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PEEKs of the Past

By Staff | Jun 28, 2011

109 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

July 17, 1902

Dr. E.B, Hause and wife, of Milton and S. Annausalt of Allentown drove up on Sunday and spent the afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers.

Mr. and Mrs. Silas D. Renn and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waldron drove on Sunday to Highland Lake and Crystal Lakes where they spent a delightful day. They cam home by the way of Huntersville.

Sunday, Edward Bitler, of Milton, accompanied by his brother, made an automobile journey to Williamsport in his old automobile. They made the round rip in four hours and eleven minutes, using three gallons of gasoline and seven gallons of water.

100 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

July 20, 1911

Brady Snyder, an employee in the pattern shop at Sprout & Waldron’s Tuesday afternoon lost the end of the first finger on his right hand in a planer. The injury is a painful one, and seriously interferes with his work.

Misses Margaret and Esther Noble, Frances Alright, Mary Brittain and Helen Goodenow attended the dance at the Park HOtel, Williamsport, Monday evening.

A horse driven by Roy G. Laurer ran away throwing him into the cinders near the Reading railroad tracks. Mrs. Laurer’s face and hands were badly scratched and cut.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

July 16, 1936

3 cents

Died: William Daugherty of Market Street died in the Williamsport Hospital Saturday.

Jack Heckman, 18, of Newberry, owes his life to Raymond Tregembo, 18, of Williamsport, dove into Loyalsock Creek and pulled the former from the water after he was knocked unconscious by striking his head on a rock.

Arch Tolbert, of this place, an inmate of the Danville State Hospital escaped from the institution last Thursday and is still at large.

Miss Beatrice Caroline Gautsch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gautsch. of this place. and Vernon G. Snyder, of Sunbury, were united in marriage Tuesday afternoon.

With only members of the immediate families present to witness the service, Mr. Miss Mary Callahan Bennett, of Williamsport, married Leonard F. Finkler, of Muncy, son of B. F. Finkler, of Grand Rapids, Michigan, Tuesday.

Notice: Short-term Wigs-Wigs are proving popular among fashionable women in London,w ho use them to cover hair while it is regaining its natural color after a “blond” period.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

June 15, 1961

5 cents

Madeline Reed, wife of local artist Bryson Reed, is recuperating Muncy Valley Hospital from injuries received in a one car accident this past Saturday afternoon.

The presentation of the American Legion awards to Peggy Patrizio and James Stroup highlighted the 35th annual Muncy Junior High School promotional exercises held June 8 at the school auditorium.

Dinner guests of Mrs. Anna Lockard at Montoursville were Mrs. Ethel Reeder, Mrs. Pearl Toms, Chalmer Croman and Ernest Taylor.

Staff Sgt. Delroy Newcomer, wife and daughters Debra and Constance, of N.C. are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ward Farrar, Sr.

George Wilt attended the annual banquet of the Nw Jersey Bowling Proprietor’s Association at Atlantic City.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Houseknecht, of Unityville, a son, Jay Gardner, June 7. Mother former June Gardner; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sampsell, of Montgomery, a daughter, Wendy Lee, June 7. Mother former Barbara Breidinger; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sones, of Dushore, a daughter, Tonya Lee, June 10. Mother former Shirley Rooker; Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jordan, of Unityville, a son, David Wayne, June 11. Mother former June Boyer; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brown, of near Benton, a son. Mother former Josephine Wertz.

Deaths: Mrs. Georgine Wood Rogers, of Muncy, 85, died June 9; Richard Edwards, 26, of Montgomery, who was killed June 11 in a stock car race; Laura Jacobs, of near Muncy, died June 13 at Geisinger Memorial Hospital.

At the Ritz: “Have Rocket, Will Travel”-3 Stooges

Ad: Trout Pond Park-“The Bob & Dean McNett Show

July 2, 1986

25 cents

The borough is again down to one police officer with the resignation of Roger Brown.

Mrs. Glenn Reeser, Muncy, won the Jean Rogers print at the Muncy Valley Hospital Lawn Party last Saturday.

Mrs. Patricia Ann Huffman, Muncy, became the bride of Dale Ivan Myers, Muncy on June 28.

The engagement was announced of Diane Reynolds, OK, to Ralf P. Southard, of Montgomery.

Edward Aderhold and Rufus Fetter, Rotarians, were presented pins for their long-time attendance within the Rotary organization.

Death: Frederick H. Schenck, 57, of Muncy, died June 27; Max R. Feigles, 66, of Dobbins, CA, died June 22; Henry E. Kirk, Jr., 85, formerly of Pennsdale, died Jan. 5; Clifford R. Snyder, 87, formerly of Market Street, died June 27.

Ad: Lycoming County Fair-Boxcar Willie

June 27, 2001

35 cents

Last Wednesday’s storm toppled trees and downed electric and phone lines all around the area. The winds lifted a large tree in front of the home of Judge Tom Wood, by its roots and slammed it to the ground on South Main STreet in Muncy causing a three-hour power outage.

Kim Spring and Matthew Stoner, both of Muncy, went to the South American country as part of a Christian missionary trip sponsored by New LIfe Student Ministries.

Announcement has been made of the engagement of Jennifer A. Campbell, daughter of Sandra and Ronnie Campbell, of Pennsdale, to Matthew J. Noviello, son of Susan and Orlando Noviello of Muncy.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Barto, Sr., Montgomery, observed their fiftieth anniversary on June 16.

Birth: A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. John LaRose, June 9. The mother is the former Carla Simpler.

Deaths: Charles E. Gottschall, 70, of Hughesville, died June 22; Robert N. Dunn, 78, of Muncy, died June 21; Gladys M. Csehy, 90, died June 22 at the Skilled Nursing Unit at Muncy Valley Hospital.

Ad: Donna Sherwood’s Furniture Restoration