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Peeks at the Past

By Staff | Nov 10, 2023

Saturday, Nov. 7, 1874

Deaths: At her residence in his borough, on the 4th inst. Mrs. Sophia Shoemaker, aged 74 years.

A meeting of citizens was held Wednesday to consider the question of introducing gas.

DeHass Brothers would building a hose cart to carry 800 feet of hose for $100.

Friday, Nov. 9, 1883

The railroad bridge over the canal at the Philadelphia and Reading station was destroyed by fire last Friday morning.

S.S. Burns, who has been clerking at Rankin;s Drug Store for several month, left town last week.

Married at the residence of the bride’s father, near Muncy, Wm. Painter and Miss Jane C. Montgomery, youngest daughter of Dr. Hugh Montgomery.

The Muncy

Luminary and

Lycoming County Advertiser

Nov. 8, 1923

Montgomery’s Toys- United Buyers’ Manufacturing Company Will Start Branch Plant There.

Born: to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Entz at the Muncy Valley hospital, a daughter.

The Luminary

Nov. 5, 1953

75 years ago

Womelsdorf, Hoffman Win School Board; Frey Wins.

Cynthia Guisewhite, Muncy polar patient, has been granted admittance to the national polio foundation at Warm Springs, Ga.,it was revealed tis week by the county chapter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.

Fires which broke out between Muncy and Montgomery along the east side of the Susquehanna river were reported under control late Wednesday.

Parking meters returns for the borough of Muncy were $465 in the month of October.

Elias Whitmoyer, of Unityville, and Miss Arlena Robbins, of Va., were married recently.

Doris J. Temple, of Muncy, will become the bride of Kenneth J. Dunlap, Muncy, on Nov. 7.

Shirley D. Stroup, of Muncy, will become the ride of Carl Ulmer, on Nov. 7.

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Noyes, of Williamsport, daughter, Oct. 23; A son to Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Shaner, Hughesville, Oct. .23; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beilhartz, Muncy, a son, Oct. 28; A son to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Yerg, Hughesville, Oct. 24; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. McCabe, Muncy, son, Oct. 28; A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller, Muncy, Oct. 30; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jarrett, Montgomery, son, Oct. 28; A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shaylor, Montoursville, Oct. 31; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Shaner, Hughesville, son, Nov. 1; A son to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bennett, Montgomery, Nov. 2; Mr. and Mrs. John Werner, Picture Rocks, son Nov. 3.

Deaths: Mary E. Waltman, Montgomery, Oct. 28; Emma Warner, formerly of Unityville, died Oct. 29; Clifford R. Warg, 63, died Nov. 4.

At the Ritz: “On Top of Old Smokey”

Ad: Fine Furs-Anson Hayes, Race Street

The Luminary

Nov. 15, 1973

50 years ago

Births: Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kirkendall at Picture Rocks, daughter, Nov. 7; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rager, Jr., Muncy, son, Nov. 11; Mr. and Mrs. Alden Oden, Hughesville, daughter, Nov. 12.

Spartans Upset BEN, 7-6, Crate W-B Title for Lewisburg.

Specialist Five Stanley Ohnmeiss, 20, of Muncy, participated with other American and allied troops in exercise Reforge V in Germany.

At the Ritz: “The Harrad Experiment”

Ad: Log Cabin Inn

Compiled by Ruth Fry


The Hughesville Mail

100 Years Ago

Nov. 8, 1923

The members of Trinity Lutheran church have been requested to take part in the movement throughout the county to furnish articles of all kinds for shipment to Germany, where the material will be distributed to the needy. A considerable amount of material has been left at Cletus Houck’s store where it its being received and taken care of until everybody has had an opportunity of sending articles of this kind to be included in the shipment. Out of style clothes in fairly good condition will be very acceptable. It is kindly requested that any one contributing to this cause include with their gift five cents in money for each pound of goods given to pay the transportation on the box.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corcoran and daughter, Frances, and Herbert Hockley were visitors in Williamsport on Saturday.

Edgar Scott returned home Tuesday from the Muncy Valley hospital, where he underwent an operation for appendicitis.

Mr. and Mrs. William Confer and family entertained about sixty-five friends from Hughesville and vicinity at their home in Moreland township Friday evening at a Hallowee’en social.

The Legion Auxiliary will hold their annual Armistice Day banquet Friday, Novemer 9th at 6:30 P.M., at the Legion Hall, at which time they will entertain all ex-service men and their wives, also all Civil and Spanish War Veterans and their wives.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Hall and children, Wayne, Louis and Adelle, and Miss Mary Hall, of Williamsport, motored here on Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schoch and Miss B. A. Ryneason.

As to Women’s High Heels

A London biologist is quoted as making the prediction that if women keep on wearing high heels they will find themselves eventually with only one toe, says the New York Herald. With the high heels now worn, he says, three toes are sufficient for walking; and as nature always gets rid of superfluous organs, it seems likely that in the course of time women’s toes wil be reduced to three, and perhaps later to two, or even one.

Compiled by Shirley

Confer Boatman
