109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, Feb. 16, 1905
George Trump, while working at the Tidewater Pump Station, on Saturday, fell and dislocated his left elbow.
Mrs. Ellen Sprout took a party of friends and relatives to the home of Mrs. Enie Foster and Miss Lucy Sprout, at Picture Rocks, on Tuesday, where a most delightful day was spent.
Lamont Green has taken charge of the second grade school at Vallamont, formerly taught by Miss Belle Dudley, who resigned.
100 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, Feb. 12, 1914
Harry Corson has sold his cigar and Tobacco store on Main street to George Rager, of Port Penn, last Tuesday, and took possession at once.
George L. Painter will remodel the former Painter drug store and barber shop on Main street into dwelling apartments.
75 Years Ago
The Luminary
Thursday, Feb. 16, 1939
Carl D. Buck, New Cashier at Muncy Bank-Local Man, Former Bank Examiner and Bank Cashier Takes Position Effective Today
Mrs. Emma W. Frontz, wife of Edward E. Frontz, publisher of The Hughesville Mail, died at her home in Hughesville Tues. evening, Feb. 14, at the age of 74.
Mrs. Mary Grange, Muncy’s second oldest resident, is observing her 96th anniversary, today, receiving the visits of members of her family and friends.
Ad: Creomulsion for Coughs or Chest Colds
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Feb. 6, 1964
Dr. R.J. Patrizio was re-elected president of the Muncy Area Swimming Pool Association.
Wells Girton was appointed as borough street commissioner at the meeting of Muncy Borough Council.
Miss Carol Ann Burkhart, a senior at Muncy High School, has been selected as winner of the 17th annual “Voice of Democracy” competition.
Miss Sally Banzhaf, of Quarry Road, to wed Joseph LaRue.
Dave Brink, Hughesville, is spending a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brink.
Died: Vida McCutcheon, Hughesville native, died in her home recently in Bethlehem; Nora Kirkner, 93, Jamestown, N.Y., Jan. 30; Alvin Eddy, 76, White House Station, J.J., died of a heart attack.
At the Ritz: James Stewart and Sandra Dee in “Take Her, She’s Mine”
Ad: A&P-Boneless Round Steak and Roast-.75 lb.
25 years ago
The Luminary
30 cents
Jan. 25, 1989
Three Muncy students, Todd Barlett, Harry Fulton and Cindy Covert attended the 1989 inauguration ceremonies in Washington, D.C., last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Poust, Muncy, announce the engagement of their daughter, Amy B. Poust, Meadville, to Kevin T. Leddy, Altoona.
Announcement has been made of the engagement of Thomas T. Taber to Deborah A. Koch, both of Chicago.
Deaths: Donald B. Puderbach, 73, Muncy, Jan. 20; Elizabeth S. Bradley, 85, formerly of Unitvyille and Hughesville, died Jan. 23; Gordon G. Harding, 76, Montgomery, Jan. 22; Bertha E. Brinser, 79, Muncy, Jan. 21; Burmah E. Laurenson, 81, Muncy, Jan. 22; Mary; Emery Smith, 78, Montgomery, Jan. 18; Mary B. Hill, Muncy, 88, Jan. 23
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Phelps, Muncy, a daughter, Jan. 18. Mother former Kara Berry; Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wright, Muncy, a son, Jan. 20. Mother former Pamela Skriptchuick; Laura and Craig Johnson, Hughesville, a daughter, Jan. 19.
At the Ritz: “The Accused”
Ad: Simmons Radio & TV, Hughesville
10 years ago
The Luminary
35 cents
Feb. 4, 2004
Area resident serving our country: Josh Reeser, U.S. Navy, a 2003 graduate of Hughesville High School.
Teens take advance of Hughesville’s newest addition of an outdoor skating rink, located at Bodine Park.
Foundation cracks in the Montgomery apartment house owned by Magistrate C. Roger McRae, caused the tenant, son David, to evacuate on Feb. 1 for a period of time while joint teams from special Task Force 80 assembled 2 box cribs and installed joists to support the basement ceiling.
The Muncy Area Lions Club President Ed Herman presented a check to Scott Welch of His Wings Aviation Ministries during a presentation on Jan. 22.
Died: Ruth I. Bartlow, 93, Muncy, Jan. 30; Stephen L. Bunce, 57, Hughesville, Jan. 28.