PeeKs of the Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Sept. 25, 1902
Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gardner, entertained a number of her young friends on Sept. 13, in honor of her birthday.
The invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Edythe L. Walton of this place, and Frank H. Snyder, of Mahoney city.
Dorothy Goodenow was six years old on Saturday and in honor of the event entertained a number of her young friends.
Rebe Merrill had a narrow escape from death on Saturday morning. He mistook a bottle containing asteric acid for cider and swallowed some before discovered his mistake. Dr. J. W. Albright have him an antidote for the poison and he is now somewhat improved.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Sept. 28, 1911
Desiring to keep it a secret no long the marriage was announced last week of Miss Leola Vermilya of Muncy and Freeman Houser of Montgomery.
B.A. McMurtrie has transferred a lot of land in Muncy borough to Desmond J. Reed for a consideration of $2,000 dated Sept. 19, 1911.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Santee spent last week with MR. and Mrs. Daniel A. Poust at Allentown, and of course were interested sight seers at the big fair.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Sept. 24, 1936
3 cents
Headline: Firemen Buy New Uniforms; Plan Parade
John Zarr, 19, and his brother, Frederick, 17, are patients in the Muncy Valley Hospital, the latter in serious condition, as the result of being struck by an automobile near Brick Church on the Montgomery road.
Dr. T. Kenneth Wood went to the Williamsport Hospital this week for treatment of an infected hand, caused by the prick of a thorn on a rose bush.
Died: Ethel B. Heberline, died at her home on Pepper Street earn Monday morning, aged 46 years; Monroe F. Narber, aged 77, of Muncy, died Saturday evening; W. M. Downing, of Williamsport, died Sunday of a sudden heart attack.
Ad: Dishes almost wash themselves with plenty of Hot Water-Automatic Water Heaters Now only $5.00 down
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Aug. 24, 1961
5 cents
Mrs. Thomas Yeagle, the former Evelyn Weaver, of Muncy, and a guidance director at Muncy high school, has resigned.
Rotary adds $500 to gift to Muncy Valley Hospital.
Harry A. Merrill, of Muncy, participates in festival naming State Honey Queen.
Col. Frank McCartney, state police commissioner, was in Muncy stopping at Murray garage to visit Miss Beatrice Walton, secretary there a longtime personal friend of Col McCartney.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Andrews, of near Hughesville, a son, Vincent Wade, Aug. 17; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Derr, of Montgomery, a son.
Deaths: Mrs. Lulu R. Poust, of near Muncy, died at her rural home on Tuesday; Mrs. Bessie Phillips, 56, of Lairdsville, died Aug.. 21 at Muncy Valley hospital; William A. Peddigree, 79 year-old area native, died Tuesday afternoon.
At the Ritz: Misty
Ad: Square Dance-Every Wednesday night at Log Cabin
25 years ago
No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987
10 years ago
Sept. 12, 2001
35 cents
Headline: Planes Destroy World Trade Center, Hit Pentagon-Three hijacked planes crashed into U.S. landmarks on Tuesday, destroying both of New York’s mighty twin towers and plunging the Pentagon in Washington into flames in an unprecedented assault on key symbols of U.S. military and financial power.
During a special meeting of the Muncy ?School District, Board of Directors Monday, a review of the School Safety and Security plan was presented to members.
The marriage of Wendy Hans to Timothy Bower of Montgomery.
The Muncy High School Class of 1932 enjoyed on Sept. 7 at the home of class member, Judge Thomas Wood, and wife Barbara in Muncy.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. William B. Evelhair, Hughesville, a daughter, Mia Opal, on Aug. 23. The mother is the former Lisa Mausteller; Mr. and Mrs. Jason O’Neill of Muncy, a son, Jared James, on Aug. 29. The mother is the former Melanie Faux.
Died: Martha J. Simon, 85, of Montgomery, died Sept. 8; Stella A. Murphy, 81, of Muncy, died Sept. 5; Rena Marie Speary Strauser, 96, of Picture Rocks, died Sept. 7; Irene L. Pfirman, 81, of Montgomery, died Sept. 10.