Peeks of the Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Oct. 8, 1902
On Monday night when a young man was returning to his home in For Penn, he was held up by several villainous looking men. They accosted him at a dark spot near the railroad station. He took to his heels and escaped, although the robber fired shots at him.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Oct. 12, 1911
John L. Colley, son of Mr. and Mrs. m. Colley, of this place, and Miss Ada McClintock, of Strawbridge, were united in marriage at Sunbury September 21.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Oct. 8, 1936
3 cents
Nine year old Stanley Hartman of Muncy, Tuesday afternoon decided to run away from home and “hit the railroad tacks” but at Montoursville was apprehended by Chief of Police Lester Burkhart.
Body Found Along Tracks at Montgomery-Identified as John Erk, 55, had been struck by train while walking along tracks.
Robert J. Lebo, a stream shovel operator on the new Williamsport Muncy Highway, was killed Saturday morning, when he was buried to his chest in a slide of rock and dirt.
A two-passenger airplane reported early this week as missing, was found to have landed on the farm of Wm. Poust in Franklin Township, between Unityville, and Lairdsville.
Ad: Automatic Water Heaters-Now only $5.00 down
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Sept. 7, 1961
5 cents
Barry Beilharz, of Muncy, was awarded Master’s degree in education at Bucknell.
W.A.C. Carol E. Mensch completes basic training.
William Slee resigns as Muncy borough secretary.
Miss Jane Hall, of near Montgomery, to wed Arnold Reed of near Muncy.
Miss Peggy Saxman, former local resident, wed in Montana.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Michael, of Turbotville, a son, Randy Lee, Aug. 29. Mother former Genevieve Derrick; Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, f New Columbia, a daughter, Dora Anne, Aug. 30. Mother former Lottie Bardo; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shaffer, of Montoursville, a daughter, Marion Lynn, Aug. 30. Mother former Nancy Young; Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Hans, of Milton, a son, Duane Leroy, Aug. 31. Mother former Dorothy Phillips; Mr. and MRs. William Coleman, of PIcture Rocks, a son, Gary Wayne, Aug. 31. Mother former Gladys Minnier; Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Barto, of Hughesville, a daughter, Luanne Marie, Aug. 41. Mother former Margaret Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Miller, of Hugheville, a son, Larry Larue, Jr., Sept. 2. Mother former Janice Bangs; Mr. and Mrs. John Rice, of Milton, a daughter, Sept. 3. Mother former Ruth Ann Yocum.
Ad: Trout Pond-“Lucky Moser and His Sons of the Range”
Deaths: Lillian Russell, of Hughesville, died Aug. 29 in Muncy Valley Hospital; George E. Rupert, 71, a retired Muncy farmer, died Sept. 1.
At the Ritz: “The Parent Trap”
25 years ago
No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987
10 years ago
Sept. 26, 2001
35 cents
Since the attack of terrorists in New York City and Washington D. C. on Sept. 11, area ministers have been helping their parishioners deal with the attack on our country.
Ward :L. Myers Elementary School students found a unique way to show their patriotism. Approximately 600 students joined together on the soccer field at the elementary school to form a human flag.
Participating in the Founders Day Award Ceremony for Joe Paterno were Ken Neiss, Edna Clogg, Sherri Miller, William Gohl, of Montgomery,
Deaths:Richard L. Reynolds, 91, of Odell Road, died Monday; Ellen L. Snyder, 54, of Pennsdale, died Sept. 24; Dolores C. Day, 78, formerly of Montgomery, died Sept. 17; Mary Geist Worral, 60, formerly of Muncy, died Sept. 16; Robert E. McClain, 67, of Hughesville, died Sept. 22; Jean O. Martin, 73, of Muncy, died Sept. 24; Corey Lee Eichenlaub, infant son, of Montgomery, died Sept. 17; Leonard W. Haag, 93, formerly of Hughesville, died Aug. 24.