Peeks of the Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
April 24, 1902
Miss Margaret Miller, who has been the organist of the Presbyterian Church of this place, has resigned to take the position of organist and chorister of the First Baptist Church at Milton.
The Game and Gun Club has changed their grounds from near the Pants Factory to the vacant field on West Water Street, next to S.K. Kline’s residence.
C.L. Petrikin, of Princeton, Ind., has arrived in this place. He will have charge of the machine department of the Robinson Manufacturing Company’s plant, and is a man of much experience in this line of business.
Joseph Grange, the milkman, has rented the coal business of Fague and Dimm and will start in business on May 1st.
The prospectors for copper on the lands of Farr Taylor, on Rock Runn, in Shrewsbury township, have struck what they consider a good paying vein.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
April 27, 1911
With bait boxes full, fishing tackle in abundance and high in expectations, Clyde Smith and George Rogers of Muncy, Dr. Hull of Montgomery, Walter Gilmore, Esq., of Williamsport, and Theo. Boak of Hughesville, prepared to Dunwoody preserve to usher in the opening of trout season, and when they awoke Saturday morning there was over four inches of snow on the ground. We have not yet heard who caught the largest fish.
Miss Rosetta Montgomery, who several months ago broke her ankle and who has been recovering at her home here, left on Saturday for Burlington, N.J. where she will resume her position as teacher of English in the high school.
The Central Hotel on Main St., is undergoing repairs. The front of the building will be remodeled, and the inside is also to be throughly overhauled. Bath rooms have already been put in.
J. Russell Glass has purchased a 1911 Model E.M.F. touring car, and will soon be seen on the highways in it. This is the first auto Mr. Glass has owned, and he can well be proud of his purchase.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
April 23, 1936
3 cents
Miss Sara E. Bruch, daughter of Willard Bruch of this place, recently became the bride of Stanley D. Barrett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Barrett of Montoursville, in a ceremony performed in the parsonage of the Montoursville Evangelical church.
Miss Mary Taylor, who recently went to New York to accept a position, and study art, has been given two art scholarships by the Y.W.C.A. of New York City.
Prospects of the sale of the Muncy Furniture Company plant and its subsequent opening for business with work for from 75 to 100 men, loom brighter each day.
Died: Horace Gortner, of this place, died at 4:14 o’clock Sunday afternoon, at Danville, aged 83 years; Nate Brion, 87, former county commission, died Saturday morning at his home in South Williamsport.
Ad: Enjoy Gasoline & Oil Economy with the New Ford V-8–$510
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
April 20, 1961
5 cents
Brian J. Kennedy, outstanding MHS senior, has been selected for a Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps appointment, valued at about $8,000, if he chooses to accept it.
Traditional May Day exercises will be held on the Muncy High School lawn Friday, April 28, at 2 p.m. climaxing in the crowning of Miss Connie Hill as May Queen.
Sixth graders Thomas Miller and Larry Miller were selected a captain and lieutenant, respectively, of the 21-member safety patrol group of the Muncy Elementary school in an election held this week.
In a candlelight ceremony performed in the Clarkstown Methodist church Sunday, april 16, the former Carol V. Foley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kocher, of near Muncy, became the bride of Thomas G. Heivly, son of Mr. and Mrs George Heivly, of Muncy.
Following a trip through the New England states, A/2c Allen L. Smith and his bride, the former, Janet Louise Reese, will make their home near Hyanis Port, Mass. The couple was married on April 14 in the Clarkstown Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Holdren who have been Picture Rocks residents for 50 years observed their 55th wedding anniversary on April 11.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ryder, of Muncy, a daughter, Paula Ann, April 12. Mother former Loretta Fry; Mr. and Mrs. George Myers, of Millville, a daughter, Louise Suzanne, April 12. Mother former Nancy Maxey; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wayland, of Muncy, a son, James Oakland, April 13. Mother former Betty Widell; Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Taylor, of Montgomery, a daughter, Lisa Suzanne, April 13. Mother former Joan Colley; Mr. and Mrs. William Bird, of Muncy, a daughter, Lynne Marie, April 13. Mother former Madeline Thomke; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clayton, of near Montgomery, a daughter, Karen Lynne, April 15. Mother former Nancy King; Mr. and Mrs. Lehman Hakes, of near Montgomery, a son, Lehman LeRoy Jr., April 15. Mother former Dorothy Frye; Mr. and Mrs. James Hans, of Turbotville, a son, April 17. Mother former Janet Betz; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Kepner, of Hughesville, a daughter, April 17. Mother former r Shelby Myers; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ritter, of Muncy, a son, April 17. Mother former Martha Mulligan; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walters, of Picture Rocks, a son, April 18. Mother former Beverly Summers; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Akers, of Muncy, a son, April 15. Mother former Venetta Gardner; Mr. and Mrs. William Kast, of near Muncy, a son, April 10. Mother former Marie Gaugler.
