Peeks of Past Sept. 5
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, Oct. 27, 1904
The Poust brothers, of this place, are engaged in building a handsome residence for ex-commissioner Harvey Smith, at Montgomery.
Charles Gatz, of Montoursville, R.D., last week delivered 100 bu. of fine hand picked apples in this place for shipment to Pittsburgh. The price was 22 1/2 cents per bushel.
For the last several nights the residents of the northern part of town have been terrorized by a “Woman in Black” who in most cases generally frightens women and children. Some of the nights the “woman” (?) will get a dose of lead or a knockout blow on the jaw, and “she” will then stop her foolishness.
John M. McDaniel, R.F.D. carrier of this place, has made himself a rural wagon which is of a very patriotic nature, as he has it painted red, white and blue.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, Oct. 30, 1913
Benjamin Renn, sergeant in the United States Army, stationed at Fort McIntosh, Texas, was honorably discharged and returned to his home here Saturday.
Charles Rickolt, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rickolt, who underwent an operation at the Williamsport Hospital Friday, for appendicitis is getting along nicely.
75 Years Ago
The Luminary
Thursday, Oct. 27, 1938
Headline: Two Fatalities on Wednesday Are Reported-Joseph Sherwood, Clarkstown; Thelma Cooper, Exchange, Killed; Two Men Hurt-Accident
Joseph Sherwood, age 67, of Clarkstown, suffered fatal injuries about 6:30 o’clock Wednesday evening, when struck by a truck operated by Dr. Edward C. Miller of Williamsport. Thelma Ruth Cooper, 6 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cooper, of Turbotville, R.D., was fatally injured about 4:15 o’clock Wednesday afternoon by a car operated by Ross Everhart, 18, of White Hall, a senior in the Turbotville High School.
Mrs. Jacob Sutliff spent yesterday in Hughesville visiting Mrs. Norman Wetherill.
Miss Fan wood and Miss Martha Taggart spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Wood at Harrisburg.
Died: Henry Robb Clark, died at the Lycoming County Home, Oct. 20th, after a lingering illness of more than three years; Thomas C. Tallman, 81, formerly of this place, died at the home of his son, Charles, Tuesday noon, after a short illness; Dr. Oscar Maul, dentist and former postmaster at Turbotville, died last Saturday at his home as the result of a heart attack suffered earlier in the day. He was about 60 years old.
Born: To Mr. and Mrs. Luray Swartz, on Monday, Oct. 17, a son; To Mr. and Mrs. William Remsnyder, of West Penn street, a son, Oct. 20.
Ad: Free 4 cups of Garfield Tea to show you the easy way to Keep Clean Inside-Garfield Tea Co.
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Oct. 3, 1963
The Borough of Muncy will receive a $1,739.47 in state liquid fuel tax refunds when the Commonwealth finishes 1962 payments this month which will reach a record high of $10.2 million.
Muncy’s own primitive Girl Scut camp, located on a beautiful hillside on the Patrizio property just south of town, was formally dedicated as “Camp Teddy” on Sept. 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sloan arrived home Friday from a week’s vacation trip through the New England states.
Miss Jessamine McMichael, well-known Muncy resident, suffered a fractured ankle in a fall at the Taggart home on Monday.
Mrs. Alta McClain was hostess recently to the Fellowship Bible class at her home, with Mrs. J. Harvey Van Buskirk as assisting hostess.
Marine Captain Charles L. Daugherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Daugherty, Hughesville, is serving aboard the attack aircraft carrier USS Independence which recently visited Cannes, France, in the course of her current seven-month cruise with the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. George Weltlaufer, Williamsport, a son, Sept. 24. Mother former Helen Lovell; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Warren, Muncy, a son, Sept. 25. Mother former Alberta Reynolds; Mr. and Mrs. John Hose, Muncy, a son, Oct. 1. Mother former Pretta Kreamer.
Deaths: Charles N. Farnsworth, 80, Hughesville, died Sept. 26; Hazel R. Koch, 30, Montoursville, Oct. 1; Clarence H. Rathmell, of Muncy, died Sept. 25.
At the Ritz: Walt Disney’s film creation, “Summer Magic” with Haley Mills
Ad: George Odell-Typewriters, Adders, Duplicators-Sale Service Supplies
10 years ago
The Luminary
35 cents
Aug. 27, 2003
On Wednesday Earth and Mars will come close as they desire during a historical event that has captivated the attention of sky-watchers around the world.
Mr. David Houseknecht of Muncy, local chiropractor of 16 years, competed in the Roger-McFeely Sprint Triathlon Aug. 16 in Latrobe, PA.
Keith Solomon, for eight years, has raised Emus and sold products the birds provide.
Died: Blanche M. Woodside, 82, Hughesville and Unityville, Aug. 24; John C. Bird, Jr., 68, Montgomery, Aug. 24; Joshua N. Wright, 19, Muncy, Aug. 24; Robert S. Buck, 87, Hughesville, Aug. 21; Irene S. Migrath, 87, Hughesville, died Aug. 19; Grace I. Miller Rodgers, formerly of Muncy, died Aug. 19.