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Peeks of Past

By Staff | Aug 13, 2013

109 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, Sept. 15, 1904

A very pretty but quiet wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Smith Farr, in East Muncy, last evening, when her daughter, Miss Mary, was united in marriage to Morris Worthington, of Jersey Shore.

Harry Grange, of Philadelphia, son of Charles Grange of this place, was given knockout drops in that city last Saturday evening. His watch, a stud and $100 were stolen.

Mrs. Druscilla Hower had her face badly burned Saturday morning while attempting to light a fire by poring coal oil on some burning wood Raymond Bailey badly dislocated his left shoulder on Friday afternoon by falling from a trapeze.

100 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, Sept. 18, 1913

On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Waldron and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harter returned from Syracuse, N.Y. where they had been attending the New York State Fair. They made the trip in Mr. Waldron’s car in 12 12 hours.

Mrs. Mary Kurtz announces the marriage of her daughter, Della Rae, to Mr. John Faniot Shaffner on September 12th at Dillon, Montana.

On Saturday, Judge Whitehead appointed S.B. Derr tax collector, for Muncy borough, in place of Jacob Artley, who resigned immediately later his appointment.

75 Years Ago

The Luminary

Thursday, Sept. 15, 1938

Headline: Mural Depicting Rachel Silverthorn Legend Placed on Wall of Post Office Lobby Monday-Visitors to the post office this week have been highly impressed with the beautiful mural, which depicts the legend of Rachel Silverthorn, an historical event portraying the warning of settlers in Muncy valley of an impending Indian raid.

The marriage of Miss Lois Irene DeHaas to W. Ed. Wilhelm took place Friday morning in the newly furnished home of the young couple at 710 Market street.

Muncy Firemen Win First in Field Meet-Local Volunteer Firemen Capture $20 Prize at S. Williamsport Saturday afternoon.

Died: Margaret Wood Hill died Friday night in her sleep at her home in Williamsport; James Thompson Robb, 86, of Topeka, Kansas, the oldest son of Elizabeth and James Robb, and was born and raised in Muncy.

Ad: Fresh Oysters-On the truck or at the house on Montgomery road-W.M. Heiser

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

Aug. 29, 1963

Larue Shook, an employee of the Borough of Muncy for a number of years, has resigned, according to word form the borough office this week.

Two Muncy girls-Miss Sally Banzhaf and Miss Anne Gautsch will be graduated from the Harrisburg Polyclinic School of Nursing Sept. 5.

The 75th birthday of The First National Bank of Hughesville occurs on Sept. 1.

The Jones and Laughlin Steel company’s Wire Rope plant at Muncy will resume operations after completing the second of its two one-week holidays of the summer.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meserole are announcing the approaching marriage of their daughter, Sharon Eileen, to Larry S. Faus, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Faus, of Hughesville.

Births: Mr.and Mrs. Eugene Barnhart, Montgomery, a son, Aug. 20. Mother former Carolyn Clark; Mr. and Mrs. James Fount, Montgomery, a son, Aug. 21. Mother former Viola Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Phillip, Unityville, daughter, Aug. 24. Mother former Mary Bowersox; Mr.and Mrs. Herman Woodside, Hugehsville, a daughter, Aug. 24. Mother former Jacqueline Shaner; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Stackhouse, Unityville, daughter, Aug. 25. Mother former Donna Raup.

Deaths: Olive M. Swank, 62, died Tuesday, Aug. 27 after an illness of several months; Ida May Arthur, died Aug. 25, at the home of her daughter in Muncy. Her age was 91.

At the Ritz: “Donovan’s Reef” with John Wayne

Ad: Valley Cab Service-Muncy

25 Years Ago

The Luminary

Wednesday, Aug. 10, 1988

Miss Kellie Sue Stump, Muncy, became the bride of Thomas A. Stiadle, Jr., Montgomery, on Aug. 6.

Friends of Betty Lynn and Bill Bernhardt and children Bill, David and Emmalyn bid a sad farewell to them as they left for their new home in Kentucky.

A farewell party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Poff for their son, John, who leave Aug. 10 for Ft. Benning, GA.

Eric Mitcheltree of Muncy recently attended orientation session for incoming freshmen and transfer students at Clarion University of Pa.

Deaths: Charlotte K. Rager, 76, Muncy, died Aug. 5; Mable B. Corson, 98, formerly of Hughesville, died Aug. 5; Helen Calahan, 93, Muncy, Aug. 7; Richard E. Fenstermacher, 60, native of Watsontown, died Aug. 3; Larry D. Edwards, 37, Montgomery, died Aug. 7;

Births: Laura L. Goble and Shawn Harman, Montgomery, a son, Aug. 8; Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Fullerton, Montgomery, a son, Aug. 8. Mother former Jill Knouse; Kimberly S. Rupert, Hughesville, a daughter, Aug. 7.

At the Ritz: “Crocodile Dundee II”

Ad: William’s Grand-Decor, Hughesville

10 years ago

The Luminary

35 cents

July 23, 2003

The underground gas tank was removed last week from the Jake Akers Service Station on Water Street, Muncy, as a final step in the closing of the over 70 year-old business.

Trout Pond Park celebrated its 100th anniversary this month.

The Oliver Family, Micki, Gary and daughter Kacie, of Charles Road, lost a tree during a severe storm that sept through Muncy Monday.

An apartment fire left 10 people homeless and caused between $150,000 and $175,000 damage when it swept through a house owned by Scott Overdorf of Route 405 on July 15. State Police Fire Marshal Cap. David Dixon has ruled the blaze as arson.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. John Nixon, Hughesville, a son, July 11. Mother former MIchelle R. Opp; Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Pantoja, Montgomery, a daughter, July 16. Mother former Sarah Potter.

Deaths: Anna Mae Brown, 77, Unityville, died July 20; Charles L. Lupole, 78, Hughesville, July 20; William C. Young, Montgomery, died July 15.