109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, May 18, 1905
Jacob Artley, of this place, acted as best man at the Strouse-Thomas wedding, in Hughesville, last Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McGowan and son were among the guests present.
A large force of workmen are busily engaged in excavating the cellar for the new Lutheran church at the corner of Main and Penn Streets.
Company I.N.G.P. will decorate the grave of Private Eugene Flack, in the Muncy Cemetery, on Memorial Day. Private Flack died from an attack of typhoid fever, contracted while on guard duty several years ago.
97 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, May 17, 1917
Muncy will be represented in the Lycoming County Baseball League this summer.
The many friends of Benjamin Renn, of this place, a member of the U.S. Army, stationed at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont, will be pleased to learn he has been promoted to a captaincy. He is now drilling over 200 men.
A slight fire occurred at the Robinson Mfg. Company plant on Saturday afternoon.
The Luminary
Thursday, May 18, 1939
3 cents
Died: Aaron Murray, aged 78, Muncy, died at his home Sunday morning; Amelia M. Schodt, 79, died Monday morning after a lingering illness.
George Burgett 64, Muncy, suffered a fractured leg and contusions Saturday morning when his foot was caught between the teeth of a arrow and he was dragged across a plowed field by the team of horses.
Postmaster Sedam is doing some extensive painting and repairing at his home on Sherman Street.
Ad: A great bargain-Vesper Tea-Pure Orange Pekoe-50 cups for 10 cents
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
May 14, 1964
10 cents
John Miller gets scholarship to Lehigh University. Miller has one of the highest rankings at Muncy High School.
Franklin & Marshall college awarded D. Robert Detrick a scholarship. Detrick is one of the top scholars at Muncy high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tallman of Montgomery, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Pardoe were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pardoe and Robert C. at Vincentown, N.J.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moser, McEwensville, a son, May 2. Mother former Glenda Fisher; Mr. and Mrs. John Myers, Muncy, a son, May 7. Mother former Jean Jacobs; Mr.and Mr. Lewis Pearson, Hughesville, a daughter, May 8. Mother former Kay Simpson; Mr.and Mr. Harry White, Hughesville, a daughter, May 8. Mother former Lena Koch; Mr.and Mrs. Irvin Houseknecht, Hughesville a daughter, May 12. Mother former Lorna Harmon; A son born to Dr. and Mrs. Casimir Gieniec has been named Jeffrey Lee. Mother former Nancy Hall. Miss Hazel Magie of Picture Rocks who was overcome by coal gas at her home and removed by ambulance to Muncy Valley hospital, is improved.
Died: Mertie Bigger, 79, Muncy, May 11; Paul C. Nunn, 64, Hughesville, May 4; Elmer I. Kuhns, Montgomery, May 4; Mary Andrews, 69, Muncy, May 6; Althea Crawford, 86, Hughesville native, April 27; Luther Stonesifer, 71, Montoursville, May 7; Charles H. Sones, 75, Hughesville, May 7; Clarence Schooley, 79, Muncy, May 11; Vida W. Rogers, 63, Muncy, May 12.
At the Ritz: “Man’s Favorite Sport”
Ad: Grand Opening 1964 season-Trout Pond Park
25 years ago
The Luminary
30 cents
May 10, 1989
At the May 2 Muncy Borough Council meeting, four members voted against extending Market Street into Muncy Creek Township even though council president T. George Griggs stated he was “not in favor of building a fence around the town.”
Montgomery elementary students selected for “All Star Sing” are Donald Gordner, Joshua Childs, Stephanie Peters, and Kelly Engel.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. David McHenry, Hughesville, a son, May 3. Mother former Kimberly A. Dieter; Mr. and MRs. Kenneth E. Drugatz, Muncy, a daughter, May 4. Mother former Beth Wolyniec; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Burkholder, Hughesville a son, May 4. Mother former Jodie R. Shaw.
Died: Max S. Temple, 64, Muncy, May 9; Eleanor B. Hill, 84, native of Picture Rocks, May 3; Harold C. Heddings, Sr., 63, Hughesville May 6.
At the Ritz: “The Rescuers”
Ad: Winters Variety Outlet, Muncy