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PEEKS OF PAST May 20, 2015

By Staff | May 20, 2015

The Muncy Luminary

Tuesday, May 30, 1865

150 years ago

The old Muncy foundry, owned by Gen. W.A. Petrikin and occupied by Joseph Schull, together with the office and pattern shop, were destroyed by fire about one o’clock Sunday morning. The fire originated in the foundry and had gained such headway that we believe nothing was saved but the finished work in and about the wood shop. The loss we presume to be about $5,000. Mr. Scull had insurance to the amount of $1,000, but the buildings were not insured.

Charles Pleasants, Esq., a much esteemed citizen of Sunbury, died last Wednesday at the home of his brother, Dr. Henry Pleasants, of Radnor, Pa.

A terrible accident resulting in the death of Mrs. McBride, in Mill Hall, Clinton county, a coal oil lamp exploding setting her dress afire. She tried to make her way to the creek nearby, but could not open the yard gate. She died the next day.

The Muncy Luminary

Thursday, May 27, 1915

100 years ago

The Hall mansion of Halls station, one of the oldest structures in the Susquehanna valley, is being remodeled extensively by Mrs. Robert Brock of Philadelphia.

Laverne Titus, aged 18, was drowned in the Susquehanna river on Sunday while out canoeing. Titus and Ralph Homan were in the latter’s canoe, which was upset in turning.

Married-Miss Rebecca Hazel Michael, of Clarkstown, became the bride of Lloyd C. Ellis, formerly of Exchange on May 15th.

Died: Emma M. Clark died at the family residence on Sherman street Sunday morning at eight o’clock, after a long illness, aged 44 years 5 months and 15 days; Abraham C. Latshaw, resident of this section, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Hess, near Hughesville, Monday morning. He was eighty-one years of age; Mrs. William Davis, resident of Black Hole Valley, was found dead in bed Friday morning at the home of her daughter; Clyde Poust, of Moreland, died Sunday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G.A. Poust of North Main street.

Ad: Allen’s Foot-Ease for the Troops

50 Years Ago

The Luminary

May 20, 1965

10 cents

The Muncy high school band won the trophy-first it was ever awarded-as the best unit in the Blossom Festival parade at Niagara Falls.

In a tragic weekend period of 24 hours, Muncy was plagued by the death on Saturday of six-year old Douglas Snyder when he was struck by a car; and by the death Sunday afternoon in a motorcycle accident of 52-year old George Cotner, who resided in Penncrest just east of Muncy.

Muncy high school gymnasts won five of eight events last Friday to win the invitational meet involving four schools held at the MHS gym. Miss Betty Lou Lowry will represent Muncy at Laurel Festival.

Announcement made of the engagement of Miss Diane Mae Slattery, Hughesville, to Ronald Wayne Hilner, of Pennsdale.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hessler, Muncy, a daughter, May 13. Mother former Loretta Reeder; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bryfogle, Jr., Muncy, a daughter, May 16. Mother former Barbara Morrow; Mr.and Mrs. George Hite, Montgomery, a son, May 12. Mother former Shirley Ditwiler; Mr.and Mrs. Willard Lore, Millville, a daughter, May 15. Mother former Louise McHenry; Mr.and Mrs. William Vognetz, Montgomery, a son, May 16. Mother former Carolyn Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Edwards, Muncy, a son, May 16. Mother former Sandra Eichenlaub; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, Montgomery, a son, May 17. Mother former Judy Black; Mr. and Mrs. Galen Ryder, Hughesville, a son, May 19. Mother former Mary Dirk.

At the Ritz: “Hush…Hush, Sweet Charlotte”

Ad: A&P- Instant Coffee 6 oz. jar-69 cents

The Luminary

Wednesday Morning, May 23, 1990

25 Years Ago

30 cents

Inez and John Kuhn of the Woodmen of the World, Lodge 717, Muncy, presented Mayor Anthony Rizzo an American flag to be displayed at the Muncy borough offices.

The Lady Spartans Track and Field team won the District 4 AA title.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ryder, Montgomery, a son, May 8. Mother former Melanie J. Fife; Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A. Ranck, Hughesville a daughter, May 18. Mother former Patricia J. Mull; Susan Hoffman and Terry Walburn, Hughesville, a daughter, May 14.

Last Thursday three Webelos from Pack 24 visited The Luminary office to learn how a newspaper is put together; Mark Thompson, Ben Joella and Miles Lyons,who, because of this visit, finished their communicator activity badge.

Montgomery’s Tami Kroft and Todd Sampsell advance to States-Kroft will compete in the javelin and discus while Sampsell will run the 800 meter.

Karen Ort, Muncy senior, and Vicki Eck, a junior, were crowned Queen and Princess respectively at Muncy High School prom.

Died: Kenneth E. Miller, 68, Montgomery, May 20; Grace E. Steele, 84, formerly of Muncy, May 19; Julius Deroy Fausey, 82, Muncy, May 18; Elsie J. Hicks, 63, Montgomery, May 20; Joseph B. Switzer, 88, Montgomery, May 15.