At the Ritz: “The Great Imposter” with Tony Curtis
Ad: Valley Farms-No Wax/No Leak Plastic Coated Milk Carton
May 8, 1986
25 cents
Several matters concerning the borough police were discussed by council at its regular meeting on May 6. Dennis Schwenk, fire chief, approached council about a letter he had received from Mayor Anthony Rizzo warning that illegal parking by firemen around the fire house will not be permitted.
Chippewa Acres 4-H Club is holding a “Rockathon” May 10 at St. Andrew Lutheran Church.
Melissa Hower of Cogan Station became the bride of John Ned Kilgus, of Muncy, on April 26.
An announcement has been made of Sandra Brown to Michael E. Fry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sonny Fry of Muncy.
Deaths: Blanche Fought, 85, Hughesville died May 6 at her home; Paul A. Weikel, 96, of Allenwood, died May 5; Edna A. Watson, 82, formerly of Turbotville, died April 30; Louise L. Titman, 88, Muncy, died May 4; Gordon Keith Bredbenner, infant, of Montgomery, died May 4; Lawrence E. Auten, 72, of Turbotville, died May 1; Clyde Jordan, 70, of Hughesville, died May 2; Ross J. Rockey, 61, of Hughesville, died May 1; Dorothy M. Fought, 62, of Picture Rocks, died May 2; Ruth W. Miller, 79, of Muncy, died May 3; Larus J. Speck, Sr., 75, of Muncy, died May 1; Luther F. Vognetz, 88, of Watsontown, died May 5; Kenneth E. Houtz, 51, of Montgomery, died May 5 in the emergency room of Muncy Valley Hospital.
Ad: Bosley’s Sunset Ice Cream Parlor (formerly the Bird House), Hughesville
May 9, 2001
35 cents
Hughesville High School’s May Day program including the traditional May Pole. Crowned Queen was Danielle Booth and Princess Amy Meadows.
David H. and Eileen J. Spring of Muncy are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Kimberly Ann Spring to Matthew Scott Stoner, son of John R. and Josephine M. Stoner of Montgomery.
Lycoming County District Attorney Thomas Marino was the keynote speaker at the recognition assembly for High Achievers at Muncy High School.
Drew Myers, 11, son of Mr. and Mrs. Christ Myers of Muncy, won first place in Level I at the PA Music Educators Association Adjudication Festival held at Williamsport Area High School.
Deaths: Esther M. Collister, 81, of Duboistown, and mother of a Muncy man, died May 2; Dolores Kutz Boston, 86, formerly of Picture Rocks, died April 30; Helen T. Cantini, 95, of Muncy, died April 30; Richard R. Reed, 58, of Muncy died Saturday evening, May 5, at his home; Lucy Viola Sones, 86, formerly of Muncy, died May 6.
Peeks of the Past
170 years ago
April 1841
To creditors and others interested in the Estate of David McClintock, late of Davidson Township Lycoming County deceased.
The subscriber being appointed by the Orphans Court of said county, Auditor, to settle and adjust the rates & proportions of the assets in the hands of Bernard Morris, Administrator of said deceased, to and among the respective Creditors, according to the order established by Law, will meet for that purpose at the office of Geo. F. Beal, in the borough of Muncy, on Saturday the 24th of April instant, at 10 o’clock A.M. of said day, when and where you can attend if you think proper.