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PEEKS OF PAST September 17

By Staff | Sep 16, 2014

The Muncy Luminary

129 years ago

Oct. 23, 1885

A memorial window to the memory of the late Rev. E. B. Raffensperger, D.D., will be placed in the Presbyterian church shortly.

The boys belonging to our fire company think MUncy borough ought to lay down a board walk on High street from Market street to the engine house, and also erect a street lamp in front of the building.

William A. Bruner’s new brick house on Washington street is about finished and they have been grading the lot during the past few days.

97 Years Ago

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, Oct. 25, 1917

In these days of high prices, when the producers seem to be money mad, it is interest to note that forty years ago milk was sold and delivered in Muncy at three cents a quart-and the dealer remarked that at that price he had a profit. At the present time milk is retailing at ten cents per quart, and the dealers are ready at any instant to boost the price again-on an pretext that will add a cent. And the milk in 1877 was of a better quality, no doubt, than that served in this year of war, 1917.

Erma Pursel, aged 10 years, of Watsontown, was instantly killed at the Seventh street crossing of the Pennsylvania railroad at Watsontown Sunday evening.

Died: Harris A. Spotts, Esq., Lycoming County, died Sunday morning; Joseph S. Pfleegor, Montandon, last Wednesday night.

Ad: Wheatless Meals! Try Post Toasties-Best Corn Flakes Ever!

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

Sept. 17, 1964

10 cents

Headline: 5 Bands, 23 Floats to March in Parade Here for the Annual Elementary PTA Fair on Friday

The Borough of Muncy on Monday was high bidder-at a price of $1,075 for the Mohr property on North Main Street, Muncy, and if the sale is eventually finalized, Muncy may be on its way to creating a park and recreational area for that section of the community.

Wedding Sept. 12 unites Miss Gail Bryfogle and Richard C. Bentz.

Engagement announced of Miss Linda Artley to A/1c Mahlon D. Sweighart, of Reinholds, Pa.

Miss Carol Kepner becomes engaged to William W. Brooke, of Muncy.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Starr, Muncy, a son, Sept. 12. Mother former Rose Comstock; Mr.and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Allenwood, a daughter, Sept. 13. Mother former Reba Derr; Mr.and Mrs. Dale Sheets, Picture Rocks, a daughter, Sept. 14. Mother former Leota Lynn; Mr.and Mrs. John M. Billhime, Muncy, a daughter, Sept. 9. Mother former Kathleen Whalen.

Died: Anna Budd Brelsford, 80, Muncy, Sept. 12; Elmer Smith, 96, Hughesville, Sept. 12. Ralph G. Winegardner, former Muncy resident, Sept. 10.

Ad: Stein’s Service

25 years ago

The Luminary

30 cents

Sept. 6, 1989

The newest addition to The Luminary staff is Mary Goodwillie, of Muncy.

The Rev. Kevin J. Cassidy recently accept the pastorate of the Grace Baptist Church in Muncy.

Work has begun on the road which will connect South Market Street and Mussers Lane. A housing development is planned for this area near the First United Methodist Church in Muncy.

Births: Robin R. Beaghley, Montgomery a daughter, Sept. 4; Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Golder, Unityville, a son, Sept. 3. Mother former Tami C. Brown; Barbara E. Bowersox, Montgomery, a son, Sept. 2; Mr. and Mrs. James Prokop, a daughter, Sept. 4. Mother former Tracy Hummel; Mr.and Mrs. Steven Harer, Montgomery, a daughter, Sept. 2. Mother former Crystal D. Kerwell; Mr. and Mrs. Roland J. Liverman, Sr., Montgomery, a daughter, Aug. 30. Mother former Nona R. Suggs; Michelle and Charles Reynolds, Montgomery, a daughter, Aug. 27; Mr.and Mrs Paul Snyder, Muncy, a daughter, Sept. 1. Mother former JoAnn C. Bay.

Died: Timothy W. Temple, 42, a Muncy native, Aug. 30; Helen A. Lowe, 76, Muncy, Aug. 31; Lillian Mae Bly Cochrane, 65, a Muncy native, Aug. 21; Mary Ryan Nunn, 87, Hughesville, Aug. 29; Leo H. Lorson, 40, Williamsport, Aug. 30; Dorwood K. Houseknecht, 69, Hughesville, Aug. 30.

At the Ritz: “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade”