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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Apr 5, 2011

109 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

March 27, 1902

As mentioned in last week’s Luminary that the body of a boy had been found in Bainbridge, 12 miles below Harrisburg turned out to be Theodore Brass, the 5 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C., Brass, who was drowned in the river at Port Penn on Dec. 12.

William Searfuss, of this place, and Miss Ida Strouse, of Comly, Montour County, were married at Hughesville, Thursday evening, last, at 7 o’clock p.m. by the Rev. I. B. Crist.

Mr. and Mrs. John Bender last Thursday were tendered a “moving party” by a number of their friends. They moved p to their home on Shuttle Hill, and their friends helped them in their “flitting.” An excellent dinner was serviced.

H. J. Gohrs, while running a lathe at the furniture factory on Wednesday morning was struck in the face by a stick, knocking out four teeth and cutting his lower lip quite badly.

100 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

March 30, 1911

Blanche, 6-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Guyer, on Friday celebrated her birthday anniversary by entertaining a number of her little friends from 1 to 7 o’clock.

A pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Poust, on Thursday morning, the contracting parties being Miss Naomi Eckman and Frank DeMott, of Newberry.

Daisy Klingerman, daughter of Harry Klingerman, was successful in securing the piano given away by Hoffman and Downing, she having coupons representing the largest sum of money. There were many disappointed candidates.

Nearly sixty years ago the building recently vacated by Martin L. Shipe, the druggist, was erected. From the time it was built in 1852 it was used as a drug store, and for nearly fifty-seven years was occupied by members of the Painter family.

Leola Vermilya, of town, played the wedding march for the Hartrant-Heilman wedding in Montgomery last Wednesday.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

March 26, 1936

3 cents

Muncy today is rapidly returning to normal conditions after experience one of the worst floods in history, a flood that far exceeded those of 1889 and 1894, in the amount of water covering part of the borough and outlying districts and in the amount of damage done to homes and business places.

News which will be received with gratification by Mucy theater-goers, is the announcement by Harold W. Larned, that the Ritz Theatre, practically ruined by the flood, will be reopened.

Died: Rosetta Shoemaker Bennett Robb, one of Muncy’s much-beloved citizen, died March 19th; Amos T. Whitmoyer, formerly of Pine Summitt, died at the Soldier’s Home at Johnson City, Tennessee, aged 88 years; Mary Jane Buck, formerly of Clinton Township, died at Danville on Sunday afternoon, aged 80 years.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

March 23, 1961

5 cents

With work proceeding faster than scheduled, Dr. Edmund Luft expects to complete remodeling work on his building on South Main Street by late spring. The two-story frame house, originally owned by the late Mrs. Carrie Rooker Hitchcock, will provide office space and laboratory for Dr. Luft’s dental practice on the first floor, with the second floor being converted into two modern one-bedroom apartments.

Graveside rites were conducted Monday at Muncy cemetery for Miss Rosetta McCabe, a Muncy native who died in Rochester, N.Y. on March 8, at the age of 76.

Sprout, Waldron and company, Muncy’s Industrial giant, this week announced its purchase of the former Weldon Manufacturing company plant on Market street in Muncy.

Dr. Camillo Bologna, a resident of Hughesville and pathologist at Divine Providence Hospital, Williamsport, disclosed this week that he plans to leave this area for a new position on May 1.

The First Church of Christ in Williamsport will be the setting for the wedding on April 1 of Miss Margaret Grow, daughter of Mrs. Robert Grow, Williamsport, and the late Mr. Grow, to Jack Pfleegor, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Pfleegor, of Muncy.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bryfogles Jr., of Muncy, a daughter, Dawn Farr, March 18. Mother is former Barbara Morrow; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reed, of Muncy, a son, David John, March 18. Mother former Nancy Temple; Mr. and Mrs. Pal Van Horn, of Muncy, a daughter, Candace Melody, March 18. Mother former Helen Hubler; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicholas, of Watsontown, a son, March 20. Mother former Shirley Buss; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Speary, of Allentown, a son, Mark Walter, Mother former Ruth Hess, of Hughesivlle; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reynolds, of Montgomery, are the parents of a son born March 16 at Williamsport Hospital; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Gleason, of Halls Station, a son, March 21, at Williamsport hospital. Mother former Hattie Long. He has been named Irvin Charles.

