109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, June 15, 1905
Robert McBride had the back of his right hand badly bruised while operating the planer at the Robinson Mfg. Co., on Saturday morning.
Martha Brewer, Viola Funston, Carrie Kahler, Louise Lloyd, Harry Baker, Lamont Beeber, Fred Bower and William Steck, have been in perfect attendance during the entire school year.
97 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, June 16, 1917
G.B.M. is preparing for a grand opening of his new store room on NOrth Main Street. He will also install a gasoline pump.
Word has been received by Mrs. T.B. Eaker, that her son, Arthur, is with the French Arm somewhere in France.
Russel Snyder, of Pennsdale, was probably fatally injured, and Miss Dorothy Sands, of the same place, was seriously cut by flying glass, when their six passenger touring car was wrecked Sunday evening at the Muncy Creek bridge north of Muncy.
The Luminary
Thursday, June 15, 1939
3 cents
Mr. Leonard College entertained twenty people Wednesday afternoon at his STudio on WEst Water Street, who came to view the large mural painted by Draper Williams local art student.
Over 6,000 people visited the Williamsport Airport Sunday afternoon, in spite of threatening rain, to witness the first district model airplane meet sponsored by the Williamsport Exchange Club.
Died: Fannie M. Trumbower, of Philadelphia, formerly of Muncy, died early Tuesday at the home off her sister, Mrs. A.P. Taylor, her only survivor. She was 83 years old.
Charles Stroup, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stroup, district title holder in marble shooting, made a fine showing in the State Marble Shooting Championship Tournament in Reading.
Ad: Thanks for a Happy Stomach! Arlot Tablets
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
June 11, 1964
10 cents
Donald (Boney) Miller, chief custodian at the Muncy high school plant, has resigned his position, and will accept a similar position at the State Correctional Institute in Muncy.
‘Storyland With Flowers’ is the theme for the annual Muncy Garden Club Flower Show on June 18.
Births: Area relatives have received word of the birth of a daughter to Second Lt. and Mrs. Richard Bardo in Miss., on June 3; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Laidacker, Muncy, daughter, June 4. Mother former Joanne Cipriani; Rev. and Mrs. Robert Plant, Picture Rocks, a son, June 4. Mother former Thelma Laurenson; Mr. and Mrs. James Newman, Turbotville, a daughter, June 5. Mother former Linda Snyder; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fry, Muncy, a daughter, June 6. Mother former Pauline Springer; Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harman, Montgomery, a daughter, June 8. Mother former Dorothy Wertz; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swisher, Jr., Hughesville, a daughter, June 9. Mother former Judy Chestnut.
Died: Charles B. Carey, 83, Muncy, June 9; Peter G. Lundy, 66, Hughesville, June 4; Harry O. Odell, 68, Hughesville, June 1.
At the Ritz: “South Pacific”
Ad: Shortcake-50 cents doz., Muncy Pastry
25 years ago
The Luminary
30 cents
June 7, 1989
1989 Valedictorians-Michael Parks: East Lycoming; Christine Attinger: Muncy; and Eric Shaffer: Montgomery.
Miss Jane Stugart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stugart, Muncy, became the bride of Gerald L. Otterbein, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Otterbein, Williamsport.
A memorial day picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kirkner, of Muncy.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bower, Hughesville, a son, May 27. Mother former Mary Snyder.
Died: Velma A. Smith, 77, formerly of Hughesville, died May 30; Selma B. Buck, 91, Montgomery, June 1; Maurice E. Trick, 38, Williamsport, May 30; Miriam H. Claster, 88, formerly of Muncy, June 2; Cleo M. Bull, 90, formerly of Hughesville, June 3; Frank M. Fisher, also known as Lil Wertman, 80, formerly of Montgomery, June 4; John A. Howell, 82, Muncy, June 5.
At the Ritz: “Dream Team”