Peeks of the Past
editors note: These are short news clips from the first year’s edition of the Luminary printed the first week in December 1841.
170 years ago
The Luminary, Saturday morning, December 4, 1981
The shortest day of our year comes in winter__ fit emblem of our life, at once dark, cold and short.
The weather for the past week has exhibited strong indications of winter __ the ground having been frozen, and the roads rough, together with a sprinkling of snow __ a breach occurred in the North Branch Canal on Wednesday of last week, above Berwick. A new vein of ore has been struck in the lead mine near Sunbury, which measures 8 feet thick.
From the report of the agent of the Temperance penitentiary for two years ending September last, it appears that there were 178 convicts then in confinement. The habits of part of these convicts are thus state:
Constantly drunk84
Common drunkards36
Occasionally drunk
and constant drinkers 28
Always temperate16
The Muncy Lyceum will meet at the new brick School house, on Tuesday evening next, Dec. 7th, 1841, at 6 1/2 o’clock, at which time a Lecture will be delivered by Dr. R. N. Watson.
Peeks of the Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Jan. 8, 1903
Howard Waldron left the other day for West Chester where he will enter the military academy.
Some people sprinkle ashes on the sidewalk just to show that they are burning coal.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Jan. 11, 1912
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Eckstien, of Williamsport, on Monday, announced the engagement of their daughter Mary N. to Francis J. Hall, of Muncy. The young man is a son of Edward P. Hall and holds a responsible position with the Robinson Manufacturing Company. Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Pauline Bertsch, of Muncy, to Harold Neece, of Williamsport. The ceremony will take place at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Sarah Bertsch, on Prospect Hill, on the evening of Tuesday, January 23 at 7 o’clock.
J. Dell Peterman has had patented a parlor game that promises by it reception locally to become very popular. Mr. Peterman will manufacture the game here in Muncy. The name “Ring-Rinkle” is given it.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Jan 6, 1937
3 cents
Mr. and Mrs. Foster T. Hall, of this place, announce the engagement of their daughter, Edythe, to Mr. Vaughn V. Burwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vergil C. Burwell, of Ohio.
Harry Gottschal, of Carpenter street, has received on of the first “Talk Book Machines” in Muncy for the blind.
Boys, 17 to 29, in families on W. P.A. are now eligible for enrollment in C.C. C. when the combined earnings in the family do not exceed the Unemployment Relief budget.
Died: Harry A. Funston, died at 4 o’clock Monday afternoon, Jan. 4 at his home on Sherman street; F. M. Berninger died at the home of a daughter, Mrs. William Orner, at 2 o’clock Monday morning, January 4, aged 78 years; Theodore Lundy, well known orchard owner of this vicinity died Sunday morning at this home in Muncy, aged 74 years; Joseph Busler, 67, of Muncy, died at his home in Wolf Township Wednesday morning. He had been suffering from a cardiac condition for some time.
Ad: Noxema-Wonderful for chapped hands, pimply skin, chafing and other externally caused skin irritations
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Nov. 23, 1961
5 cents
Purchase of the residence of the late Mrs. Ida VanDine Rogers in Muncy by Dr. R.J. Bennardi, local dentist, was revealed this week.
Clarkstown was the scene of a large gathering on Sunday when the recently renovated Messiah Lutheran church as dedicated.
Miss Emily Crawford, of near Watsontown, married to Richard Gottschall, Muncy, on Nov. 11.
Miss Donna Starr, of Hughesville, became the bride of Russell David Boozel on Nov. 18.
Miss Joyce L. Barto becomes the bride of Elwood L. Weaver, both of near Hughesville, on Nov. 18.
Mrs. Charles Houseknecht, Picture Rocks, is spending this week in Montoursville with her granddaughter, Miss Sarah Williamson.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. John Eichenlaub, of Montgomery, son, Tracey Lee, Nov. 15. Mother former Pearl Winder; Mr. and Mrs. John McLean, of near Muncy, son, John Bruce III, Nov. 17. Mother former Barbara Barnhart; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray, of near Hughesville, son, Brett Robert, Nov. 17. Mother former Mary Temple; Mr. and Mrs. Martin Crawford, of near Watsontown, daughter, Brenda Kay, Nov. 18. Mother former Wanda Holliday; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rorick, of Danville, a daughter, Nov. 20. Mother former Gloria Bitler; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Foresman, of Allenwood, a son, Nov. 21. Mother former Sandra Shade; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Olsen, of Ohio, are the parents of a son, born on Nov. 13. The infant has been named Mark Edward. Mrs. Olsen is the former Betty Funston, of Muncy, and the baby’s material grandmother is Mrs. George Weaver.
Died: William L. Rider, Hughesville, died Nov. 15 following a heart attack while at work at Modecraft plant in Muncy.
At the Ritz: “Come September” with Rock Hudson
Ad: For the Cleanest Wash…The Easiest Way-Bring Your Clothes to the Muncy Launderama
25 years ago
No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987
10 years ago
Dec. 12, 2001
35 cents
Saint Nicholas, the bishop of Rome, portrayed by parishioner John Kita, visited with children at the Church of Resurrection last week to celebrate the Feast of Saint Nicholas.
Larry Wertman, of Muncy, demonstrated the Lionel train display at his shop since becoming an authorized dealer last May.
Superintendent David Price recently announced that Montgomery Elementary School received a Governor’s School of Achievement Award worth $25,000.
Area Residents Serving Our Country-Dennis P. Kepner, a 1981 graduate of Hughesville High School.
The Montgomery High School Chorus and Band members who auditioned and qualified for District Band are Andrew Finck, Jacquelyn Redden, and Erica Pauling
Birth: Mr and Mrs. Jack M. Bremigen, of Hughesville, a son, Nov. 30. The mother is the former Sheila Kepner; Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Thomas, Montoursville, a son, Jase Christopher, Nov. 22. the mother is the former Melissa Fry.
Died: Christine L. Kesslar, 78, Hughesville, died Dec. 9; Jerome F. Moser, Sr., of Hughesville, died Dec. 3; Linda J. DiMaio, 67, of Muncy, died Dec. 7.
Ad: Terry’s Chimney Sweeps