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Peeks of the Past

By Staff | Feb 5, 2013

109 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, Feb. 4, 1904

Joseph Shaw, who has conducted a barber shop in this place for a number of years, has sold his shop in the Dundrum block to Desmond Reed, of Milton, who has taken charge.

Benjamin Renn, young son of Mr. and Mrs. S.D. Renn, while coasting on West Penn St., late Saturday afternoon, fell and a lead pencil which he was carrying in his overcoat pocket penetrated his hip for some distance. He was removed to his home, suffering much pain, but he is now much improved.

Born: To Mr. and Mrs. William Stolz, a daughter.

The cylinder head of the engine at the Muncy Manufacturing company’s plant blew out Tuesday but no one was injured. The fireman, George Mulligan, jumped through the window and thus escaped the steam.

100 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, Feb. 6, 1913

Several days ago four of Muncy’s best known old residents got together for a talk-fest. The Jolly four were John VanBuskirk, John Delaney, John McDaniels and John DeHass. The ages of the four Johns combined was 304 years, and the latter three are veterans of the Civil War.

Myron Colley of town, and Luther Unkle of Renovo, left Wednesday for Louisville, Ky., where they will be employed by the Louisville Railway.

Mrs. Bert Anderson, of South Main Street, narrowly escaped burning to death last Saturday morning, when the covers on the bed in which she was sleeping came in contact with a red-hot stove, Mr. Anderson having put on the drafts before leaving for his day’s work. She was terribly burned about he arms and face while putting out the blaze.

75 Years Ago

The Luminary

Thursday, Feb. 3, 1938

The death of Charles Budman, 68, Sunday night, at his home, was quite a shock to his many friends who saw him at work, as usual on Saturday.

Anna Louise Snyder, 17 year old high school student of Hughesville died Wednesday morning from injuries sustained in an automobile accident which occurred in the 3400 block of West Fourth street, Williamsport, early Monday morning.

Dewey Edkin of Eagles Mere and Hazel Allabach, of Muncy, were united in marriage Saturday.

Melvin O. Ryder, of Muncy Valley, and Marjorie Dezutter, of Williamsport were united in marriage Jan. 30.

Ad: Today We Announce a New “Lowest Priced” Car-New Hudson 112-Eaker’s Garage, Muncy

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

Jan. 24, 1963

The Sprout-Waldron Foundation has again shown interest in local projects by making a major contribution to the swimming pool campaign in the form of a pledge for $12,000.

Mr. and Mrs. Horace Edwards of Muncy will observe their 57th wedding anniversary on Sunday.

The engagement was announced of Kathleen Jagers to James Kennedy, Jr., of Muncy.

Word has been received of the death of Max Gobelman in Vienna, Austria, noted concert musician and husband of former Muncy resident Jean Schneider.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Allen Davis, Montgomery, a daughter, Jan. 17. Mother former Sharon Litwhiler; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hess of Muncy, a daughter, Jan. 18. Mother former Belva Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mingle, of Muncy, a son, Jan. 18. Mother former Janice Robbins; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bickel, Montgomery, a son, Jan. 20. Mother former Betty Fausey.

At the Ritz: Jerry Lewis “It’s Only Money”

Ad: The Muncy Rotary Club Presents “A Miss Universe Pageant”

10 years ago

The Luminary

Jan. 29, 2003

35 cents

Area resident serving our country: Navy Seaman Apprentice Hannah Hulien, daughter of Marjorie and Eric Hulien, of Hughesville and a 2000 graduate of Hughesville High School.

Jerri Racey, 42, Hughesville, was injured Jan. 21 on Rte. 220 when the truck he was driving for Fry’s Plastics of Pennsdale collided with a rig.

Stephanie Smith, 18, Montgomery, was listed in critical condition after the vehicle she was driving slammed into a tree along Rte. 54 on Jan. 23.

Muncy Bank and Trust recently welcomed Mr. Gary Peck to the Board of Directors.

Died: Ocie Fry Ryder Gardner, 84, Hughesville, died Jan. 22; Betty M. Robson, 77, a native of Montgomery, died Jan. 24

Ad: Introducing DLS Lite-Alltel