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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Feb 14, 2012

109 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, March 26, 1903

Hilbert Houseknecht, the fifteen year old son of Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Houseknecht, of West Penn street, while attempting to jump a freight train on Sunday afternoon, missed his footing and fell, and the journal box of the car following hit him on the head knocking him down. He tried to get up on his feet, but was hit by the box on the next car, crushing his skull on the right side, and a deep fracture in the back of his head where he hit the second time. He will recover.

After a quarter of a century experience as proprietor of the American House, in Hughesville, Peter Ritter will retire from business on April 1st having sold his property to G. Siegfried, of Mt. Carmel, a hotel man of large experience. Mylert Bruner, Esq., son of our townsman, Major Isaac Bruner, has been selected secretary of the United Shoe Mfg. Co., at Boston, capitalized at $25,000,000. He will move his family there in the spring.

100 Years Ago

Thursday, March 28, 1912

Theodore B. Eaker, one of the prominent business men of this place, died at his home on S. Market street, Saturday morning from pneumonia, aged 41 years.

Lester Sedam has resumed his duties as teacher of the Muncy Station School, after a week’s illness at his home, the Mingo farm.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

3 cents

Thursday, March 25, 1937

Mrs. George Taylor, of Carpenter street, suffered a stroke on+ Friday, which paralyzed her left side.

The Pumpkin Busters,” Radio entertainers, will be at the Captain John Brady Grange hall, Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock.

Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss M. Elizabeth Travelette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I.H. Travelette, of Locust Street, Williamsport to Fred Byerly of this place.

Died:Carl Printzenhoff, aged 45, of West Pepper street, died at 3:50 o’clock last Friday afternoon at the Williamsport Hospital. He had been admitted for medical treatment and had undergone a blood transfusion several days ago.

Miss Vivian V. Weaver of near Montgomery, and Max W. Taylor, of this place were married Sunday afternoon at 4:00 in the Brick Church, in the presence of the immediate families.

Ad: Up-or-Down Necklines and Wool Favored for Spring

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

Feb. 1, 1962

5 cents

Miss Linda Stein, daughter of Mrs. Harry Stein and popular senior at Muncy high school, has been elected May Queen for 1962 and will reign over the annual May Day pageant at the school.

David Snyder named MV Hospital Administrator.

Young Machinery Co. Tops Projected Sales Gaol in 1961 with Backlog at All-Time High

Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Cummings of MUncy announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Sally Diane Cummings, to Garman David Zehner, son of Mr. and MRs. Glenn E. Zehner, of Hughesville.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Sheets of Picture Rocks, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Shirley Sheets, and Dale Laidacker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Laidecker, of near Muncy.

A Montgomery area farmer, John C. Bower, Jr., has been named outstanding conservation farmer of the year for Lycoming county.

Elton Rupert, of Hughesville, was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Winder.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoagland, of near Muncy, a daughter, Crystal Lynne, Jan. 7. Mother former Dorothy Vermuilen; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fisher, Sr., Montgomery, a son, Jim E. Jr., Jan. 28. Mother former Barbara Salamander; Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Kinney, of Montgomery, a daughter, Jan. 28. Mother former Marjorie McCormick; Mr.and Mrs. Harold Bower, Hughesville, a son, Jan. 29. Mother former Anna Mae Myers; Mr. and Mrs. William George, Hughesville, a son, Jan. 30. Mother former Connie Pardoe.

Deaths: Peter B. Lose, 71-year old pioneer of an era in Muncy transportation annals and mail messenger for the Muncy post office for nearly 40 years, died suddenly at his home in Muncy Jan. 28; G. Bedell Edkin, 90, of Hughesville, died Jan. 25; Bessie A. Nunn, Hughesville, died Jan. 24.

At the Ritz: John Wayne in “The Comancheros”

Ad: Boys washable Chino Pants-$2.39

25 years ago

No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987

10 years ago

Feb. 20, 2002

35 cents

Area resident serving our country: Corporal Brendon D. Hays joined the Marines following his graduation from Muncy High School 1998.

Proving that education is not relegated just to the classroom, Muncy High School food service director, Thomas Kuntz, provided students with the taste of Cajun cooking in the Mardi Gras spirit.

At last Thursday’s Valentine Party at the George Meck Senior Center in Muncy the oldest in attendance were honored, Ralph Hill of Muncy, Aurelia Fritz and Grace Cuddeback, both of MOntgomery, and Harold Cummings of Muncy.

Brian Richards, senior trumpet player for the Hughesville High School Spartan band, recently participated in the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association District 8 band festival.

Died: Dorothy I. Breneisen, 88, formerly of Muncy, Feb. 16; Agnes J. Hause, 78, Muncy, Feb. 17; Ruth M. Faulkner, 71, Montgomery, Feb. 15; Thomas B. Waldron, 76, Stillwater, died Feb. 16; John C. Fenstermaker, Hughesville, died Feb. 15; Alice B. Elder, Picture Rocks, died Feb. 13; Jean Howland, 75, Muncy.