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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Mar 27, 2012

109 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, May 7, 1903

The home of Mr. and Mrs. B.G. Wolf on Reading St., Slate Run, was the scene of a pretty wedding last Wednesday evening, when their youngest daughter, Miss Anna Jeanette, became the bride of G. Ray App, of Muncy.

Frank Brittain, sixteen year old son of Edward Brittain, of Mechanic street, was accidentally shot in the hip Sunday morning while attempting to pull a 22 caliber pistol from his pocket.

Our new postmaster, William F. Brittain, is giving good satisfaction in the discharge of his official duties.

Mrs. Fannie Baker of this place recently received an interesting letter from her brother, George D. Holler, who is on the U>S. battleship Kentucky. The letter was written at Victoria, Labman, Borneio.

100 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, May 9, 1912

Mrs. Hayman Herr, while attending to the household duties on Friday morning had her wrist badly cut with broken glass, necessitating the medical attention of Dr. J.W. Albright.

The Muncy Electric Light company has extended its feed wires in the village of Port Penn and many residents are lighting their home with electric lights.

Announcement has been made of the marriage of Mrs. Belle Edwards, of Muncy, and Arthur McCloud, of Sunday, which occurred at Greensburg, April 15th.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

3 cents

Thursday, May 6, 1937

Four cars were badly damaged in an accident shortly after midnight, Saturday night, on the road south of town, and several of the passengers suffered bad cuts and bruises.

The old fire bell, which has occupied the tower of Penn Hall Manor, formerly the “Old Insurance Building” for the past 25 years, was removed this week, and a portion of the tower torn down.

A car owned by L.D. Brungard of this place was badly damaged and tow others slightly damaged Sunday, at Montoursville, when the Brungard car was unable to stop behind a car which made an abrupt stop in front of him.

Died: Stanley Pechulis, a life-long resident of Shenandoah, died Monday morning at his home on East Oak street after an illness of six months; Mrs. Emma D. Berger, 87, died at 12:30 o’clock Tuesday morning at the home of her son, Homer, of East Water street; Lydia Confer Brewer, passed away this morning at 4:30 o’clock at the home of her son, James H. Brewer, on Quarry Road, aged 76 years and six months.

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

March 15, 1962

5 cents

H.W. Houseknecht received a 50 year button for membership in the Muncy Lodge No. 299, F&AM at the March meeting of the Muncy Masonic group.

Joseph McCabe was named president of LL for the Muncy Little League for the coming year.

Simon D. Confer, the oldest resident of this area who would have reached his 100th birthday next February, died suddenly at the Williamsport hospital on March 11.

An attempt to open and rob the safe at Murray Motors garage early Saturday morning, March 10 apparently ended in frustration, Police Chief D. E. Grenoble reported this week.

Muscular Bob Simpson, Muncy’s sterling 154 pound wrestler, won the regional championship in his weight at Wilkes Barre on Saturday and becomes the first Muncian in the PIAA state finals since Gary Allen in 1958.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. William Frick, of Muncy, a son, Rodney Ray, March 6. Mother former Janice Stroup; Mr. and Mrs. William Andrews of Montgomery, a daughter, Debra Lynn, March 8. Mother former Sandra Fisher; Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hawk, of Hughesville, a daughter, Penny Elaine, March 9. Mother former Beryl Stover; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kile, of Muncy, a daughter, March 12; Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sherwood, of Muncy, a daughter, on March 14. Mother former Jean Ann Woodley.

Mrs. Charles Reece elected President of Hughesville BPW Club a 15th annual dinner.

At the Ritz: “Hey, Let’s Twist!”

Ad: A&P-sliced bacon-1 lb. package-45 cents.

25 years ago

No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987

10 years ago

The Luminary

April 3, 2002

35 cents

Ken Blessing of Muncy, a leader of Troop 25, received the 2001-2002 leadership award from the Lycoming District of the Susquehanna Boy Scout Council March 26 at the Muncy Baptist Church during an awards ceremony.

Area resident serving our country-Graham Lee Webster, a 1999 graduate of Hughesville High School, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Webster of Hughesville and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wirth.

Verna Michael, area’s first female mail carrier, retires.

Announcement has been made of the engagement of Beth Strouse, of Muncy, to Joseph Earnest, of Williamsport.

“Lucy’s Song Quilt” is a work in progress by Lucy Henry, of Montgomery. Husband Bruce shares his wife’s love of music and with his engineering background, is able to plot sizes for her quilt block patterns.

Carl Houseknecht and Russell Hall, formerly of Muncy and Pennsdale, were among a group of residents at Outlook Pointe Senior Care Center, who released balloons as a “welcome to spring” gesture.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Fry, of Muncy, will celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary on April 17.

Birth: A son to Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wertz, Muncy, March 21.

Died: Mary Boatman, 77, of Picture Rocks, died March 29; R. Clark Kessler, 80, of Muncy, died March 26; Ocie W. Charles, 76, of Muncy, died March 28; Hazel M. Hall Butts, 85, of Muncy, died March 25; Nicole Yurchak, 80, of Muncy, died March 31; LaRue Edward Banghart, 60, Hughesville, formerly of Muncy, died March 25.