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PEEKS OF PAST Jan. 21, 2015

By Staff | Jan 20, 2015

The Muncy Luminary

Friday, Feb. 12, 1886

129 years ago

The town council at their last meeting passed a resolution to macadamize Water street between Main and Washington, and between Main and Market.

Died: In this borough, on the 4th inst., Mrs. Samuel Edwards, aged 834 years.

At the fire at George Roberts’ house last week the boys of the Keystone Hook and Ladder company rendered good service. As a token of their promptness town council Monday evening donated them the sum of $20, and the money has been paid over.

Waldron & Sprout’s new grinding mills are getting a big reputation.

The Muncy Luminary

Friday, Feb. 15, 1878

137 years ago

The Muncy Valley House, under the management of MR. Ford, is doing an excellent business and is very well kept.

Geo. McCarty, Joseph Crouse, Thomas Clapp, Jos. Reibsam and Isaac Bruner have been drawn as jurors for the March term of court.

Williamsport would like to have the new penitentiary located in that city.

Messrs. Lebo and Blue have completed heir log job in Centre county and are impatiently waiting the necessary flood to drive the logs in.

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, Feb. 14, 1918

Price 2 cents

97 years ago

Street Commissioner Charles Berger has been doing a good job by removing the ice and snow from the gutters, making an excellent channel for the water to pass off.

Died: Mrs. Margaret Carter, of this place, died at her home at Lyon’s Mill on Tuesday evening, aged 78 years; Miss Sarah Amanda Ray died at the home of her niece at Hagerstown, Md, on Sunday Morning, Feb. 10, aged 68 years; Mrs. Mary C. West, died Saturday evening, aged 50 years.

Ad: Public Mass Meeting to Discuss and Explain Food Control Rules and Need for Food Conservation-Opera House, Muncy

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

Jan. 21, 1965

10 cents

Fred Snodgrass, who left here about 30 years ago, is back in town, having accepted a position with Sprout, Waldron and company.

Mrs. Ralph Dunn and Miss Shirley Ohnmeiss, Muncy, and Ms. Betty Stackhouse, of Hughesville, have received certificates of graduation under the practical nurses training program at Divine Providence hospital.

Clyde Kiess was renamed president, C.F. Stolz, secretary of Lycoming County Fair Board.

Engagement has been announced of Miss Carol Ann Hoover, to Sgt. Arthur R. Karge, of Picture Rocks.

Ad: The Marine Corps Builds Men! See your local U.S. Marine Recruiter

At the Ritz: “Rio Conchos”