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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Oct 25, 2011

109 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Nov. 13, 1902

Walter H. Harman, formerly of this place, but now of Johnson City, Tenn., and Mrs. Wagner, of the same place, were married at Knoxville, Tenn., on November 4th.

Monday evening as Jeremiah Moyer was lighting the lamps in the G.A.R. room over Vandines Hardware store, one of the lamps fell from its fastenings and set fire to the carpet. A bucket brigade quickly extinguished the blaze before serious damage was done.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brittain’s two year old daughter was taken very ill with convulsions Thursday last, caused by eating a horse chestnut. Dr. W. L. King, who was summoned soon gave the child relief.

100 Years Ago

Nov. 16, 1911

“Commodore” Silas Renn, Wildon Renn, Walton Carson and William Weaver left Saturday for Slate Run, where they went into camp for the deer hunting season. On Tuesday they were joined by Elmer Confer and George Latimer.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Howard K. Worthington, on November 13, a daughter.

Herbert M. Edwards, who is a member of the Luminary force, Monday, secured control of the pleasure Hour Theater and will give his first who Saturday evening.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Nov. 12, 1936

3 cents

Miss Alice Elder Winner of Bank Award-Picture Rocks Girl Made Happy by $55 “Bank Nite” at Ritz

Fire of unknown origin destroyed the Wertman School house about two miles north of Turbotville on Tuesday evening.

Clark Ellies, of Montgomery, an employee of the State Highway Department was seriously injured on Tuesday afternoon when he was struck by a truck near the Brick Church.

A large oil painting has been presented to the Picture Rocks Baptist Church, by the artist, Donald Sprout, in member of his uncle J. Wesley Little and his father, Morton I. Sprout.

Died: Mrs. Elizabeth McCarty, 78, died Monday morning at the home of her daughter. She suffered a stroke on Friday; Franklin Pierce Springs, 73, died at his home in Lairdsville on Friday morning; Harold R. Ritter, 58 year old resident of Hughesville, died at his home last Friday after a six weeks illness; Valentine W. Oberfell, aged 77 of Williamsport, died Saturday night.

Ad: Mother Gray’s Sweet Powders For Children

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

Oct. 13, 1961

5 cents

Long’s Furniture and Appliance business located on the Muncy Hughesville highway near Trout Pond Park will have a grand opening jamboree next weekend beginning on Oct. 18.

Lee Kennedy, longtime Muncy resident now living with his daughter in Salem, NJ, will observe his 94th birthday on Oct. 22.

The Muncy Joint School board, meeting in October voted to continue its merit bonus system for teachers, despite slight opposition to the program in its current setup.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fairchild observed their 44th wedding anniversary on Oct. 11.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hess were entertained at a surprise gathering in observance of their 25th wedding anniversary.

Died: Lee C. Harding, of near Muncy, died Oct. 5 in the Muncy Valley hospital; William L. Schrader, of Montgomery, died Oct. 5 in the Fernandez nursing home; Miss Anna Rommelt, Hughesville, age 90, died Oct. 7.

Miss Connie Waltz and Robert L. King, both of Hughesville, will be married on Oct. 21.

Paul Buhl, of Hughesville, has completed recruit training at the Naval Training Center in Great Lakes, Ill.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crawford, of Muncy, a son, Larue David, Oct. 4. Mother former June Randolph; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Golder, of Turbotville, a son, Randy Lee, Oct. 5. Mother former Violent Ryder; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Anspach, of Watsontown, a daughter, Janine Marie, Oct. 7. Mother former Janet Persun; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Brown, of Picture Rocks, a son, Jeffrey Lynn, Oct. 7. Mother former Barbara Zehner; Mr. and Mrs. Clark Poust, of near Muncy, a son, James Edward, Oct. 8. Mother former Shirley LeBarron; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hasselman, of near Muncy, a son, Oct. 8. Mother former Carol Rosalie Drapeau; Mr. and Mrs. William B. Sypher, of Pennsdale, a daughter, Oct. 8. Mother former Maureen A. Hughes.

Ad: Hi-Way Cleaners

At the Ritz: Nikki-Wild Dog of the North

25 years ago

No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987

10 years ago

October 31, 2001

35 cents

Early Sunday morning the belvedere, built by Peter Trotta for the top of Muncy’s Margaret Waldron building was lifted by crane and placed on its roof.

Last Friday’s fall celebration at Myers Elementary School included the annual parade of students in their costumes, held in front of the school. As a tribute to rescue workers and firefighters, Deb Decker’s entire first grade class dressed in firefighter costumes and marched in the parade.

Grizzly opens outlet in Muncy.

Brock Nearhoof, Muncy senior tailback, surpassed 1,000 yards rushing game during Friday night’s game with Bucktail.

Births: Erin Hall and Kevin Frantz of Hughesville, a son, on Oct. 12; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bieber of Hughesville, a son, on Oct. 19. Mother former Michelle Koslosky; Mr. and Mrs. David W. Miller of Montgomery, a son, on Oct. 19. Mother former Teresa A. Segraves; Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Strickland of Muncy, a son, Oct. 25. Mother former Brenda Snyder.

Died: William R. Story, 67, of Unityville, died Oct. 24.

Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Oct 25, 2011

A photo from the past–1928 Picture Rocks football team?? If you have any information to share and/or identifies, please contact The Luminary.