Peeks of the Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, August 5, 1903
On Monday the Crawford House at this place changed hands, Mrs. Kurtz retiring and Harry and Robert J. Crawford asking full charge.
A.M. Weaver, of Muncy, has been elected principal; of the Montoursville schools at a salary of $90 a month. Mr. Weaver has had several terms’ experience as a teacher in the Muncy Normal school and also as principal of the schools at Liberty.
Samuel Sheasley, of this place, has applied for a patent on a boat propeller and those who have seen it say it is a good thing. The invention is in the shape of two paddle wheels, one on each side of the boat, and they can be worked by hand or foot power, or a gasoline engine can be used.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, August 8, 1912
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Swenk, on Thursday last, a son.
While cleaning out the ice pond on the property of Miss Amy Musser, at Muncy on Thursday, Henry Rupert and John H. Adams killed a copperhead snake with twenty-seven young ones. The large snaked measured 3 feet.
While Earl Vanderbilt was brushing a horse owned by Dr. T. K. Wood Monday morning, the animal snapped at him and bit his arm so that there was a wound over five inches long.
Lawrence Pass, 11-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pass, had the toes and part of his foot completely severed while attempting to jump from a freight train on Tuesday afternoon. Drs. Wood and Ecryod amputated the foot just back of the instep.
Misses Edna Downing and Louise Hess returned home Saturday evening from a visit to Boston and other points in the New England States.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
3 cents
Thursday, August 5, 1937
Mrs. George Fuller gave a birthday surprise party Saturday afternoon in honor of her husband, at the Elmer Ritter cottage along Loyalsock Creek.
Louis Burns returned home last week from a six weeks training course in the Reserve Officers Training Corps at Ford Belvoir Va, where he demonstrated his proficiency in the use of the army rifle and pistol, earning medals on both courses.
During the storm which struck Muncy last Friday evening, Robert Plankenhorn, of West Penn street, had a strange experience, which left his mark on him in the farm of a burned hand.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. John Schoch on South Market street, a son, Friday, July 30th; to Mr. and Mrs. Benton Smith, Glade Run, a daughter, Percilla Margaret, last Thursday.
Died: Joseph R. Miller, aged 69, died at 12:45 o’clock this Thursday morning at his home on New street after a brief illness; Smith Johnson, aged 73 years, a resident of Port Penn for many years, died at his home in Montoursville, Thursday, July 29th, from a heart attack.
Ad: A new kind of deodorant “Yodora” as gentle as your face cream
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
June 7, 1962
5 cents
Jesse L. Lowe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lowe, of Clarkstown will receive his bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering at the annual commencement exercises of Pennsylvania State University.
C. Meade Camenga, currently president of Muncy Borough Council and prominent community worker for the past decade, revealed this week that he will be leaving Muncy within a few weeks to accept an advancement with Sylvania Electric.
Charles (Chuck) Scott, one of Muncy high’s all-time great athletes, has been awarded a full four-year term football scholarship. to Syracuse University.
Miss Kathleen Whalen and John M. Billhime have selected members of their wedding party, the ceremony to take place on June 16 at Muncy Methodist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bryfogle will leave Friday for Kentucky where they will attend graduation exercises for their daughter Gail, at the University of Kentucky.
No births reported.
No death reported.
At the Ritz: Jules Verne’s Master of the World
Ad: Dairy Belle-(Just north of Muncy on Williamsport Road)
25 years ago
No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987
10 years ago
The Luminary
June 26, 2002
35 cents
Area resident serving our country: Senior Chief Photographer’s Mate Mahlon K. Miller, the son of Jeannette and William Miller of Sierra Vista, AZ, was raided in Muncy and graduated from Muncy High School in 1981.
A mother bear and her three cubs have been seen frequently in the Clarkstown area lately. The mother bear is believed to be the one that injured Jamie Heller’s beagle last February. The dog had run into the bear and her cubs while it was hunting rabbits.
The “Pick of the Crop”, a new store offering produce, bulk foods, break, milk, soda, etc., opened at 100 Water STreet, Muncy, on June 20.
Muncy Bank and Trust Major Little League team won the regular season championship with a 2-1 playoff win over Young Industries on June 18.
Kristen Marie Daily of Somerville, NJ, daughter of Mr. and MRs. Scott Daily of Muncy, became the bride of Matthew John Williams of Morris Plains, NJ.
Died: Arthur O. Widell, Sr., 65, of Hughesville, died June 17; Louise E. Watson, 95, Montoursville, died June 24; Lloyd V. Treese, 67, of Montgomery, died June 19; Jennifer Hinds, Muncy, died June 21; John T. Wagner, 70, formerly of Muncy, died June 21; Donald H. Hill, 72, of Montgomery, died June 22.