Peeks at the Past
The Muncy Luminary
and Lycoming County Advertiser
Sept. 19, 1874
Married-At Muncy on the 17th Moses Bell and Hannah Bond, both of Muncy.
Edgar Sheffer, whose carriage shop was burned last week, has resumed business in East Muncy.
Daniel Ritter of East Munch has leased and will soon take possession of the Hepburn House in Williamsport.
Sept. 21, 1883
Married-on Sept. 15, Hon. W.D. Bacon, of Wisconsin, and Mrs. Clara N. Campbell, of Muncy; On Sept. 4 S. R. Hepburn and Nettie E. Ward, of Muncy.
Messrs. Waldron & Sprout are erecting a large manufactory on the bank of the canal. The plant will start up with a force of about 25 men and at the start hay forks and hay elevators will be manufactured.
100 years ago
Sept. 20, 1923
Thirty-three children received their second inoculation for the prevention of diphtheria at the clinic at the Y.W.C.A. club.
Births: To Mr. and Mrs. Russel Kahler, on Sept. 12, a daughter.
Deaths: Eldora Turner died Friday evening at the age of 116 years; Susan Haines died Tuesday at her home in Pennsdale.
The Luminary
Sept. 10, 1953
75 years ago
Rain Cuts Heat; Corn Crop Poor.
Buried under several feet of loose sand when a sewer ditch caved in, George Ackley, 50, of Mifflinburg, was asphyxiated Tuesday while work for the construction company on the new sewer project in Muncy.
Sprout-Waldron Buys Standard Strand Plant.
Engagement announced of Mary E. Kschinka, of Muncy, to Colin H. Frost.
Married were Nola C. Limber of New Jersey, to Harris G. Baysore, of Muncy, on Aug. 29.
Barbara Walter, ex-Muncy girl, was married on Aug. 29 to William J. Kingston.
Births: Mr.and Mrs. Aaron Benfer, Montgomery, daughter, Aug. 26; A son to Mr. and Mrs. LawrenceJohnson, Muncy, Aug. 26; A Mr. and Mrs. Willard Temple, Muncy, daughter, Aug. 26; A son to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wertz, Montgomery, a son, Sept. 3; Mr. andMrs.Merl Peterman, Muncy Valley, son, Sept. 2; A son to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Harmon, Muncy, Sept. 5; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bartlett, Montgomery, son, Sept. 6; A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burgett, Muncy, Sept. 7; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mincemoyer, Hughesville, son, Sept. 8.
Deaths: Madison E. Montgomery, 57 a former Hughesville resident, died Sept. 2.
At the Ritz: “Houdini”
Ad: Voneida’s Little Market on Broadway, Hughesville
The Luminary
Sept. 20, 1973
50 years ago
Oakley Spring named Muncy Postmaster.
Cora Leiser won best of show award in the annual flower show sponsored by the Muncy Garden Club.
Births: Mr. andMrs. Ronald Frey, Watsontown, daughter, Sept. 12; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aderhold, Hughesville, daughter, Sept. 15; Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Yarison, Linden, a daughter, Sept. 15.
Died: Hugh G. Stahl, 66, of Muncy, Sept. 14; Roscoe L. Reynolds, formerly of Muncy, died Sept. 13 at the age of 66; W. Ralph Lorah, formerly of Hughesville, died Sept. 13; Grace Stover, of Montgomery, Sept. 13; Mary Southworth, Hughesville, Sept. 15; Junior Harris, Montgomery, died Sept. 16; Teddy G. Hoback, 65, Muncy, Sept. 16; David Armstrong, 42, formerly Hughesville resident, died Sept. 15.
At the Ritz: “Live and Let Die”
Compiled by Ruth Fry
The Hughesville Mail
100 Year News
Sept. 13, 1923
Picture Rocks
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Bryan on Thursday, August 6, a daughter.
Clyde Campbell has returned from Eagles Mere, where he spent the summer.
School opened on September 4, with the largest enrollment the high school ever had.
Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Squires visited relatives in Sullivan and Bradford counties recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Confer and son, Joseph, of Philadelphia, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell.
Misses Klea Montague and Winifred Gumble left Monday for Mansfield, where they will attend the State Normal for the coming term.
R.M. Clark, the chairman of the Red Cross, will have solicitors canvass the town and give every citizen of Picture Rocks a chance to help the people in Japan.
Miss Celia Gray is confined to her home by rheumatism.
H.W. Bubb, who has been ill at his home on Main street, is much improved.
Miss Bernice Kahler has gone to State College to attend school this winter.
Mrs. Chester Boyer, who underwent an operation at the Williamsport hospital, is getting along nicely.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Maize, of Montoursville, a daughter. Mrs. Maize was formerly Miss Mahala Colley, of this place.
The Hit or Miss Gun club will hold a merchandise shoot at its traps below the fair grounds next Saturday, September 15, at which there will be six prizes awarded to the marksmen making the highest scores.
George Robison was at Blossburg Saturday afternoon to see his son, who was injured when struck by a motor truck near Blossburg last week. The lad is now at the Blossburg hospital.
Mr. Richard Fortran, pastor, will be ordained Monday evening at the Baptist church.
Compiled by Shirley Confer Boatman