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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Oct 12, 2011

109 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Oct. 30, 1902

The Muncy Woolen Mills Company, manufacturers of blankets, and Sprout, Waldron & Co.., manufacturers of flowering mill machinery, are so crowed with orders that they are running 13 hours a day.

The young son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Plotts, of North Market street, who has been ill for several years, was taken to Syracuse, N.Y., last week, where a successful operation was performed.

A very pleasant party was given at the home of MR. and Mrs. Geo. L. Foust, at Glad Run, Friday night. An excellent supper was served and all had an enjoyable time.

100 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Nov. 2, 1911

Misses Amelia Waldron and Ellen Soars entertained at a Halloween party, Friday evening, at the latter’s home on Market street. The guests were entertained in the attic, which was appropriately decorated with corn fodder, autumn leaves and Jack-o-lanterns.

On Saturday, Mrs. M.J. Levan will quietly celebrate her eightieth birthday.

The first hunting accident of the local season was reported Wednesday afternoon, when George Vaner, who resides three miles west of Huntersville, was accidentally shot and killed by Frank Hall.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Oct. 29, 1936

3 cents

Old Man Winter heralded his approach in this vicinity early this week, with an icy blast that was accompanied by snow flurries in the upper reaches of the county.

R.C. Mitchell, commander of the Muncy Post Veterans of Foreign Wars, received word last Thursday that he has been appointed district commander of the 16th district.

Mr. Lee Kennedy of North Washington Street name was announced at the Ritz Theatre as the winner of a $25 Bank Night Award. However, Mr. Kennedy was not present to claim the award within the specified time.

Died: George Houseknecht, 81, died Thursday evening, Oct. 22, at the house of his daughter, Ella Miller; Jenny Croman, 73, died Monday night at the home of a daughter, of East Muncy, after a week’s illness.

An attempt to burglarize the American Store some time between Saturday night and Monday morning was frustrated when the thieves were frightened away, leaving their tools behind them.

Mr. Harry Wolf, of the Wolf Motor Company, is able to be out again, after having been quite ill for the past six weeks.

Ad: The Golden Rule Grocery, Manager Elmer Barbour

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

Sept. 28, 1961

5 cents

Mrs. Ruth Wentzler of near Muncy received the Master Showman award at the sixth annual PA Junior Dairy Show in Harrisburg’s Farm Show Building.

Miss Irene Hunkler will wed Richard Prince on Oct. 14.

John N. Soler, president of Muncy Fabrics, Inc. was signally honored last week when he was inducted into membership in the American Association for Textile Technologists, Inc. in New York City.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Persun, and son, of East Green Street, have purchased the Emerson Bardo Jr., property in East Muncy and expect to move in this week.

Mr. and Mrs. P.W. Grosius attended the Allentown Fair last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. James E. McQuay of Montgomery announced the engagement of their daughter, Eleanor Louise, to Mike Kilcoyne, of Hughesville.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Stackhouse, of near Muncy, a son, David Mark, Sept. 19. Mother former Roberta Cook; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Minier, of near Hughesville, a son, Dean Eric, Sept. 19. Mother former Gloria Kinney; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bitler, of near Muncy, a son, William Lyle, Sept. 20. Mother former Beverlie Sheets; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hessel, of near Montgomery, a son, John Richard, Sept. 20. Mother former Dorothy Shadle; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Arbogast, of Montgomery, a son, Randy, on Sept. 21; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bastian, of Montgomery, a son, Joseph Wayne, Sept. 22; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gordner, of Unityville, a daughter, Sept. 23. Mother former Mildred Freer.; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hill, of near Muncy, a daughter, Trudy Lynne, Sept. 24. Mother former Marjorie Moyer.

Deaths: Elizabeth Colley, 92, of Muncy, died Sept. 24; Grace Irene Fry, longtime resident of the Muncy area, died Sept. 24 . Her age was 66; Mary Fenstermacher, age 78, of Hughesville, died Sept. 20; Minnie K. Pegg, died Sept. 20 at her home; Claude M. Miller, 75, of Muncy, died Sept. 26; M. Melissa Houseknecht, 83, of Hughesville, died Sept. 23

At the Ritz: Tammy Tell Me True with Sandra Dee and John Gavin

Ad: Warp’s Flex-O-Glass

25 years ago

No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987

10 years ago

Oct. 17, 2001

35 cents

At the Ron Montgomery home on Lime Bluff Road, Hughesville, even the pig is patriotic. The porker is appropriately dressed in red white and blue, with three small flags at the cement creatures base, and three large flags fluttering high overhead.

As part of the demonstration given to the first grade classes of Debra Decker and Cori Cotner from Myers Elementary school, fireman Brent Michael, of the Keystone Hook and Ladder Fire Company in Muncy, shows students what to expect when a fireman enters a home during a fire.

Kevin Derr and Josh Mesinger of Pennsdale enjoyed a game of hacki-sac at the Vineyard last Friday night.

Charter members of the Tri-Ten Hunting Club Inc., Dale Smith, of Muncy, George Amos Smith, of Montgomery, and Elwell West of Hughesville, were on hand Sept. 8 as members observed the fiftieth anniversary of the club.

Births: Mr. and Mts. Phillips Scott Armstrong, of Hughesville, a daughter on Oct. 8. Mother former Wendy Whitford; Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Savage, of Muncy, a daughter, Sept. 16. Mother former LuAnne Baysore; Kelly and Aaron Eichenlaub, a son, Sept. 22. Grandparents are Dan and Barbara Eichenlaub, all of Muncy.

Deaths: Beryle E. Fetterman, 87, of Montgomery, died Oct 11; Betty E. Barto, 79, of Hughesville, died Oct. 10; Jane A. Raab Jacobs, 80, of Watsontown, died Oct. 11; William E. Allen, 83, of Muncy, died Oct.. 15; Norma L. Wodrig, 62, of Muncy, died Oct. 8; Jessie M. Bastian, 83, formerly of Muncy, died Oct. 11.
