Peeks of the Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, July 2, 1903
Jean Mohr, formerly of this place, is an artist of ability and has many original conceptions, some of which were shown in the Sunday North American, one of the papers on which is employed.
A several electrical storm passed over Muncy and vicinity Tuesday afternoon, lighting struck C.B. Vandine’s residence, the livery barn of Artley Tallman, plant of the Robinson Mfg. Co., and the plant of Sprout, Waldron & Co. A heavy downpour of rain accompanied the storm, along with much hail.
Parsons, Muncy’s baseball pitcher, is attracting a great deal of attention by the fine work he has been doing He has the remarkable record of striking out seventy-four men in five games, and allowing but seventeen hits. At the shooting match of the Muncy Gun and Game club Thursday last, Brittain won the medal, getting 16 out of 25; Corter and Coulter came next with 14.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, July 4, 1912
The Keystone Roller Mill, one of the important industries of Hughesville, was destroyed by fire Tuesday morning, causing a loss estimated from $15,000 to $20,000. The mill was the property of the Ball Newman estate, the surviving partner being P.M. Newman.
Martin Shipe, who was taken ill at his drug store about ten days ago, is lying very ill at his home one East Water street. AT this writing he does not show any improvement whatsoever.
Myron Colley, who is Engineer at a mine at Ajray, Ky, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Colley, after a year’s absence.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
3 cents
Thursday, July 1, 1937
Melvin Starr, 29, of Hughesville was fatally injured, and his companion, William Hassen, of LaPorte, seriously hurt, when the small car in which they were riding, crashed into the side of a southbound Pennsylvania freight train at the Thomas Street crossing in Montgomery, Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barto gave a variety shower at their home Saturday for MR> and Mrs. Kenneth Barto, who received many beautiful gifts.
Raymond L. Voneida of East Water street, was stricken with a heart attack, Monday morning at the Sprout, Waldron plant where is employed.
Died: Mrs. Margaret Ann Elmer, 90, died Thursday night, June 24, at he home of her son, J. Rollin Ebner, after a short illness; John E. Whitmoyer, 72, died Tuesday afternoon at his home in Muncy Valley.
Ad: Phillips Delicious Southern Soups
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
May 3, 1962
5 cents
Larue C. Williamson, supervising principal of the Muncy Joint Schools since 1949 is the new assistant superintendent of schools for Lycoming County.
“A Dream Come True” will be the theme of traditional May Day exercises planned for May 4 in the Muncy high school gymnasium.
ON a low bid of $12,458.88 Lock Haven contractor James P. Webb on Tuesday night was awarded the contract for summer street work in Muncy borough.
Wayne Sager, 1961 Muncy High School graduate, first among 1,057 Penn State freshman for “Superior Cadet Ribbon”
Billy Hughes, of Muncy, and Ron Rupert, of Montgomery, win scholarships at Bloomsburg State College.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Walters, of Muncy, announce the engagement of their daughter, Rae Ona, to Raymond Lee Travelpiece of Bloomsburg.
The Rev. Robert Berger and family are spending a vacation with relatives in Canada.
Harry McClain quietly observed his 90th birthday anniversary on Sunday.
Mrs. Oscar Schultz, of Hughesville, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Doroty Smith, and family at Leeds, Mass.
At the Ritz: “Pinocchio”
Ad: It’s our 1st Anniversary Sale-Valley Market, Muncy
25 years ago
No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987
10 years ago
The Luminary
May 22, 2002
35 cents
Area resident serving our country: Former resident and 1980 Muncy High School graduate, Lieutenant Colonel Colleen Shull, will be the featured speaker at both Memorial Day services at Muncy and Hughesville.
VFW Post No. 179 of Unityville, dedicated a memorial in honor of all U.S.A. Military Veterans from their area on the grounds of the Jordan Township building Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fry Jr., of Pennsdale, will observe their 25th anniversary on May 28.
Deb Sampsell of Montgomery uses any spare time she can find to create primitive dolls.
Births: A son to MR. and Mrs. Shane Sherwood of Lairdsville on May 6. Mother former Tess Houseknecht; A son to Mr. and Mrs. Collin E. Schooley of Muncy on April 24. Mother former Ruth Ann Love; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Keith and Kimberly Paller of Lairdsville on April 10.
Deaths: Joseph Mauck, 77, formerly of Montgomery, died on April 22; Robert I. Aderhold, Sr., 59, formerly of Hughesville, died May 19; Jane Marie Baker, 60, of Pennsdale, died May 16;