Farm Market, Muncy
Jan. 31, 2001
35 cents
Chad Fullerton of Montgomery realizes a dream as he swims with dolphins at Sea World in Florida.
Karen Muffly Sebring of Muncy, has begun a new career baking “Cozy Cookies by K,” which she homes will become a full-time occupation.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ault of Muncy observed their 55th wedding anniversary on Jan. 27.
Mr. and Mrs. LaRue Kurtz of Muncy will celebrate their 65th anniversary on Feb. 3.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Weigle II, of Muncy, a daughter on Jan. 12. The mother is the former Tammy L. Anspach; Denise R. Miller and Brady F. Budman, of MOntgomery, a son on Jan. 17; Mr. and Mrs. David Miller of Montgomery, a son, Jan. 24. The mother is the former Crystal L. Gilbert.
Deaths: Catherine E. Kahle, 83, of Montgomery, died Jan. 25; Eudora F. Lovell, 87, formerly of Muncy, died Jan. 24 at home; Hervey C. Snyder, 82, of Hughesville, died Jan. 24; Robert R. Shultz, 91, of Hughesville, died Jan. 29 at Muncy Valley Hospital; Lois M. Houseknecht, of Muncy, died Jan. 22; Dorothy E. Larned, 91, formerly of Muncy, died Jan. 25 in the Muncy Valley Hospital.