109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, June 22, 1905
Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.H. Bubb, died at her home on Market Street Saturday afternoon, aged 16 years.
Plans are now under consideration for the organization for a fast independent baseball team to represent Muncy this season.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Heller at their home on Market Street on Tuesday who has been named Fanny.
97 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, June 12, 1917
One of the social events of the season was the marriage of Miss Hazel Beeber, of this place, to Dr. Ralph M. Tyson, of Montgomery.
Died: Samuel H. Dice, son-in-law of MR. and MRs. Oliver C. Brass, of this place, ,died at his home in Jersey Shore on Friday. A half holiday was observed at the New York Central shops, where the deceased had been employed, and the N.Y.C. Band headed the funeral procession.
The War Department has contacted the entire output of the Brua Keefer Mfg. Company, makers of band instruments in Williamsport for the balance of the year.
Nearly one thousand loaves of bread were sold by Maggs’ Grocery yesterday, the profits of which went to Muncy Chapter Red Cross.
The Luminary
Thursday, June 22, 1939
3 cents
A noon wedding took place Saturday when Miss Blanche Daugherty, of Market Street, Muncy, became the bride of Dr. William P. Stewart of Philadelphia.
Announcement was made of the engagement of Marian Houseknecht, Hughesville, to Max Murray, of Muncy.
Announcement made of the marriage on June 6 of Miss Sara June Miller, of Muncy, R.D. 3, and Harry Hoffman, also of Muncy R.D. 3.
A truck and cargo of antique furniture it was carrying were damaged to the extent of $625 when fire broke out on the vehicle at 6:50 o’clock Thursday night on Route 15, south of Muncy.
Died: Mrs. Harley Reynolds, aged 41, Muncy, died last Thursday morning at 11:50 o’clock; Mrs. Lowell W. Bartlow was called to Washington, D.C. , her son Wm. L. Gregory, who was statistician at Aviation Department, Bolling Field, died at the Walter Reed Hospital June 14.
Ad: Madam Wells-Character Life Reading-located between Hughesville and Muncy-Special One Dollar Reading 50 cents
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
June 18, 1964
10 cents
Announcement is being made of the approaching marriage of Miss Bessie Jane Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Johnson, of near Muncy, and Richard William Cotner, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cotner, also of near Muncy.
Miss Mary Detrick, of Muncy, was married to Harry Ruddy, of New York, on June 13.
Miss Barbara Hinkle, of near Montgomery and Richard Rhone, of Muncy, exchanged nuptials on June 14.
Miss Judy Houseknecht of Hughesville, became the bride of Marlin Bitler, also of Picture Rocks, on June 13.
Miss Gloria Sprout, of Picture Rocks, became the bride of Airman 3c John R. Schwenck, of Muncy, on June 14.
Births: A son to Col. and Mrs. John D. Edmunds, of Fort Leonard Wood, on June 2. Mother former Jean Heyl; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Simpson, Jr., Muncy, a son, June 9. Mother former Ruth Reed; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Riddell, Montgomery, a son, June 11. Mother former Wanda Miller; Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy, Allenwood, a son, June 11. Mother former Marie Murray; Mr. and Mrs. Myron Watson, Muncy, a daughter, June 12. Mother former Helen Smith; Mr. and Mrs. charles Walter, Muncy, a son, June 15. Mother former Candace Worden.
Died: Carrie Houseknecht, Hughesville, died June 14; Fred H. Bordy, 80, Hughesville, June 10; Thelma D. Crawford, 64, Muncy, died June 12.
At the Ritz: “Mail Order Bride”
Ad: Men’s Bermuda shorts from $3.98-Paul’s, Muncy
25 years ago
The Luminary
30 cents
June 14, 1989
Mary Ellen Waldron has been named Muncy High School’s Scholastic Hall of Fame 1989 inductee.
Engagement announced of Karin Swift, of New Jersey, to Bryan Schwenk, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Schwenk of Muncy.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Dean Shoemaker, Muncy, a daughter, June 9. Mother former Barbara Jo Conlon; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ward, Montgomery, a son, June 9. Mother former Cheryl L. Shuman; Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Yohn, Muncy, a daughter, June 4. Mother former Donna Smith; Laurie L. Farrar and Tracey Wilson, a son, June 8; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Andes, Muncy, a son, June 12. Mother former Regina G. Borgen.
Died: Joseph H. Edwards, 26, Muncy, June 11; Robert D. Parker, 64, Hughesville. June 12.
At the Ritz: “Pet Sematary”
Ad: Muncy Chief Hybrids, Inc.