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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Apr 10, 2012

109 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, May 28, 1903

Sailor Jean left Augusta, Me., on April 1, 1903, for a trip on foot to every State and capitol in the Union, covering a distance of 22,000 miles. He was in Muncy yesterday.

Harry Corter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Corter, who spent several years in Uncle Sam’s Army, in the Philippines, returned home on Monday. On his way east from San Francisco, he stopped some time at St. Paul and Chicago.

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. Mark Brewer, on Thursday last, a 10-pound boy.

Last Thursday at noon, William Hummel of this place, and Miss Julia Beeber, were married at the home of the bride in Turbotville.

100 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, May 30, 1912

The Senior Class of 1912 numbering 19 members will be graduated on Friday evening, June 7. For the first time in the history of Muncy High School, caps and gowns will be worn.

Prof. Frank H. Painter, principal of the Jersey Shore High School, is home for the summer. Prof. Painter will be one of the instructors at the normal next term.

Miss Effie Derr has resigned her position with the Lycoming Foundry & Machine company at Williamsport, and will spend the summer in Muncy with her sister, Mrs. Grant Leiser.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

3 cents

Thursday, May 27, 1937

Headline: New Post Office Ready For Dedication Saturday

The baseball season for the West Branch League will be officially opened Saturday with Muncy playing at Watsontown.

Keystone H. & L. Co. purchases fire truck,

Miss Cecelia K. Gray and Miss Franklin R. Wilson, spent the weekend in Atlantic City.

Matt Blakelee, who has been suffering with blood poisoning in his arm, is again confined to his bend.

Misses Marion Long and Jeannette Hester are spending the week in Elizabeth, N.J., with MR. and Mrs. Ray Long.

Died: Willis S. McMichael, aged 37, formerly of this place, died at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evening at his home.

Ad: Coming-Silver Bros. Circue-Muncy-May 29th

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

March 29, 1962

5 cents

Harry Snyder, grade 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snyder, Cindalyn Bush, grade 5, Pennsdale daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Bush, and Thomas Brungard , grade 4, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brungard, emerged as first place winners in the annual spelling bee sponsored by the Muncy Woman’s Club on Thursday at the Muncy Elementary school.

Raymond Brown, of Murray Motors, Muncy, as been elected president of the Lycoming County New Car dealers association.

Montgomery officially marked the 75th anniversary of its incorporation as a borough this week,

Alice Ann Swartz, Muncy, to marry John Ludwick in Japan on April 12.

Miss Carrie Campbell to wed Harvey Breneisen of Muncy.

The son born to Mr. and Mrs. James Myers on Monday, March 19, has been named Rick Edward. The mother is the former Doris May.

Deaths: Milton Elwood Harris, died March 21 at the home of his daughter, MRs. Foster Myers; Russell E. Travelet, was found dead at his home on March 20; Fred Akers, of Muncy, died suddenly at the Muncy Valley Hospital on March 24.

At the Ritz: “Flower Drum Song”

Ad: A&P Sliced Boiled Ham-1 lb. pkg. 95 cents

25 years ago

No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987

10 years ago

The Luminary

April 17, 2002

35 cents

Area resident serving our country: Captain Kristine M. Hackett, a 1991 graduate of Hughesville High School.

Montgomery’s native, Elizabeth Steward Stout recently carried out a search in the U.S. Embassy in Latvia, seeking and disposing of suspected anthrax.

John Burgess, 16, of PIcture Rocks, is following orders to assemble a model Black Hawk helicopter, the first order to the honorary private who hopes to fly a real one when he recovers from cystic fibrosis.

A $132 jacket for the Montgomery Mayor to ride on police ride-alongs was the subject of a disagreement at the Montgomery Borough council meeting last week.

Deaths: Roxanne D. Rook, 48, of Williamsport, died April 15; Dorothy A. Karschner, 92, formerly of Montgomery, died April 13; Patricia A. Mays, 68, of Muncy, died April 11; Bruce L. Robbins, 75, of Muncy, died April 11.

Ad: Misc. Poultry Chicks-Fought’s Mill