Peeks of the Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, April 16, 1903
Mrs. Watson Kline and daughter, and her son, Ridnor Senseman have returned home from Manistee, Michigan, where they have been spending some time with relatives.
Mrs. D.B. Kykins returned homed Thursday evening after spending several weeks with her daughter, Mrs. William Hartranft and family, at Washington, D. C.
Miss Annie Bowman who spent several months with their brother and wife, MR. and Mrs. Herbert Bowman, at DesMoines, Iowa, have returned home.
D. Merritt Flick, of Elimsport, spent Monday with J.H. Bailey. He left Tuesday morning for Dauphin County, where he will ship lumber for Mr. Bailey.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, April 18, 1912
Benjamin H. Renn, of the U.S. Army, who has been stationed in the Philippine Islands for the past year and a half, has been ordered back to the states and will, after a visit here, be stationed either at Fort Clark or McIntosh, Texas.
Miss Mazie Brass closed a very successful term of school at Antes Fort, and has returned home of her parents, County Commissioner and Mrs. O.C. Brass.
Invitations have been received by Muncy friends to the wedding of Miss Martha Coulter Albright, of Philadelphia, to Fred Sprout Waldron, of Muncy, to occur at the Albright home “Pomona Terrace,” in Germantown, on April 27th.
Henry Stahl, one of Muncy’s highly respected citizens died at his home of his daughter, Mrs. Roger Shell, on South Market street, on Wednesday.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
3 cents
Thursday, April 15, 1937
Headline: Post office to be dedicated on May 29th
Miss Esther Hoffman, member of the high school faculty sustained a fractured ankle, Wednesday night, while returning home from the Women’s Choral Club rehearsal.
Workmen on the Sherman street sewer project, arrived at work one morning, to find that a skunk had invaded the ditch during the night-and was still there!
With the issue of the The Muncy Luminary, the paper begins its 97th year.
Mr. and Mrs. William Drick of this place, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Pearl Elizabeth Drick to Dr. Stewart Moran Ross, of Williamsport.
Died: William Orner, aged 57, of Market street, died suddenly Saturday noon, while seated at the dinner table at his home. Death was attributed to a heart attack.
Frederick C. Egli, aged 75 years, died Tuesday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Walter Huffman, at Dewart.
Ad: Clean and White Teeth-Try Calox at Our Expense
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Feb. 23, 1962
5 cents
MR. and Mrs. T.E. Schoch, of Muncy, quietly observed their 55th wedding anniversary on Feb. 18.
Mr. and Mrs. George Van Horn, of Williamsport, announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Dolores Ann Van Horn, to Charles Louis Lowe, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Lowe, of Muncy.
Harvey Corson has returned to his home from Geisinger Medical Center, where he was a surgical patient.
Died: William Bruner, longtime Muncy resident who has been a guest at Lysock View; Bessie H. Walters, 73, Hughesville, died Feb. 15; H.D. Sevinson, 95, died Feb. 18; Vida Sayre Kift, of Muncy, died at her home on Feb. 17; Harry Newcomer, of Tarpon Springs, Fla,, husband of the former Ethel Hall, of Muncy, died suddenly following a heart attack on Feb. 19.
Mrs. Ernest Barto entertained at her home at a birthday party Wednesday evening, in honor of Gary Little, whose birthday was Feb. 11, Mrs. Harold Poust, Feb. 12, and her own which was Feb. 10.
The Muncy High School wrestlers are the new champions of the WEst Branch conference extracting every ounce of benefit from an 18-18 deadlock with arch-rival Bald Eagle Nittany that ended BEN’s long mat domination of the 10-team valley loop.
At the Ritz: “Bachelor in Paradise” starring Bob Hope and Lana Turner
A&P-Carton of candy bars-89 cents
25 years ago
No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987
10 years ago
The Luminary
March 13, 2002
35 cents
Chris Geiger’s fifth grade class at Ward L. Myers Elementary School held a “1920’s Day” last week to culminate their studies of this era in history. These students celebrated the day dressed in the attire of the Roaring 20’s.
Area resident serving our country-Army Spec. Harry L. Kinney, a 1995 graduate of Montgomery Area High School, is the son of Elizabeth Kinney of Montgomery and Floyd Kinney of Williamsport.
Kelly S. Burkholder, of Muncy, daughter of Eugene and Suzanne Burkholder, also of Muncy, became the bride of Stephen D. Puzio of Jim Thorpe on Dec. 22.
Sherman Moyer, Class of 1955, and Jaime DeJesus, Class of 1994, were elected to Muncy High School Athletic Hall of Fame.
Died: Dolores M. Chaapel, 73, of Muncy, died March 3; Richard E. Stackhouse, 47, of Montgomery, died March 5; Ruth Hawkins, 96, of Muncy Valley Skilled Nursing Unit, died March 5.