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By Staff | May 8, 2014

109 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, May 11, 1905

Paul, a seven-year old son of Stanley Bryfogle, met with a painful accident Sunday. He fell and struck his right knee on a stone, cutting a long deep gash, which required several stitches to close.

Tuesday evening, george Trump of this place, landed a fine trout below the dam Muncy Creek, near the Braun mill, that measured 19 inches and dress 2 pounds.

Harry McCarty has painted a handsome sign on the front of C.H. Bubbs new Hardware store, West Water Street. Mr. Bubb’s store is now one of the finest in town, being also up-to-day with electric lights and telephone.

97 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, May 10, 1917

Married: at Baltimore, Md., on May 7, Miss Rebecca, daughter of Hon. and Mrs. Robert Reeder, and Clayton Banzhaf, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Banzhaf.

Based on the population of 80,000 people in Lycoming County, this county will send 400 men into the first American Army of 500,000, to be selected under the draft system.

The State Industrial Home for Women, which is now being constructed near Muncy, has been chosen by representatives of the State Department of health to be used as an emergency military hospital.

The Luminary

Thursday, May 11, 1939

3 cents

Headline: Gypies Rob Muncy Man of Large Sum of Money-A report in a Williamsport paper states that William Billhime, 47, of Muncy, R.D. 3 had reported to the police that a Gypsy fortune teller, operating at 101 E. Third Street, secured $806.20 from him in a “blessing” ceremony.

Harry Wood, a Muncy athlete, is a member of the Bucknell University track team.

Farmers of this vicinity will be permitted to learn of the many new and increasing advantages of soy bean growing, when they attend a meeting Monday evening to hear a talk on soy beans by Dr. Derk of Jersey Shore.

Engagement announced of Ruth O. Latimer, Muncy, to Dorrence R. Seibert, Hughesville.

Died: Clara E. Cox, Williamsport, died Friday afternoon on May 5; Phoebe C. Gohrs died at the home of her daughters on South Market Street Tuesday night after a long illness; Cora Jane Snyder, 69, Muncy, died Wednesday afternoon; Laura E. Bugbee, 82, died Sunday evening.

Ad: For boils-Gray’s Ointment-25 cents

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

May 7, 1964

10 cents

Weather permitting, the Muncy swimming pool will be opened for the 1964 season on Memorial weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moyer, Muncy, will mark 64th wedding anniversary on May 16.

May Day “queens” were selected last Friday in ceremonies at Muncy, Hughesville, and Montgomery. Miss Sherry Bennett is the 1964 Muncy queen; Miss Faye Ring, Montgomery queen; and Miss Shirley Confer, Hughesville queen.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cavaliere, Muncy, a daughter, April 29. Mother former Jeanne Radis; Mr. and Mrs. Max Burkhart, Muncy, a daughter, April 29. Mother former Ruth Padget; Mr.and Mrs. David Taylor, Montgomery, a son, April 29. Mother former Anna Moll; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartlow, Muncy, a son, April 29. Mother former Sandra Watts; Mr. and Mrs. Arlynn Price, Picture Rocks, a daughter, April 30. Mother former Mary Ellen Gray; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Poust, Unityville, a son, April 30. Mother former Ruth Temple; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Little, Picture Rocks, a son, May 1. Mother former Katherine Blumenstine; Mr. and Mrs. Jon Lawton, Millville, a son, May 2. Mother former Elaine Feigles; Mr.and Mrs. Berton Heinrich, Muncy Valley, a daughter, May 2. Mother former Beatrice Cox; Mr. and Mrs. Lester Knarr Jr., Muncy, a son, April 29. Mother former Jean McClintock; Mr.and Mrs. John Richart, Muncy, a daughter, April 29. Mother former Nancy McCarty.

A son to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Montgomery, Picture Rocks.

No deaths reported.

At the Ritz: Elvis Presley in “Kissin’ Cousins”

Ad: Realistic Prescription Waves-Hilda Benner

25 years ago

The Luminary

30 cents

May 3, 1989

$1.6 Million Building Program Planned by Muncy Valley Hospital

David Crawley, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Crawley, Hugheville, received his Eagle Scout Award.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Craig June, Muncy, a son, April 28. Mother former Helen Derr; Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ferguson, Muncy, a daughter, April 21. Mother former Donna Adams; Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hill, Muncy, a son, April 26. Mother former Ann U. Bardo; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brinser, Muncy, a son, April 27. Mother former Andrea L. Cope.

Died: James P. Guyer, 74, Hughesville, died April 28; Lula G. Wommer, 61, Unityville, died April 30; Gertrude E. Fisher, 83, Allenwood, died Aporil 28; Charles W. Rager, 77, Muncy, April 25.

At the Ritz: “The Accidental Tourist”