Peeks of the Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
109 years ago
Thursday, June 23, 1904
J. Russel Smith has returned from a business trip to western cities, and he also took in the great World’s Fair at St. Louis. While away he was bitten on the left arm by a mosquito, and his arm was quite painful for some time.
Miss Sara Cunningham, of Danville, and Rev. Thomas Kerr, pastor of the Muncy Presbyterian Church, were married last Thursday evening in Danville.
James Wagner, who is employed at the residence being erected by W.A. Greiner, corner of Market and High Streets, fell from a scaffolding Monday evening, and while not seriously hurt was badly bruised.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
100 years ago
Thursday, June 26, 1913
Mr. and Mrs. G. Stanley Metzger have returned from a wedding trip to Delaware Water Gap. They will go to their new home near Montgomery.
Green’s barn caught fire from the steam roller that is being used on the new state road, on Monday. Men with buckets of water succeeded in extinguishing the flames before serious damage was done.
W.A. Petrikin has had a new concrete walk laid on the south and east sides of his coal yard, a distance of 300 feet.
75 Years Ago
The Luminary
75 years ago
Thursday, June 23, 1938
For the fourth year Adjutant Mary E. Mason has returned to Muncy to conduct the annual Salvation Army Campaign in the three towns of Muncy, Montgomery and Hughesville.
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Rankin on June 20th celebrated their golden wedding anniversary entertaining a large number of friends.
The Heyman Herr building which houses Mrs. Herr’s clothing store and the A & P Tea store has been given a new coat of paint.
The Jubilee Society of the M. E. Church will hold a lawn festival on the ground adjoining the church on July 2.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Fred McCarty, at the Muncy Valley Hospital, a son.
Died: Charles C. Ritter, 58, a lifelong resident of this place, died lat Thursday night at his home on West Penn street, after an illness of a few weeks; Thelma Reeder, 12, former resident of this place, died Friday night; Thomas J. Connor, age 71, of Montgomery, died Tuesday evening; Leona A. Clayton, age 54, died at her home last Friday; Amanda A. Lilley, 87, of South Market street, died Tuesday; Sarah Margaret Bickford, 88, died at her home in Lock Haven Thursday morning.
Ad: American Stores Co.-Best Pure Lard-2 lbs. 19 cents
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
May 16, 1963
A large majority of the 51,000 eligible voters in Lycoming county are expected to vote Tuesday.
Miss Doris Jean Geringer, a junior at Muncy High School, has been named winner of the $100 savings bond first prize in the essay contest sponsored by the West Branch Lodge 49 Fraternal Order of Police.
Troop 27 Brownies plan Fly-Up Ceremony next Monday, May 20, and will take a train ride to Lock Haven.
Mrs. Harold Poust was elected new president of the Hughesville unit of the Muncy Valley Hospital Auxiliary.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bryan and children, Picture Rocks, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Woomer of Cooperstown.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Russell Smith, Jr., a daughter, May 8. Mother former Charlotte Price; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Binder, Dushore, a son. Mother former Freda Snyder; Mr.and Mrs. Herman Richart, Muncy, a daughter, May 11. Mother former Evelyn Shultz; Mr. and Mrs. Diane Shultz, Laporte, a daughter, May 12. Mother former Helen Houseknecht; Mr. and Mrs. Corder Davis, Hughesville, a daughter, May 7. Mother former Katherine D’shea; Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart, Williamsport, a daughter, May 12. Mother former Myra Ann Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Wood, South Williamsport, a son, May 12. Mother former Rosalie Ann Sandison; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fisher, Lewisburg, a son, May 13. Mother former Janette Young.
Deaths: J. Henry Flock, Picture Rocks, died May 8; Almeda Vandine, 90, Lairdsville, died May 7; Helen Sherwood, Montgomery, died May 11; Anna Gardner, Muncy, died May 10; Bertha Myers, 59, Muncy, died May 13.
At the Ritz: “Diamond Head”
Ad: Headacres Dairy, Halls Station, announces First Soft Pretzel Bakery (Twisteroos)
25 years ago
The Luminary
May 25, 1988
30 cents
Over the wet and rainy weekend, boy scouts from Muncy, Picture Rocks, and Montoursville took the young Muncy cubs scouts on a camping trip to Fishers near Allenwood.
Gunsmoke days revisited was the theme of a recent Western beef sale at Lowe’s Super Duper in Clarkstown.
Mary C. Bennardi received a bachelor of science degree in biology/predentistry fro Saint Francis College on May 8 at the college’s commencement exercises.
Deb and Hugh MacDerment, of Muncy, were honored at a “good bye” party given by their neighbors on Shuttle Hill Road, May 19, at the home of Cathy and George Henry.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foust, Montgomery, a daughter, May 16. Mother former Deborah Leonard; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Francis, Muncy, a son, May 20. Mother former Tanya Harman.
At the Ritz: “Biloxi Blues”
Ad: Lady Luck Chimney Sweeps
10 years ago
The Luminary
May 7, 2003
35 cents
Area resident serving our country: Marine Gunny Sgt. Scott B. Gray, a 1988 graduate of Muncy High School; and Air Force Staff Sgt. Walter R. Gray, a 1991 graduate of Muncy High School.
Tim Stockdale Named Muncy Postmaster
Muncy High School juniors and seniors viewed the results of a mock car crash at the school, one day prior to the Jr./Sr. Prom.
Tiffany Puderbauch, of Unityville, is one of 10 athletes preparing for the first equestrian unit to represent Lycoming County in the upcoming Special Olympics.
Soldier’s Monument rededication will be held May 11 in the Muncy Cemetery.
Births: Sabrina Wirth and Kevin Burkhart, Montgomery, a son, April 17; Mr.and Mrs. Thomas Lorimer, Hughesville, a son, April 29. Mother former Cherri Feigles; Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Kurtz, Watsontown, a son, April 26. Mother former Michelle Cromley; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hoover, Watsontown, a daughter, April 24. Mother former Faith Koskey.
Died: H. Marshall Soars, Jr., 79, former Sprout-Waldron President, died May 4; Zoel Snow, 69, Montgomery, died May 4; Christine Swanson, 47, Montgomery, died April 28; Mary E. Sherwood, 87, Hughesville died April 30; Betty Gottschall, 77, formerly of Muncy, died April 28; Laura Houseknecht, 90, formerly of Hughesville, died April 29; Frances B. Bostic, 82, Unityville, died May 1; Sherry G. Blair, 47, Muncy, died May 1; Milton Fuoss, Jr., 70, Montgomery, died May 2;