Peeks of the Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, June 25, 1903
Mrs. R.B. Montgomery and Mrs. Charles Heebner are attending the commencement of Holyoke Seminary, Mass., from which institution Miss Rosetta Montgomery graduated.
We are glad to learn that Dr. T. Kenneth Wood, who graduated lately from the Medico-Chirurgical college of Philadelphia, was chosen first Resident Physician of that Hospital. Seven were chosen in competitive examinations in which Dr. Wood headed the test.
CC. Worthington is the first of Muncy’s citizens to run an automobile on our streets. It attracts attention by its beauty and easy running.
MR. and Mrs. Charles W. Harter are at Eagles Mere this week, where MR. Harter is attending the meeting of the State Pharmaceutical association.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, June 27, 1912
Mr. and Mrs. M.J. Colley and son, Morris, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Confer spent last Friday and Saturday fishing for trout in Loyalsock and Bear Creeks.
Misses Evelyn and Martha Hess entertained at their home Thursday evening of last week in honor of the birthday anniversary of the former, who received many gifts.
Miss Mazie A. Brass, daughter of MR. and Mrs. Oliver C. Brass, of this place, was married to L. Hoard Dice of Jersey Shore, at Medina, N.Y. on Tuesday evening
Benjamin Meck has returned to San Antonio Texas, after spending several weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Meck. On Saturday Robert Crawford and his aunt, Mrs. Anna Crawford, left on an auto trip to Philadelphia and part of New York “State. Edwin Bubb is driving the car.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
3 cents
Thursday, June 24, 1937
Two men were fatally injured, two were critically injured, and 15 workmen narrowly averted a similar fate about 7:45 o’clock Saturday morning when five spans of the flood damaged bridge at Montgomery, fell into the river.
William Senseman, aged 22, son of Mrs. Clara Senseman, of Mechanic street, suffered the loss of his right arm, between the elbow and wrist, at 3:30 o’clock last Thursday afternoon, while at work at the Muncy Woolen Mills.
Judge H.W. Cummings at Sunbury, ruled that Dr. L. E. Wurster, of Williamsport was not entitled to receive damages as a result of his sister’s death November 8, 1938. The accident, which occurred about two miles west of Turbotville, took the lives of four persons, including the doctor’s sister, Oda, who was driving the car which collided with a truck of Towanda Beverage Company.
Roscoe Snyder, 50, of Muncy R.D. was discharged from the Muncy Valley Hospital Monday, after receiving treatment for lacerations of the forehead and shock, received when he was hit by an automobile while walking along the highway early Sunday morning.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stroup on Sunday, a daughter.
Ad: Don’t Forget The Firemen’s Carnival, West Penn Street
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
April 26, 1962
5 cents
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barto, of Muncy, have returned home after spending four weeks visiting their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Watson and family in Virginia.
Wedding vows were pledged on April 14 by Miss Mary Lee Dirk, of near Muncy, and A-2c Galen T. Ryder, Muncy.
Miss Gloria Laurenson, of Hughesville became the bride of Kenneth E. Charles of near Muncy on April 21.
Miss Florence Swank is spending a month with her nephew, Thomas Smith and family in Philadelphia.
Mrs. Mabel Boyer is visiting her son, Charles Boyer and family at Springfield, Ohio.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Evan Winder, a daughter, April 14. Mother former Shirley Swales; Mr. and Mrs. William Lorimer III, of Muncy, a son, April 17. Mother former Lolita Albertson. Mr.and Mrs. Jesse Houseknecht, of Muncy, a son, April 17. Mother former Jean Rider; Mr.and Mrs. George Phillips, of Muncy Valley, a daughter, April 17. Mother former Lorraine Boatman; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fiester, of near Muncy, a son, April 29. Mother former Frances Fry; Mr.and Mrs. Max Shnyder, of near Montgomery, a daughter, April 21. Mother former Mary JoAnn Pentz; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hauck, of Allenwood, a son, Keith Leroy, April 22. Mother former Marie Budman.
Deaths: Charles T. Berger, lifelong Franklin Township farmer, died April 21; Betty Henry, Muncy and former owner of Betty’s Dress Shop in Muncy, died suddenly at her one in Reading on Monday night; Mrs. Thomas O. Ryder, 68, died Monday at the Williamsport Hospital; Dr. Ralph Tyson, a native of Montgomery, died in Philadelphia on Friday at the age of 73.
At the Ritz: “Satan Never Sleeps” with William Holden and Clifton Webb
Ad: A&P-Ground Beef- 27 cents lb.
25 years ago
No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987
10 years ago
The Luminary
May 15, 2002
35 cents
Area resident serving our country-Air force Senior Master Sgt. Rick Shaner, a 1979 graduate of Hughesville High School, is the son of Patricia and Harland Shaner of Hughesville.
The Blue Patrol representing the North, marched forward the Grey patrol on the opposite end of the field in a head-on clash during a re-enactment of the Civil War last Saturday at Red Raider Stadium in Montgomery.
The last of the rubble which had previously been a garage, a real estate office and an ice cream shop is being hauled away to make room for a new Original Italian Pizza restaurant to be built in Muncy.
Shannon Oeler has opened her Country Primitives shop on Kristi Road in Pennsdale.
On Feb. 2 Renee Michelle Diehl of Staten Island, NY, daughter of Carol and Thomas Diehl of Muncy, became the bride of Eric Robert Pistilli of Stage Island.
Births: A son to Cathy Shreck-Bartlow and Scott Martin, Hughesville, on April 27.
Deaths: Dale A. Craig, 69, Muncy, May 11; Helen Marie Fry, 78, Montgomery, May 10; Ethel M. Hemrick, 98, Skilled Nursing Unit, died May 7, Helen E. Stone, Hughesville, May 9; Paul L. Temple, 82, Muncy, May 9, Marie A. Sherwood, 53, of Hughesville, died May 9; Brenda T. Shollenberg, Montgomery, died Wednesday at her residence; Arthur L. Anstadt, 81, of Muncy, May 13.