Deaths: Russell E. Poust, age of 83, Hughesville, died March 17.

At the Ritz: “The Wackiest Ship in the Army” with Jack Lemmon and Ricky Nelson

Ad: All perms reduced $1.00 through the Easter Season-Helen Mae Beauty Salon

April 17, 1986

25 cents

The sons of the American Revolution Martha Washington Medal for service to the community, was presented to Mabel Plotts of Hughesville.

Muncy borough council adopted an ordinance authorizing the borrowing of $50,000 to purchase the building at 46 South Main Street at their regular meeting on April 8.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wagner announce the engagement of their daughter, Roschele to David T. Snyder, son of MRs. Alma Jean Snyder and the late Jesse K. Snyder of Muncy RD 1.

Bobbie Walters, 14, daughter of Debra Walters, Muncy RD 3, has been chosen as an area representative in the official Eastern PA Preliminary of the International Teen Miss Scholarship Pageant.

Principal Thomas Scholvin announced at last week’s meeting of Muncy High School faculty that plans are being made for the establishment of an Academic Hall of Fame.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred May of Hughesivlle have announced the engagement of their daughter Robin L. May to Stephen A. Benyo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Benyo, Unityville.

Births: A daughter, Danielle Rae, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cox of Turbotville on April 4. Mother is the former Marlene Copp; A son, Cole Joseph, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Reese of Watsontown RD 1 on April 10. Mother is the former Betty Bartlow.

Deaths: Emma J. Hester, 95, former borough resident. died on April 2 in Kramm Nursing Home; Naomi E. Kepner, 68, formerly of Picture Rocks, died April 2 at Divine Providence Hospital; Rodney Eugene Edwards, 20, of Muncy, died April 8 in Muncy Valley Hospital, of injuries suffered in a traffic accident on Old Route 147; Nathan H. Ott, 95, formerly of Muncy, died April 11 in the Skilled Nursing Unit at Muncy Valley Hospital; Kenneth S. Barto, 69, formerly of Muncy, died April 11; J. Barnet Rynearson, 79, of Muncy, died April 10 in the Muncy Valley Hospital extended care unit; Walter R. Fleeger Sr., 57, of Turbotville, died April 10 at Evangelical Community Hospital; Laura Elizabeth Miller, 73, of Muncy, died April 4 in Muncy Valley Hospital; Mary E. Sutton, 70, of Muncy, died April 13 in Muncy Valley Hospital.

Ad: The Eagle Shop-Muncy

April 11, 2001

35 cents

The Muncy School Board of Directors was presented the first draft of the annual budget at Monday’s special topic meeting b business manager David Edkin. Edkin informed that this would be the seventh consecutive year that the district has not had an increase in taxes.

The social hour that preceded the Grange Legislative Banquet in Muncy last Friday evening found Representative Brett Feese in attendance, and Dairy Maid Vanessa Greider of Linden, serving a milk based punch to the guests.

Paul Zellers of Montgomery and daughters Paula Swartslander of Mifflinburg and Tina Guthrie of Clearfield County, recently visited the 8-Square School which he had attended as a boy.

Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Hans of Montgomery, announce he engagement of their daughter, Wendy Kay to Timothy Eugene Bower of Montgomery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bower of Montgomery and Mr. and Mrs. Florence Campbell of Muncy Valley.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Brett Taylor of Hughesville, a son on March 27. Mother former Toni Watts; Mr. and MRs. Scott Silverstrim of Muncy Valley, a daughter, March 28. Mother former Robin Eberlin; Mr. and MRs. Douglas D. Ryder, Jr., of Muncy, a daughter, March 30; Mother former Edwina Bognot; Michelle Fetterhoff and Corey Lomison of Hughesville, a son, March 26; Jessica M. Pentz and Kevin Swinehart of Muncy, a son on March 29; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew M. Heinrich Sr., of Hughesville, a son on March 31. Mother former Shelly Ann Kile.

Deaths: Betty J. Nelson, 82, formerly of Muncy, died April 7; Jo-Ann Wilkinson, 85, of Muncy, died April 6; Elwood H. George, (Woody), Hughesville, died April 4 at the age of 79; Mary Alma Pentz, 81, a resident of Skilled Nursing Unit, died March 3; Orville E. Rolfe, 95, formerly of Hughesville, died March 21.

Ad: Donna Sherwood’s Furniture Restoration