Peeks of Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, Aug. 4, 1904
Roy C. Dimm and Miss Helen Knights, both of this place, were married at the Lutheran parsonage last evening.
David Bruch, aged 29, of this place, was admitted to the Williamsport hospital Saturday night, suffering from a peculiar disease, known as a bleeder, as the blood seeps through his skin.
A petition was presented before the local council at their meeting on Monday evening, praying for the opening of Sherman street, from West Penn to West Water street.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, Aug. 7, 1913
John Artley, George Winters, Mr. and Mrs. John Winters and son, of this place, and John Willits, of Williamsport, are on their annual camping expedition at the Stolz Island.
The marriage of Miss Isabella Renn, of Muncy, to Peter Lose, of Montoursville, occurred at the latter place Saturday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Taggart and children, of Savannah, Ga., arrived here yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Taggart will remain here for some time, while Mr. and Taggart left this afternoon for Clifton Springs.
Miss Hallie Harner, of Sunbury, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Plankenhorn, at their home east of town.
75 Years Ago
The Luminary
Thursday, July Aug. 4, 1938
L. Clyde Smith, President of Bank Co. Dies-Entire Borough Mourns Loss of Prominent Citizen, Head of Bank 24 years
An aeroplane beacon light has been erected on the old M.E. Reeder farm, near Chippewa, north of Muncy.
Miss Mary Bruch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bruch, was taken ill while at Camp Cedar Pines, on Pine Creek.
Miss Dorothy Dunlap, of this place, was married Saturday afternoon to Marvin Hartman of Muncy.
Died: Daniel Emanuel aged 85 years, formerly of this place, died at the Danville State Hospital; Charles G. Hewitt, 63, died at his home on Muncy R.D. 3, on Sunday morning after a short illness; John W. Crange, 80, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary Stead, Williamsport.
Ad: Listen In To The Weekly Milk Bulletin Station WGY Every Monday morning-An unusual program of interest to dairymen-Sponsored by Sheffield Farms
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
July 18, 1963
Hundreds Enjoy Pool on Opening Week-end
Muncy’s new swimming pool was opened last Friday amid the squeals of delight of nearly 200 area youngsters.
Three and one-half year old Marcia Myers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Myers, was killed Sunday when she darted into the path of an oncoming car in front of her home on East Penn street.
A new teacher in the Muncy Elementary school system, and a member of the Muncy High school faculty were married on June 29, when Miss Shirley Ann Gordon became the bride of Richard James Zukauckas.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. Gardner, Muncy, twin sons, July 9. Mother former Beverly Fry; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Michael, Muncy, a daughter, July 9. Mother former Marjorie Moore; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marks, Montgomery, a son, July 10. Mother former Ethel Eisenhower; Mr. and Mrs. Jay B. Gordner, Montgomery, a daughter, July 11. Mother former Naomi Myers; Mr.and Mrs. Charles Stroup, Muncy, a daughter, July 1. Mother former Frances Gamble; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Murray, Watsontown, a son, July 12. Mother former Norma Dentler; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berger, Montgomery, a son, July 14. Mother former Beverly Bender; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Bitler, Muncy, a daughter, July 13. Mother former Beverlie Sheets; Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Wertz, Montgomery, a son, July 15. Mother former Janet Grove; Mr.and MRs. Dale Clayton, Hughesville, a son, July 15. Mother former Patricia Myers; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Danley, Muncy, a son, July 15. Mother former Lela Dowling.
Deaths: John L. Van Horn, 78, native of Huntersville, died July 11; Nell Herman, 76, native of Picture Rocks, died July 13; Derr Swisher, 51, native of Hughesville, died July 8
At the Ritz: “Tammy and the Doctor” with Sandra Dee and Peter Fonda
Ad: Pennsdale Fireman’s Carnival
25 years ago
The Luminary
June 15, 1988
The 13th annual Arab El-Kebir Horse Show was held at the Lycoming County Fairgrounds Saturday and Sunday.
The Muncy Borough Police Department officially placed its new police cruiser into service on June 13 following a brief ceremony held at Fairfield Chevrolet.
Ralph C. Smith, of Muncy, was inducted into the Hughesville Academic Hall of Fame on May 28 at the Hughesville alumni Banquet.
Air National Guard Staff Sgt. Kevin Balliet graduated from the telephone central office switching equipment specialist course at Sheppard Technical Training Center.
Born: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. McCollin, Muncy, a daughter, June 4. Mother former Luanna Shaner; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kennedy, Montgomery, a son, June 10, Mother former Deborah S. Bennett; Mr. and Mrs. Scott Boerner, Muncy, a son, June 10. Mother former Stacy R. Cameron.
Died: Elizabeth D. Heilman, 78, Montoursville, died June 13; Susie A. Hunter, 76, Muncy, died June 9.
At the Ritz: “Man from Snowy River”
10 years ago
The Luminary
35 cents
June 4, 2003
Muncy Indians Baseball Team, District 4, Class A champions are now in play for the state championship. The team own the first round Monday evening at Bowman field.
Former Muncy resident Heinz Backhus, now living in Turbotviile, was recognized by local national American Youth Soccer Organization officials, volunteers, and players.
Storm chasers Richard Welsh and Jason Feigles of Hughesville and Dagan Culver of Clarkstown are members of a local volunteer group which serves as on-the-ground spotters for the National Weather Service.
A Parcheesi gameboard with Muncy ties dating back to 1880 surfaced at a Sotheby’s action in 1997.
Births: Jessica Lee Temple and Charles Loydell Hanks II of Hughesville announce the birth of a son, May 17; Ashley R. Holt and Michale K. Taylor of Muncy, a daughter, May 21; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Figels of Montgomery, a son, May 20; Jillian Guaratosky and Sherwood Peters Jr., of Muncy, a daughter, May 26.
Died: Hoyt Keiser, 84, Muncy, May 31; Arlene M. Backwell, 73, formerly of Hughesvillle, died June 1; Jason L. Temple, 21, MUncy, died May 27; Evelyn J. McClemons, 86, formerly of Lairdsville, died June 1; Glenn R. Faus, Sr., 82, of Hughesville, May 29; Alfred L. Le Clair, Sr., 75, Muncy, died May 30.