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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Apr 17, 2012

109 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, June 4, 1903

Harry Worthington has sold his ice business and the large amount of ice on hand to George Latimer who will conduct the business in the future.

Monday a horse belonging to Ring & Eaker, hitched to the m ill wagon and driven by Brittain Ring, started to run away in Port Penn and went up through town and out past the cemetery before it was caught.

AT a meeting of the senior class of the Muncy High School Monday the honors were awarded as follows: First, Frank Painter, average 95 1-7; second, Miss Virginia Linn, average 94 47-50.

Misses Louise Hess and Effie Derr and Messrs. Cloud Rutter and Harry Banzhaf spent Sunday at Billmyer’s game preserve, near Washingtonville.

100 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, June 3, 1912

Muncy has been honored by the State road officials by appointing two of our young Republicans, W.F. Venrick and Frank Rogers to positions as road supervisors

Mrs. Anna J. App, wife of Ray App, died at her home at Slate Run on Wednesday, aged 27 years, 7 months, after an illness with consumption of sixteen months.

The building occupied by Harry Corson’s cigar store and the Adams Express office, and owned by Mrs. J.R. Frey, has been repainted, which adds to its appearance.

75 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

3 cents

Thursday, June 3, 1937

William H. Yeager, 52, Montour county farmer, is under heavy guard at the Montour county jail in Danville, after being convicted Tuesday of murder in first degree in the death of State Trooper John E. Fessler.

While accurate information concerning the new factory to be built in Muncy is not available it is very plain to be seen that some progress in being made.

Died: Matthew Blakeslee, 71, died at his home on East Penn street, at 11:30 o’clock Monday night from an infection caused by a splinter which entered a finger in December; Oliver A. Herman, 70, of Picture Rocks, died suddenly of a heart attack Monday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock at his home.

Mr. and Mrs. H.B.M. Ring, of Allenwood, were business callers in Muncy on Wednesday morning.

Along with holiday entertaining, a great many Muncy youngsters have been entertaining the measles and mumps.

Ad: O-Cedar Moth Fly Spray

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

April 5, 1962

5 cents

MHS band to parade at Cherry Blossom Festival on Saturday in Washington, D. C.

Kathryn E. Engdahl, of Picture Rocks to wed Byron E. Bassett, Jr., of Muncy, on March 30.

Charles Scott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott, is spending his spring vacation at the home of his parents. Chuck is a student at Manilus Military School, in N.Y.

Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Abbott spend last week end in New York City where Dr. Abbott attended the Atlantic Post Graduation Assembly held at the Statler hotel.

Fred Eshelman, instructor of vocal music in the Muncy schools, underwent surgery on Tuesday at the Muncy Valley hospital.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rider of near Muncy, a daughter, April 2. Mother former Martha Cipriani; Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Poust Jr., of Montgomery, a daughter, Renee Jolene, March 27. Mother former Nancy Jordan; Mr. and Mrs. Brady Houseknecht, Jr., of Hughesville, a son, Keith Jay, March 27. Mother former Jean Rogers; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wertz of Muncy, a son, Brian LaRue, March 28; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagner, of near Muncy, a son, Jimmy LaRue, March 31. Mother former Dorothy Bull; Mr. and Mrs. James Sheatler, of near Muncy, a daughter, Teresa Jean, March 31. Mother former Genevieve Robbins; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shoemaker, of near Muncy, a son, April 2. Mother former Dorothy Shaner; Mr.and Mrs. Richard Cipriani, of Muncy, a son, Michael Richard, April 3. Mother former Peggy Page.

At the Ritz: “Twist Around the Clock” with Chubby Checkers

Ad: Plumbing and Heating-Bob Campbell, Muncy

25 years ago

No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987

10 years ago

The Luminary

April 24, 2002

35 cents

Kiess Park hosted the opening day of the 2002 Muncy Little League season last Saturday when 21 teams with approximately 230 members assembled anxiously awaiting the beginning of one of of summer’s favorite pastimes. 1st Lt. Regan Campbell U.S. Army Engineer Corps, was guest speaker.

Engagement was announced of Cheryl Marie Grove, Muncy, to Jeffrey Adams Russell, of Bensalem.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Brian C. Pick, of Montgomery, a son, April 11. Mother former Dana Bogart; A son to Lisa McClintock and Logan Snyder, Hughesville, April 10; A son, Cole John, was born April 10 to Mr. and Mrs. Clay DeWald, Millville. Mother is the former Kelley McCoy.

Died: Laura E. Shander Bingaman, 96, formerly of Hughesville, died April 22; John Hillyard Gerth, formerly of Montgomery, died Nov. 11; Florence E. Fellinger, 83, of Hughesivlle, died April 15; Myrtle E. McEwen, 96, formerly of Muncy, died April 16; Dale Wenrich, 58, of Montgomery, died April 20; Dorothy V. Carson, 82, died April 16; Orville P. Cotner, 87, of Muncy, died April 21.