Peeks of the Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, April 7, 1904
A very pleasant party was given by Miss Lois Blakeslee Friday evening in honor of her birthday. The evening was pleasantly spent in games and music.
The spring term of the Lycoming County Normal School opened on Monday with 80 names on the roll, one of the very largest first week enrollments in the history of the school. Prof. Spotts is assisted by an able corps of instructors, and the term promises to be a most successful one.
A barn in the rear of the Trumbower Foundry belonging to W. A. Bruner and filled with straw belonging to John Tallman & Son, liverymen, took fire in some unaccountable manner about 1:30 o’clock Wednesday night and was totally destroyed.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
100 years ago
Thursday, April 10, 1913
William Weaver, of South Main Street, is going into the chicken business on a large scale. He has completed the erection of a chicken house 30 x 40 feet, and at the present time has several hundred eggs in an incubator. He intends to make a specialty of Rhode Island Reds.
Parcel Post Carrier Brady Snyder’s horse became frightened at a newspaper blowing toward him on Monday and ran from E. Penn street to Main where it was captured by Bud Gortner.
The T. Harold Boak Electrical company will open a store in Muncy about April 21 in the store room formerly occupied by Thomas Ritter, the jeweler.
75 Years Ago
The Luminary
Thursday, March 7, 1938
Headline: Winter Returns With 8-Inch Snow Fall
Professing that he did not know what he was doing, Richard Wharton, 30, of this place, made a verbal confession to State Motor Police that he had attacked Doris Rohm, 6-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Rohm, of Green Street, and cut her throat with a penknife, Sunday morning. The girl was not seriously injured. She was taken to a Picture Rocks physician for attention.
A garage and tool shed on the farm of Grover Secules, R.D. 3 was destroyed by fire Saturday afternoon, together with an old car and an extensive tool supply.
Died: Wesley Gray, aged 64, of South Main street, dropped dead at 1:10 p.m. today while at work on a W. P. A. Sewer Project near the Industrial Inhibitory’s plant; Miss Sara J. Sweely, 88, died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Virginia King, Sherman street Sunday morning; Alice Elder Bartlow, 61, wife of Hughesville jeweler, died at her home Sunday night.
Ad: Her Hair is Correctly Dressed for Easter-Carroll Beauty Solon, Muncy
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
March 21, 1963
Hughesville’s Keith Taylor, a scrappy 112-pound wrestler, won the coveted state title.
Muncy’s proposed new public swimming pool will be as modern as money and today’s engineers will permit according to the architect’s plans and drawings which are made public for the first time this week.
Keith Snyder, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Arwood Snyder, of near Muncy, will be one of 99 high school musicians taking part in the district orchestra this weekend.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. William Kramer, Millville, a daughter, March 14. Mother former Patsy Robbins; Mr.and Mrs. Calvin Wertz, Montgomery, a daughter, March 17. Mother former Virginia Barlett; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nataline, Hughesville, a daughter, March 18. Mother former Constance Czarnecki.
Died: Frances A. Kschinka, formerly of Muncy, died March 17; Clarence Karschner, Hughesville, died March 17; W R Long, 83, Montgomery, died March 15.
At the Ritz: “My Dog Buddy”
Ad: B & M Camp Trailers, Montgomery
25 Years Ago
The Luminary
March 30, 1988
30 cents
The cost of mailing a First Class letter will rise to 25-cents beginning April 3.
After 42 years affiliated with Vice Stein, Inc., in Muncy, Mrs. Erma G. Stein was surprised with a retirement party at Sonestown Country Inn on March 26.
Muncy Valley Hospital has named a Montgomery man as its Director of Outreach Services with responsibility for all activities of the hospital’s paramedic program, Charles T. Kindlemann, Jr.
Died: Delbert Walborn, 72, Muncy, formerly of Montgomery, died March 24; Marion Brong, 88m formerly of Hughesville, died March 25; Sherwood Carter, 86, formerly of Muncy, died March 25; Harry Sauers, Sr., 51, Montgomery, died March 24; Walter Little, 90, formerly of Muncy, died March 24; Beatrice Dudek, 69, formerly of Montgomery, died March 25.
At the Ritz: “Three Men and a Baby”
Ad: Now Open–Penn Hills Floor & Wall Covering
10 years ago
The Luminary
March 19, 2003
35 cents
Area Resident Dies for His Country: Sgt. John L. Eichenlaub, Jr., a 1997 graduate of Montgomery HIgh School was killed Tuesday, March 11, in an Army helicopter crash outside Fort Drum, N.Y.. Eichenlaub had served in the Army since September, 1997.
Muncy fans and cheerleaders traveled to Pottsville’s Martz Hall March 14 to support the varsity boy’s basketball teas as they vied with Bishop O’Reilly’s for the state PIAA quarter finals. The Muncy Indians ended the game with a 59-48 win.
Edna McBride, the oldest active member of the Muncy Business and Professional Women’s Club, was presented a basket of goodies on the occasion of her ninetieth birthday, March 15.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Layne Oden, Muncy, a daughter, March 3. The mother is the former Dolly Gardner; Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Bloom, Montgomery, a son, March 2. Mother former Noelle Boyd.
Deaths: Park Buckwater, 67, Watsontown, died March 12; Emma M. Rogers, 83, formerly of Hughesville, died March 14; Charles Day, 91, Muncy, died March 11; Floyd Metzger, 83, Pennsdale, died March 11.