Peeks at the Past
Looking Backwards
June 20, 1874
Dr. Bear of Jersey Shore has sold to Jos. R. Dingler a blooded horse for $600.00.
Married-On Wednesday, the 17th, Walton to Miss Ida Van Buskirk , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Van Buskirk. On the same day, Lyman H. Oliver, Troy, to Miss Sade Walton, of this place.
June 15 and June 22, 1883
Robert M. Dykens, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D.B. Dykens, was killed at Reading Railroad station on Sunday during the frightful storm that passed over Muncy in the afternoon. The station was badly damaged as well as other buildings in that locality.
Peterman and Son’s hardware store was broken into again for the second time last Wednesday night, but nothing of value was taken.
The Third Annual Commencement of the Muncy High School was s held in the Education al Hall on Friday evening; the graduating class bing composed of the following: William M. Carson, Maurice DeLany, Helen Johnson, and Rollin Smith of this place, and Gertrude Henderson of Montgomery station and Guy Holecomb of Bradford County.
June 21, 1923
About Town: Lester Sedam and his Ford turned into Court Alley in Williamsport the other day when a policeman yelled at Lester saying: “:Don’t you know this is a one-way street?” “Well” said Lester, “I’m only going one way.”
Harry Swartz has purchased the property one-half mile east of Muncy from the Neval estate. We understand Mr. Swartz will engage in the chicken business.
The Luminary
June 25, 1953
70 years ago
Rufus C. (Bob) Mitchell, 59, a state leader in the VFW for many years and owner of the Fort Brady Hotel in Muncy, died at his suite in the hotel on Monday, June 22.
An old Muncy landmark, the creamery building at the extreme southern end of Washington street, to be razed.
The dial telephone service is moving nearer to reality.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Eichenlaub, Sonestown, son, June 20; A son to Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Hain, Montgomery, June 20; Mr. and Mrs. William Hill, Muncy, son, June 20; A son to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Laforme, Allenwood, June 22; Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Barto, Muncy, daughter, June 22.
Died: Henry W. Leech, 82, retired Muncy barber, died June 22.
At the Ritz: “The President’s Lady”
Ad: Ashkar’s, Hughesville
The Luminary
June 28, 1973
50 Years Ago
10 cents
Attractive 16-year old Raine Feigles of Hughesville, is the first “Miss Teen of Pennsylvania. She was crowned last Thursday on the campus of Thiel College.
Susan Stutzman, of Hughesville, was united in marriage with Dean A. Bussler, Hughesville, June 16.
Carol Bird, of Muncy and David L. Sayre, of Muncy were married on Friday, June 22.
Died: Lelia Lockspeiser, 53, Muncy, died unexpectedly, June 25; Albert Holdren, 86, formerly of Muncy, died June 5; Elsie R. Opp, 83, Sycamore Manor, June 15; Marian M. Hall, 41, Montgomery, June 23; Lester S. Newman, 75, Picture Rocks, June 23.
At the Ritz: “The Getaway”
Ad: Montgomery Mills
Compiled by Ruth Fry
The Hughesville Mail
100 Years Ago
June 21, 1923
The funeral of William M. Casselbury, who died last evening, will take place from the late residence on South Broad street, Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Interment will be made in Pleasant Hill cemetery. Mr. Casselbury was 65 years of age and is survived by his widow and a daughter, Mrs. Otis Mills, of Tivoli.
Miss Lillian O. Houck and Earl M. Barto, both of this place, were united in marriage last Thursday evening at the parsonage of St. Luke’s Lutheran church, Williamsport, by the pastor, Rev. W.H. Miller. The ring ceremony was used. They will reside in this place.
Miss Ivah Murl Kepner and Ellis Bruce Houseknecht, both of this place, were united in marriage Tuesday morning at the Evangelical parsonage by the pastor, Rev. M.A. Kennelly. They left on a motor trip to [New] York State.
Mrs. Matilda Bennett announced the engagement of her daughter, Hazel, to Roscoe Burrows, at a shower given Miss Bennett on Friday evening.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith on June 16, a son.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bigger, of DuBois, former residents of this place, a son.
There will be a festival at the Mt. Zion church Saturday evening, June 23.
The Sunday School classes of Charles Houck and Charles Grittner will hike to Muncy hill Friday and return Saturday afternoon. All members of the classes are requested to be present at a meeting held this (Thursday) evening at the home of Charles Houck, on Water Street.
The Methodist Sunday School will observe Children’s Day, June 24th, at 7:30 P.M., by a cantata entitled, “Praise Waiteth Thee.” About sixty persons are taking part.
The carnival put on by the American Legion is meeting with great success. A very large crowd was present last evening enjoying the merry-go-round and the other games.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Hill are moving into their newly erected home on North Fourth street.
A personal plea from Alvin Owsley, national commander of the American Legion, to Henry Ford has resulted in hospitalization for 300 disabled war veterans of Michigan. Ford has agreed to throw open the doors of his big hospital in Detroit to every disabled ex-service man and woman in the state, following Commander Owsley’s statement of the hopeless fight the Michigan veterans were making because the government failed to simplify the formal procedure through which applicants for hospitalization are forced to go and which has resulted in long delay in obtaining relief for the war fighters. After hearing the Legion head’s appeal, Mr. Ford immediately instructed the superintendent of the Henry Ford hospital to receive at once any man [or woman] in need of hospital treatment who could produce proof of war service. The Ford hospital covers 20 acres in the heart of Detroit. It was used as United States general hospital No. 36 during and after the war. Editor’s Note, 2023: Ford Hospital, now known as Henry Ford Health System currently has 40 general Medical Centers and 7 Medical facilities, according to
Compiled by Shirley
Confer Boatman