PEEKS OF PAST September 24
The Muncy Luminary
143 years ago
Friday, Nov. 2, 1877
Butter is selling in the Muncy markets at 20 cent per pound.
The watch shop of L. Garman was entered by burglars last Tuesday night and $75 worth of watches and Jewelry was stolen. Entrance was effected through a rear window.
The Muncy Luminary
129 years ago
Oct. 30, 1885
Died: In Muncy borough, Oct. 22, Bruce, son of E.B. Hall, aged 9 years.
Mr. A.P. Taylor, left on Monday for New York state to go get a carload of winter apples.
There are 170 men at work on the upper end of the W. & N.B. R.R. and they average ten rods a day. The road is now completed within a few miles of Laporte.
97 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Thursday, Nov. 8, 1917
Walter Diltz, of Lairdsville, is in the Williamsport city hospital suffering from wounds, the result of a gunning accident near his home on Friday afternoon. He was accidentally shot by Ralph Reed, his hunting companion.
Died: William Brown Smith died at his residence on West Penn St., yesterday morning, after an illness of several months, aged 80 years, 4 months, and 16 days; Mrs. Charlotte Green BAcon, a former Muncy resident, passed away Oct. 18 on the 34th anniversary of her marriage; Word has been received her of the death of Ehrman C. Dykins, at the National Soldiers’ Home, at Leavenworth, Kas., aged 69 years. The deceased was a son of the late John S. Dykins. During the Civil war he was a member of the Seventh Pennsylvania Cavalry; Mrs. Mary E. Barker died, near town, died Sunday, aged 69 years , 11 months, and 21 days.
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Sept. 24, 1964
10 cents
Headline: J&L Rejects Sale of Muncy Plant
A reception in the social hall followed the marriage on Saturday of Miss Sandra ann Sedam and Steven B. Collier at St. Andrew Lutheran Church.
Speaker for the 18th annual reunion of the Muncy Normal School will be Dr. Thomas J.S. Heim, a native Lycoming countian who taught at the Normal School from 1921-1924.
Terry Bryan, with the Navy Air Force at San Diego, visited at the homes of his grand parents, Mrs. Edith Bryan and George W. Sypher.
Died: Harriet Magargle, 85, Sept. 18; Margaret E. Hoch, 57, Hughesville, died Sept. 15; Jack W. Harris, 38, Muncy, Sept. 22.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lee, Muncy, a daughter, Sept. 16. Mother former Mary Defosses; Mr.and Mrs. Irvin Woodley, Muncy, a daughter, Sept. 16. Mother former Sharon Sones; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rowe, Montgomery, a daughter, Sept. 16. Mother former Peggy Triplett; Mr.and Mrs. Marvin Bixler, Muncy, a son, Sept. 17. Mother former Donna Wolfe; Mr.and Mrs. Milerd Temple, Muncy, son, Sept. 7. Mother former Lottie Stackhouse; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Seig, Montgomery, son, Sept. 17. Mother former Charlotte George; Mr.and Mrs. Walter Hoagland, Muncy, daughter, Sept. 18. Mother former Dorothy Vermuellen; Mr.and Mrs. Frederick Fogleman, Jr., Muncy, son, Sept. 18. Mother former Joyce Hessler; Mr. and Mrs. David Dincher, Muncy, son, Sept. 20. Mother former Barbara Barto; Mr.and Mrs. Preston Bieber, Watsontown, son, Sept. 21. Mother former Thelma Ranck; Mr.and Mrs. Ivan Gardner, Muncy, son, Sept. 21. Mother former Donna Levan; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Millheim, Muncy, son, Sept. 18. Mother former Rebecca Fausey; Mr.and Mrs. Fred Hunter, Hughesville, daughter Sept. 16. Mother former Ruby Courson; Mr.and Mrs. Williams McCarty, Muncy, daughter, Sept. 13. Mother former Florence Story; Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Reeder, Muncy, son, Sept. 9. Mother former Sandra Ann Feigles.
Ad: Hurr’s Ice Cream Special-Peanut Butter Ripple 89 cents half-gallon