Peeks of the Past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, Aug. 11, 1904
Thorn D. Brewer and son, Edward, of Lock Haven, spent Thursday evening with this father, Jas. Brewer, on North Main Street.
George Green sustained a severe cut on the forehead Monday while chopping wood at his home on North Market Street.
While George Banzhaf and Myron Colley were driving down Main street last Thursday afternoon, in the Bakery wagon, the horse became frightened near the Muncy Valley HOtel, and started on a run down Main street, throwing young Colley out and badly bruising and cutting him about the face. The horse was caught in front of Sheridan’s Harness Shop on N. Main St., but the wagon was a complete wreck.
The Muncy Ginseng Company is progressing nicely and about 50,000 plants have been set out and are at different stages of growth.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, Aug. 14, 1913
Last week the grounds which have been under option by the playground commitee for the past year, were purchased. To avoid technical difficulties title was taken in the name of five trustees: Rev. A.R. DeWitt, Prof. S.B. Dunlap, Charles W. Harter, Stephen Soars and Thomas Wood.
Mary Hitesman, Eliza Rooker, Aaron Lilly, Mrs. Thomas Hess and George HItesman attended a birthday party given to George Flickinger at his home in Turbotville on Friday.
75 Years Ago
The Luminary
Thursday, Aug. 11, 1938
Richard Wharton, age 30 years, of this place, was given one year in jail by Judge Don M. Larrabee when he entered a plea of guilty to the charge of attacking a seven-year-old girl.
The Polly Prim Club held a ham and egg supper on WEdnesday evening to which the “men folks” were invited, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Mann.
Mrs. J.M. Boyle celebrated her 82nd birthday anniversary Sunday, Aug. 7th.
Concrete on the new road north of Muncy has been laid from the north end in to the Muncy Creek bridge.
Wedding Bells-John Francis Levenchuck, of Danville, and Miss Ruth Montgomery of Montoursville were married on Thursday evening.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Max Taylor, Wednesday morning, a son, who has been named Ronald Eugene.
Died: Matilda Hitesman, aged 69, died Tuesday evening at Danville; Boyd Brosius, aged 75, well known butcher, was found dead about 7 o’clock Sunday evening at his home on Washington street; G. Mifflin Taylor, aged 75, a lifelong resident of the valley died at his home near Tivoli Friday morning; Mrs. Amy A. Haines, aged 62, of Germantown and Pennsdale, died Sunday.
Ad: Daisy Fly Killer-Kill All Flies
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
July 26, 1963
Miss Grace Holzworth has received word she has been awarded the Alumni Assoc. scholarship to the Presbyterian Hospital School of Nursing.
The drill team of Roland Ritter Post 268 won its third straight state championship when it was declared winner in the annual competition las Friday night at the state Legion convention in Pittsburgh.
The First Methodist Church, of Muncy, was the setting for the recent marriage of Millicent Mae Barger, of Muncy and Daniel Richard Hill, of Montgomery.
Roger Boatman, of Phoenixville, spent a few days at the home of Mrs. George McClain.
Mrs. Otto Taylor entertained the members of the Get-Together club at her home on Tuesday.
Died: Dolos M. Bitler, 73, Clarkstown, died July 20; Tressa B. Thomas, 88, died July 17.
At the Ritz: Bob Hope in “Call Me Bwana”
Ad: The Country Corners, Halls Station
25 years ago
The Luminary
June 22, 1988
The Luminary/Buceye’s Tavern Bed did very well for their first year in the 1988 Bed Race, according to outside sources. Our bed came in seventh in overall time, out of a pack of 14 beds; second in originality; and third in raising the most money in pledges.
Miss Maria C. Guisewhite, Muncy, became the bride of Ronald E. Baker, Jr., Lewisburg, June 18.
Marine 1st Lt. Kenneth M. Singer, son of Kenneth and Marlene Singer of Hughesville, was designated a Naval Aviator.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Herb, Montgomery, a son, June 13. Mother former Fae L. Stout; Mr. and Mrs. William Kapp, Muncy, a son, June 15. Mother former Cindy J. Biddle; Mr.and Mrs. Dale Sones, Muncy, a son, June 19. Mother former Judy Ryder.
Died: Harold R. Soisson, 61, Hughesville, June 14; Jay S. Lowry, Muncy, died June 21.
At the Ritz: “Friday the 13th, Part VII”
Ad: Frantz Plumbing and Heating
10 years ago
The Luminary
35 cents
June 11, 2003
Area residents serving our country: Army Spec. Matthew R. Feigles is currently serving in Iraq in the cities of Baghdad and Mosul. Feigles, is a 2001 graduate of Watsontown Christian Academy.
Robert Ebner, the president of the Muncy School Board, presented a $2,000 check to Evelyn Derrick, president of the trustees of the Muncy PUblic Library. The library will use the money in purchase of books for Muncy students summer reading list.
On May 2 Karen Lynne Kurtz and Matthew Albert Gaydon were united in marriage in Frederick, Maryland.
Brian Blessing, son of Kitty and Ken Blessing of Muncy, completed a pavilion he and fellow scouts did near the R.J. Patrizio Pool in Muncy. Brian took on the project for his Eagle Scout service project.
Died: Robert W. Thompson, 84, formerly of Montgomery, June 5; Joseph J. Ross Jr., 55, formerly of Montgomery, June 4; Lewis S. Mull, 63, Muncy, died June 5; Eugene W. Shank, 88, Montgomery, June 6; James R. Buck, 75, Muncy, June 8; Harrison E. Russell, Allenwood, June 3; Olive K. Sones, 71, Muncy, June 4; Virginia L. Phillips, 49, Muncy, died June 6; Grace C. Wert, 85, Muncy, died June 7.